Games that were sabotaged by their own publishers

Games that were sabotaged by their own publishers.

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Fuck it let's just make this an EA hate thread.

Titanfall 2 was sabotaged by everyone.
EA launched it in a terrible time
Respawn doesn't know how to fucking balance guns for shit
The community is concentrated tumor full of reddit-tier memes like droz & davis edits and fuccbois posting their asses all day long, not to mention reddit is the bulk of the playerbase, being one of the biggest clans in the game

I'm just waiting for respawn to stop pushing updates so i can finally wipe origin off my hard drive

but until then I'll keep coming back every week

Honestly I have no idea why they released this when they did.
Even if people didn't stick around for multiplayer, I feel like the near universal praise of the singleplayer campaign would have given it more sales had they not jammed it together with fucking battlefield.

>reddit is the bulk of the playerbase
At least /tfg/ is causing a constant stream of tears from them. Not to mention that we also won the first prized tf2 tournament with some straya cunt.



the multiplayer is deeply flawed, but it got great critical review, because no one played for long enough to realize it. The core mechanics do feel insanely good, but this shit just isn't for everyone.

>the multiplayer is deeply flawed

Get gud scrub.


>released like 1 week before battlefield 1, another ea published 1st person shooter with a stronger emphasis on online

The single player was so damn good. Game really left itself open for a sequel.

>the multiplayer is deeply flawed
Please, enlighten me about these DEEP flaws.
I'll tell you once more, I'm expecting multiple DEEP flaws, not some "that one gun kinda sucks and that one titan is really too strong" bullshit.

Prey had it worse

You're not wrong.

Devotion is still OP as fuck.

shame too, I really enjoyed it

Respawn published TF2?

Its their own fucking fault it released when it did. They set the date and did NOTHING when BF1 and IW's dates were revealed.

How did it get screwed over? I thought it was pretty gud.

EA published it. Also EA gets the final saying on release dates. Same week as Battlefield so it was doomed.

how good and active is this game

1500 players on a good time, or afternoon burger time.

Ps4 player here. Queue times are no longer than 30 secs. Hella fun and imo the most fun an fps has given me since battlefield 2142

>tfw /tfg/ is dead

Not that guy, but:

Dynamic equilibrium through the call-down system lends itself to short matches, but the game modes insist on long ones. This is demoralizing for the losing team and becomes boring for the winning team.

The balance between tools and other loadout items are poor. It's a race to Low Profile at the very least.

Maps tend to lack practical options in escape. No amount of mobility options are going to help you when you don't have any locations to break LOS.

TTK is frustratingly low for a game with high mobility.

Rodeo is irrelevant with the entertainingly low benefit to succeeding a battery grab.

AI troops have not been improved from the original, and remain just creeps for charge and bounty hunt.

Tools linking into player model could be justified as indicating your capability to the opponent for a more level combat, but a majority of designs lack good silhouettes.

Balancing is remarkably slow. This is understandable from the limitations of the console update scheme, but is not an excuse.

so titanfall 2 has a trial mode, the game is actually pretty fucking awesome???? why isn't it more popular, it's only $20 and the game seems pretty decent. if it was on steam i would definitely buy it

WB dropped the game in the exactly same day as MGS5 and created very little buzz around it

You answered a decent chunk of that question with that last sentence

the absolute worst thing is the netcode and servers. Even with a good connection - 30 ping raw - there are frequent ping spikes with rubber banding errors. I know it's not just me - my whole international stack would get the same errors at the same time. There is no limit to player ping, even 4000 is allowed. Often the low tick rate, combined with the fact that a lot of attacks have hitboxes way bigger than their visuals, makes close quarters combat unplayable. It's bad in titans and terrible in pilots, which have an auto-locking melee lunge that kills in a single hit. The lag compensation makes both players rocket around at like 600 miles per hour, according to the in game speedometer, which is hilarious to watch but not fun to play with. It removes all the fun from 3D melee combat, turning it from a fast-paced game of positioning into a total dice roll. Not to mention the typical network problems of getting killed behind cover.

Spawns are FUCKED. You can spawn as titan and get crushed by a reaper instantly.

The maps are bad and not designed with the mechanics in mind. The extreme example is Crash Site, but there are a lot of spots where Titans can not fight back against AT weapons because there isn't enough room to maneuver. The thunderbolt especially has a hitbox wider than some of Crash Site's lanes.

Maps are made to work with every mode, but end up unsuitable for a lot of them. The modes are badly designed, too. CTF is played on asymmetrical maps, but it's 5 caps to win and you switch sides after 3! THIS is the amount of fucks they give.

Just the opposite. I hate how the game is designed for scrubs from top to bottom. Think about it. The most powerful abilities are the ones that are insanely easy to use and/or take away the opportunity for counter-play. Unlike a well-designed FPS, like Quake, the best strat in TF2 pilots is to never interact with your opponent. You want to stunlock, blind, and spawn camp to whore out free kills.

why do you care what horrible bloatware DRM platform you play the game on?

The devs sabotaged themselves by making a deal with EA. Origin exists to serve EA titles, and only those thrive there, everything else is just fodder.

