Sup Forums is all what remains of once powerful Sup Forums
Sup Forums is all what remains of once powerful Sup Forums
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I love Junko!
Kyoko is the best girl btw
It's not the point that it actually worked or not in the end. What matters is that Kaito agreed to work with him because he believed that it would and not because of Ouma's real feelings on the matter.
Why is this shit not a ailable on ios, only in japan?
I want Maki to kill me so bad
still feel like I'm the only one who liked the ending of v3
Good reasons to hate the ending
>Unsatisfying although that's the point
>Not liking meta shit
Brainlet reasons to hate the ending
>"It's mocking me for liking the series"
>"It retroactively ruins DR1-3"
>"It makes what I felt while playing/watching DR1-3 less real"
>"If it's all lies there was no point to any of it"
>x character didn't survive
I love Kirumi!
Even if she was a horrible murderer.
There are plenty of people that like the ending. I'm pretty indifferent. Ending made me laugh honestly
4 kids!!!
>Kaito agreed to work with him because he believed that it would
Doesn't Kaito say at the end of the trial that he knew Shuichi would have solved the case anyway?
Friendly reminder that you can read the English-translated Danganronpa V3 anthology manga online for free. Also gives some excellent reaction images like pic related.
How about
>obviously butthurt response because people hated your shitty mindhack anime plot
I want her to step on my face
Did somebody say 4kids?
Why is she so pretty on this sprite
Case 6 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2
Objectively true
He believed it had a shot, but also had faith in Shuichi.
I want to sniff Kyoko's socked feet
hahaha EPIC reference!
Did she's not swearing or talking about her turds like a degenerate
Good fuck and dump but not mother material
>Killed an emotionally vulnerable man instead of trying to talk him down from the ledge
>Did so in the most spectacularly gruesome fashion possible. She DROWNED the nigga and fed his ass to piranhas, that's some Bond villain shit.
>Sabotaged the magic show of a girl who was already repressed and trying her best to cheer herself and everyone else up
>Spent the entire class trial trying to misdirect everyone
>Voted for Shuichi out of pure spite when she finally lost
>Spent her remaining time trying to guilt trip everyone for sentencing her, it took Kokichi and Kaito telling her to fuck off with her utilitarian bullshit
>Hauls fucking ass trying to escape retribution for her crime only to get one of the best executions ever
Kirumi is shit and you are shit if you try to defend her.
Most people don't like it but everything has its fans
Girls that have one eye hidden behind their hair is my fetish. It's shame she wasn't a better character
I'm still waiting for the kiibo and miu doujins so that's not true.
I hate her, but still want to fuck her!
w-wew there
keep going
Never realized how much of a scumbag she is
With her position and skills she could save more people than 13 therefore she was right.
>Shuichi "The Cuck Conoisseur" Saihara's speciality as a detective was infidelity cases
What did they mean by this?
She was trying to Make This Country Great Again give her a break, Muppet tennis kid was a small price
So what is with this cuck Kaede meme going around, did I miss something?
Official best ship ranking
1. KaitoxMaki
2. KaedexShuichi
3. TenkoxHimiko
4. MiuxKeebo
5. KokichixHimiko
6. KaitoxShuichi
7. KaitoxKokichi
8. RantaroxKaede
9. MonokumaxAnyone
10. shit
11. MakixShuichi
She's canonically shipped with Rantaro
Memes from /drg/
thanks, saved for later use
gonta idiot
So is HimikoxShuichi so bad that it doesn't even deserve to be on the list?
>not Shuichi (Kaito) x Maki (Kaede)
used to be /drg/ meme for some time after jap release
now Sup Forums just loves to use the word "cuck" for no reason
The only High IQ reason to hate it is making us believe is happening in the same universe as previous games and pulling out new universe out of ass. None of the characters in V3 will ever connect to the main series and will never met any character from previous games.
It's not a included as a ship because it's canon
c o m p r o m i s e s
>in her love hotel scene she breaks down and cries like a baby.
