>oil ocean
>lava reef
>stardust speedway
Who the fuck asked for these?
>no sonic 1 stages besides green hill
All of my why
>oil ocean
>lava reef
>stardust speedway
Who the fuck asked for these?
>no sonic 1 stages besides green hill
All of my why
Other urls found in this thread:
desu I don't think most of the remixes were better than the original stages, and the lack of starlight zone is a crime
Should of replaced Green Hill with Star Light and Oil Ocean with Mystic Cave.
>stardust speedway
I understand the first two, but isn't Stardust Speedway the most popular Sonic CD stage based on its music and Metal Sonic alone?
>Nobody asked for Stardust Speedway
Sounds like you've never spoken to a Sonic fan before my dude.
I don't agree with the first part, but the second idea has potential. It'd also fit better together with it being right next to Lava Reef.
There is data for Scrap Brain but it was well... scraped
Metallic Maddness is cooler anyway
>stardust speedway
What a shit level, awful boss too
I didn't like the fact that it reused levels at all.
Oil Ocean and Lava Reef zone are great, though speaking of Sonic 1 zones, Marble zone and Starlight zone should have been in.
marble is fucking trash to be honest
Why do people assume the game is done?
You thought the act transitions being missing was deliberate? It was, but not for the reasons you think. You don't know the team, whom are still on Sega's payroll.
The omissions are completely obvious. I'll give you a hint. Certain zones didn't make the cut as they required a lot more effort to be playable to the standard of the rest of the game.
213 days. Announcement soon after Forces launch
Fuck you Lava Reef is the best
It's not even one of the best zones in S3K.
user here.
Wasn't scrapped, was legacy content from the retro remake of StH, same as Hidden Palace zone, and a plethora of other sprites.
Sweet bait, my man.
>lava reef zone has a hugely epic boss battle with the death egg looming in the background, an encounter with knuckles and a platforming segment down a lava waterfall
>lava reef zone just ends with a boss fight hard boiled heavy #4 or something
Probably the biggest letdown in all of Mania.
What do you think the top 5 zones of S3K are?
The real injustice is green hill for the thousandth time, meanwhile they teased us with Angel Island in the intro.
should have been Palmtree Panic
Should have been something new.
Flying Battery
Sky Sanctuary
Launch Base
Lava Reef
Feel free to tell me how bad my opinion is. Won't make me change it though, sorry.
>Wanting ANY Sonic 1 stage
Starlight isn't interesting enough. Stardust Speedway is the iconic Metal Sonic stage and Oil Ocean is the 'le epic shitty stage that no one likes returns.'
>Disliking Lava Reef
This. OP is a fucking retard.
Stop using that term. Thanks
Your taste is okay but I still have to disagree about Lava Reef. Certainly Death Egg tops it.
Yup, teased. Why do you think that is?
Structure in Mania is broken up by the geography.
Flying and use of the ruby is the only way to switch locales.
Odd how the locations for all of the new Zones are so abundantly clear except for one. Press garden. Weird how after 4 act transitions, you go from the top of Flying Battery to the inside of a factory.
It's as though the reason that some acts don't have transitions is because they haven't yet been implemented.
Are you trying to imply DLC or what?
I never really cared too much for Death Egg. Mediocre bosses, some irritating gimmicks such as the never ending ring tube and the gravity switching.
Lava Reef has better bosses, music and is all around a more interesting zone, sorry man; opinion.
Would all the transitions be done then?
We currently lack one for
LRZ > MMZ (for sonic and tails)
Would a new zone fill all of these?
Who here 100% crew?
Get some backbone, retard.
actually i really liked oil ocean, it had the most fun secrets
>Not wanting Lava Reef for the song ALONE
uck outta here
Fuck no. Oil Ocean might be on the easy side for how late it is in the game, but Mystic Caves suck. All kinds of instant death crushing, spikes that pop out of the wall right as you touch the wall and THE PIT. The only reason people remember it fondly is the music because its design is absolute garbo.
Lock-On Technology
I think I'm being really obvious about it, actually. But yeah, something's happening. I'm not too sure of the details, but I'm aware that certain zones were intended for Mania, but had to be cut for cost reasons. Now factor that in with the fact that Sega is still employing Headcannon and Pagodawest along with Taxman.
They are not obligated to, and if it were just bugfixes, why continue to pay anyone bar taxman?
Obvious and evident.
Playable characters were cut
I'm aware of at least 4 zones not being implemented due to cost reasons.
FBZ act transition? Oh I don't know, might be the only possible act you should put there from the classic series, the one that disappointed fans when it was confirmed not to be returning. Funny, considering how many sprites from it were present in the game as placeholders. Odd because the team never got that far with Sonic 3.
SSZ? It's confirmed that littleplanet is above Angel Island. Hrm, who knows?
HCZ? This one actually has me stumped. I'd assume this is where they'd implement a new zone.
OOZ? Well, the game established that it's sticking to geography when transitions are concerned. It's going to be a new zone, or a zone from Sonic 2.
LRZ was always intended to go to Littleplanet. Cut transition. Weird though, considering. Almost as though they were dropping a hint.
Titanic Monarch is straight up just Final Fever, the intended third act for MMZ. Unlikely that this order would change, as it fits with the location. Unless there was supposed to be another bridge between these.
Only thing that fits in my mind would be cyber city or something.
Is there going to be any lock-on content in Forces?
How does one "lock on" a digital game? It's just DLC.
If zones were included based on their music, then Ice Cap Zone being left out is nothing short of a travesty.
It could be content that's sold as a standalone game, but if you own both it and the original Mania, they get integrated together to create one larger game