>spoilering battlefield 2142

For what purpose user? that game is generally agreed to be good


i use my steam account every day but i only use origin if i want to play an EA game.. as a result, i lost my origin accoount after battlefield 4 because i forgot my damn info.. never again

what the fuck

you are wrong faggot

>Released right between CoD and BF1
WeW, nobody saw that one coming.

R&C into the Nexus was released on ps3 the same week the ps4 came out

W101 came out like 3 days before GTA V

Rayman origins was originally a Wii u exclusive to be released in March that year, it was pushed back to November for simultaneous release on all consoles and it was the same day as assassin's Creed and another big ubi game. Some details might be wrong here

To be fair, it's almost impossible to find an apropriate windows between those two yearly franchises.

?? what

Right now is a perfect time.
Name one big AAA title that came out in the last two months.

they released within a couple weeks of each other, with titanfall smashed in the middle.

I get why something like Battleborn burned to the ground miserably, but why the fick did it happen to TF?
And TWICE at that. There really is no possible excuse for it, but I'm still at a loss for the actual explanation to it.

>I feel like the near universal praise of the singleplayer campaign would have given it more sales had they not jammed it together with fucking battlefield.
EA smelled weakness from Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. So their strategy was to throw everything they had at it no matter the cost to try and kill it dead.
It didn't work, of course so the only one almost getting killed by that was Titanfall 2.

normalfags think it's just call of duty or battlefield with robots

normalfags are not ready for it. they've never seen anything like it. remember that cuphead, of all things, became a controversy for being too hardcore.

I get it that it was probably not the IDEAL time, but do you understand how difficult it is to match these timings about releases?

The publisher can't just sit on top of a finished product like that. The costs will keep snowballing.
The production cycle, the hype curve and these days even the DLC plans are prepared so strictly in advance that you have not much control or choice over it outside of hoping for the best.

Just as an example, that's why Nintendo has been making such a big deal out of their recent efforts for having a more consistent calendary of releases and have supposedly been making preparations to achieve that long before the release of the console itself.

I'm absolutely atrocious at FPS games and I had so much fun on TF2 on launch month. it just died so quick i ended up leaving too


But I remember the hype before the first game being HUGE. Absolutely insane! They even had booths with multiple displays to simulate the titan cockpit at one E3 if I recall correctly.

That shit was supposed to be the CoD killer and had about as much hype surrounding it as fucking Watchdogs back in the day, although that one failed miserably for a whole other bundle of much more comprehensive reasons.

If the game was a piece of shit like Watchdogs or if the game was a gem that had slipped under the radar it would be easy to understand, but both games were pretty darn solid.
They even adressed the complaint about lack of single player. So what in the actual fuck went wrong?

>By their own publishers
Fallout: New Vegas.

>Offer bonus check if game gets 85 on metacritic
>Put yourself in charge of QA
>Game falls one point short due to bugs on release
Gee, wonder what could have happened there Bethesda.

It's good and you can still play perfectly fine here in Europe at least.
Last time I looked in the evening it had like 2000-2500 concurrents.

I think that even though it was marketed heavily, and is way cooler than COD will ever be, it has a niche appeal. It's too high concept, too unfamiliar, and more complex. It has a learning curve and traditional FPS strategies don't work - at least, not by themselves. The learning curve is nothing scary, but someone who's not used to it could get scared off. With the COD audience being mostly normies who barely play other games, it wasn't going to work out.

>They even adressed the complaint about lack of single player. So what in the actual fuck went wrong?
Games market is way oversaturated. You really need to dig deep to stay informed about everything. So most people only really notice the big titles anymore. The ones with multimillion dollar marketing campaigns going on and the ones that have a massive fucking hypetrain.
Battlefield 1 was so hyped, it drowned out pretty much anything else going on at the time, especially shooters. COD drones of course still bought COD and so you were left with only a handfull of people sick of Dice's casualized games and fans of Titanfall in general or people who bought more than one of these titles who really gave Titanfall a chance initially.
And with the market being as oversaturated as it is, if something doesn't hit it big at launch immediately, nobody is every going to come back and check it out again. Because there's tons of other shit coming out at every single moment. Stuff with huge marketing campaigns and stuff with hype out the fucking ass.
People just sort of forget that they might've been interested in something a few months back and just forget its existence.

will we meet him again in titanfall 3?

Okay, that makes sense about some AAAs ascending to a whole new level where they swallow all the attention arround them.
But here's the thing, Titanfall appeared to me as being every bit as big and prestigious as any other hyped AAA game, outside of those behemoths like Destiny, Battlefront and BF1, that quite frankly might as well add a fourth "A" there since they're on a whole other level.

But still, both TFs weren't some cool medum-sized project or some particularly polished indie. How didn't it at least keep itself afloat?

Hell, how would you even explain the success of something like Rainbow Six Siege in this context? It has AAA production values and marketing for sure, but not nearly as much as something like those other 3. In fact, it's much more similar in size and prestige as something like... well... Titalfall. If anything, people were even more skeptical that they'd desacrate even further the legacy of the Rainbow Six brand with Siege so it had a harder time proving its worth at the beginning.

This might make some sense.
Maybe it's the same with arena shooters where people simple do not want fast paced, movemente oriented shooters and people claiming there's a public for that are just a vocal minority of nostalgiafags that want the mass public to fund their fantasies.