What went so terribly horribly wrong?
What went so terribly horribly wrong?
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Nobody wants to invest in something that takes up more than 15-20 minutes at a time
i love that they do try to copy the icons atleast
>screaming guy game becomes popular
>4 other screaming guy games show up
is "mouth open agape" it's own genre?
what genre is screaming guy games?
They also all need to either have clash or clans in their name.
Are you at least 25?
Normies and children need instant satisfaction with pay to win games.
Is this the new Dreamworks face?
>the "Hero Forge" kid
Lets play spot the socialistfag
I'm not a socialist, I just know that capitalism is an unbelievably effective tool for finding the shortest possible distance between labor and profit. It's like lightning.
jesus christ...
A device not suited for playing games on became the most spread kind of personal computer resulting in poor games being incredibly profitable to make due to the large user base.
The absolute state of mobile gaming
>good phone games don't exi-
What was right to begin with? mobile was always the most casual platform. And I don't mean casual in the derogatory way that some Sup Forums tryhards mean it. Mobile games are just meant to be played casually. Play for a few minutes and come back or just try a couple times and uninstall. It's a different type of game.
why waste your energy getting mad at a platform for games that has never tried to be anything more than what it was in the first place.
Some mobile games are actually fun if they are made right, example PinOut
i wonder what kind of life the owner of supercell lives. i bet that guy is a fucking baller and a half
>it's okay when Mario does it
There are some decent Japanese idle/clicker games for when you're taking a shit though.
Honestly, ios games were generally good (not amazing) before angry bird came along and then after that, it was shit after shit
What was your fav mobile game. Mine was pic related. Nothing crazy. Just try to jump your way through without falling. No reason but to beat ypur high score
Wasn't this a browser game?
They also copy each other's advertisements too. I can't tell you how many games copied that "Our X is under attack! Build a X to defend it!". Even Squeenix copied it for their Clash of Clans clone.
I still play Doodle Jump occasionally.
That and Fruit Ninja were pretty much the only phone games that you could actually play for a while
Clash Royale is bretty gud
>What was your fav mobile game
Infinity Blade 2
i must have beaten it at least 4 times
many more times with the money glitch, it basically became a sandbox at that point
lel kys weeb
If mobile games were banned and all of them were deleted would anything of value be lost?
you make me sick
My favorite mobile game is Battle Cats, but back in the day I loved fucking around in Pocket God and Plants vs Zombies 1/2. PvZ2 was only good once they reworked the map to not be a microtransaction horseshit game.
Heroes of Incredble Tales was pretty gud
How can I pirate mobile games? Just download them and install?
They usually don't have any copy protection and if they do there's nearly always some cracked apk.
Where are my dokkan friends at?
How was the tournament for you?
Let's see those roll
>Gravy Baby
>people actually tried to shill the top 2 here
I'm really glad I quit Dokkan last year after not having pulled Gogeta with 700 stones.
That's the most time I've ever spent playing a mobile game.
It was a fun game though.
i gave up on dokkan
dont really see a point in playing anymore
Man I remember Pocket God, Scoops, Need For Speed and Doodle Jump were my shit back when I got my first iPhone in 2009.
jesus I've done just mobile posting here twice as long as most anons have been posting here altogether
Thanks dude, I don't like the idea of putting pirated shit on my cellphone but I guess I'll just find a old one and turn it into a Enemy Within machine.
Then what's a good alternative?
You gotta get the new dokkans bro
10b&20b waifus is pretty good
Fuck you
well after spending ~1200 stones to get SS4 Goku and another 180 to get Caulifla and getting neither its hard to consider getting back in to get new characters
i also got fucked by WT so theres that as well
Really didn't care for the tourney this time around. Only played for stones so I could prepare for INT Gogeta (which I probably won't get since it's the one everyone wants)
I'm playing War Robots because I feel like playing Mech games, but fuck, they are really trying to milk the most money out of you.
>Have 5 different currencies
>One you earn naturally and plentifully
>3 you earn so little that spend weeks grinding or just buy it
>the last currency is earn from pure RNG and are locked behind crates
I still play it because It scratches the mech game itch.
Are there any good mech games on PC?
If you could only pick one, which one?
Same, but I mostly lurked back then and got chant in '11
Dragon fly was and still is my shit
Dam,n, now I can't unsee it. It's like that fucking Dreamworks raised eyebrow expression.
It's shit
>this is the crowd nintendo wants
you mean that crowd that moves 1mill at day?
Fire Emblem Heroes is pretty good
>Editor's Choice is just the #1 game.
What's the point?
yaeh ouy sdleyxic nigeger
Tempted to give it a go.
Convince me
>wikinger kampf