


>all caps

Depends. Are you jealous of my 8?

Wow, Switch got its first good exclusive.
Totally worth $400.

fake and gay

so? dont tell me you are a poorfag?

>two games people will put hundreds of fun hours into
As long as you're having fun then it's worth it.

More than xbone, 360, ps3 and ps4 combined. Impressive.

For what?

It's legit but it's from some journo's instagram.

are you some kind of journo?

If so then no, not jelly at all, subhuman

Switch is actually the poorfag console. Nice try tho.

List them stupid bitch.

No. I have the superior Odyssey leak on 3DS

> bing bing wahou
> hundreds of hours into

Hopefully video game industry has Nintendo, so mentally retarded people can play too.

all consoles are for poorfags retard

No but glad your enjoying your game

If you want to meet retarded people, your best bet is the PS4.

>telling someone to list

Who cares, it's a fun video game.

My bad, took that from ya

Damn. You must have no money at all then.


>another 10/10


No one fucking cares. And if Switch fags weren't so insecure of the lack of games and lack of presence of the console, they wouldn't post about the Switch all the fucking time trying to market it here like shills.

Lemme show you how it's done

> Having such a shitty repartee

I feel bad for you.

Buddy of are you even trying?

>I'm a moron that pays $300 for $100 hardware, with no games, poor specs, and awful everything.
You don't need to be poor to avoid making shitty purchases.


god I fucking LOVE, L O V E buttdevastated sony faggots

please cry more, it can't get any more perfect that this

Do you really want to start this?

>this pic is actually sitting on his hard drive
it's sad you jack off to old fat men with nintendo handhelds

Go on please.

People like you two are what's wrong with Sup Forums.

Fucking console war cucks.

>own Switch, PS4, 3DS, Vita and PC
>Switch is my least played platform

The chances of Mario Odyssey being amazing are like 99.9% and they're actually making Xenoblade Chronicles instead of garbage like X so things are looking bright for me at least. Thank fucking god because I haven't played my Switch since April besides trying out the Octopath Traveler demo a few weeks ago.

The could be a Xbox or PC user you know?


*teleports behind you*
nottin personnel user don't h8 me for this

check my 8
mario odyssey will get a 99

Not really. I'd be jealous if it were a 2D Mario worth a fuck that hadn't released yet.

>four zeroes in a row

Funny, not able to do fucking video game list without objectivity on Sup Forums.
How surprising.
You stupid bitchita.

you are a baby

Sorry guys, I'm the only one with an 8 here

It's literally flawless. How could it not get a 100?


not that it matters, but i find it weird how even the most sceptical, bitter and shingling posts can't even bring themselves to say odyssey doesn't look good

i mean i thought botw looked much better before release but you could still find posts shitting on in

anyone thinking odyssey will rake up 10/10's like botw did is setting themselves up for dissapointment

>tries to one up me
>literally gets a one
you're not in little league anymore, kiddo

Only virgin losers like me can get an 8

I agree, I can't remenber the last time I saw a post about games on Sup Forums.



Self deprecation for the gold.



well you sure showed us

Only a Chad like me can get a 4.

This is correct. Why you might ask? Simple! It's the poorfag console because only poor people would want to purchase it because despite being priced in range w/ other consoles you wont spend much beyond the console price given the lack of games to purchase thus it is ideal for poorfags.

I'll be playing it in month on my PC in 4k and 120fps



Well as long as we're shitposting...

Check my digits


the state of shitpostards

put me in the screenshot please


Cool. I'll be playing it in less time wherever I please.

bet a dick and crow bag you won't ;^)

> no u!

You're ridiculing yourself.


You plan on playing it outside of your home?

Occasionally. I take it wherever I go. Along with my 3DS and drawing tablet.


>sonybros only argument to fight the switch is BING BING WAHOO
neck yourselves you fucking morons.

yea, it automatically changed nigg er with bros. Sup Forums has truly gone to shit.

No, I can't get over my hatred of you for willingly playing that piece of shit Rabbids game.

It's a fun game. He doesn't need to apologize for anything.


It's fairly common around here. No one seems to mind.

Those stupid ass rabbids are never going to fuck off and disappear if people keep buying their games.

Only idiots like me get a 9

Not really...

If the games are as good as that one, I don't mind.


Dubs thread? Dubs thread.
Check em

Don't try too hard sweetie.

If it'll be 100? Let's ask this 5

Numbers say if I'll be a virgin loser the rest of this year



You have no idea how many times I've replayed Super Mario 64.

I will probably replay Mario Odyssey for the next 20 years too.

How many times have you replayed Bloodborne lad?

What am i looking for exactly?

What shithole you live in?


I'm there too. Quebec more specifically. 400$ the console, 80$ the game, + taxes it goes up to 552$. And I'm still getting it day 1.

I can't believe how much time I've spent mocking Sonybros for spending 500$ on a single game, telling them that no one game, however good, is worth 500$. And here I'm doing the same.

Wait a minute, this image looks familiar. Some faggot tried to fake gamecube games running on the switch and it looked exactly like this.