I can't fap to this.
MakixShuichixHimiko master race
Actually Gundam DID nothing wrong.
The other basically gave up and were waiting for death or starvation so Gundam had all the right to off them himself so at least he can get out.
It's indentical situation as 3-2. They had all the right to tell Kirumi to fuck off because nobody can force you to accept that someone else's lives are worth more than your even if it's a whole nation vs you.
>Magecucks unironically believe this will happen in the next installment
A whole country is more important than a bunch of teens
>there will never be a doujin about this
Feels bad man
She was boring garbage, not sexy at all and her reasoning for killing was bullshit. Like hell i believe that she was so important when she was just fucking cleaning the toilets and blowing off the prime minister.
>next installment
Shuichi ended Danganronpa
>Gundhamfags also think Kirumi didn't do anything wrong
Post characters that only high iq players can appreciate
>implying that she could save the country
She was not competent enough to even survive class trial
Her case was also the most retarded one
High Iq post
>user in charge of reading
He's literally saying that Kirumi was wrong in trying to put the others lives over Japan's.
I liked it.
Post worst girls
>Not MiuxKokichi
Search your heart, you know it be true.
It's either the loli or the Kaitofag. Doesn't matter to me which it is in end since I like both
Gundham was no hero, he merely took solace in the fact that his and Nekomaru's deaths weren't for nothing. He also didn't "murder" Nekomaru, they consented to a fight to the death, at least by his own account which is admittedly unreliable.
What was with that strange perspective in interview recordings
I'll start
you now realize kaito had only memories of meteorite virus yet it still killed him
No worries, I will.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a stepping stone
To hide the guns pointed at their heads. Or the wall of Tsumugi's talent lab.
He could've been poisoned through the water in his shower, or injected in his sleep.
Only high empathy fags can understand him in trial 4
you now realise that you forgot the moment when Tsugumi said that they gave him virus as the part of personal scenario
I want to start a loving family with Miu!
stuff from /drg/ in pre-JP-release, along with the whole "zeussu" shtick
You mean he used his hamsters to turn Nekomaru off and set up a convoluted scheme that would ensure he died, right?
wife material right here boys
gave as in memories, that virus doesnt exists in real world
It was worse than TokoxTogami and ended up in a tragedy
both literally "brown athlete who loves food"
They gave him a virus after he pissed off monokuma in trial 1
I was hoping someone would set up a murder with her "I can't deny requests" mentality.
I don't have any photos of Tenko so here's an alternative
I reject Danganronpa.
What stopped them from injecting him with a real virus?
It dont have to be from meteorites
Also it was not his memory, because he never remembered being sick before coming there.
Sadly, I suspect you of being the fairly low iq poster
Gundham is so fucking hot.
i reject you user
She had the hardest mystery trial of all chapter 2 trials. But felt more bad for Peko and Mondo than this whore.
Yes, the hamsters are how he won. It's not like Nekomaru was defenseless either, he just wasn't prepared for the Four Dark Devas of Destruction. The only claim that is unreliable is that it was a duel, and Gundham being as prideful as he is, cared less about the fact that he was guilty of murder and more that people thought he snuck up on him. Which is bizarre as fuck but we'll never know. Gundam did wrong but his actions had a net benefit. 2 is the worst of the 3 games because the motives were fucking retarded and repeatedly put the students in no-win situations whereas 1 and V3 motives were opt-in, as it should be.
Pic related
Same, that's what I actually expected, that Ryoma outright asked her to kill him, but that's not what happened. Actually it is what happened, just in a way that I did not see coming at all, and a fucking over the top way at that.
She's hot though so I like her anyway.
Kokichi > Hopeman > Seesaw Boy >>>>> Byakuya
that facial expression looks familiar
I hated her trial because it was another one of those "Technically perfect and unsolvable but the culprit makes a really careless mistake so they can get caught" ones.