Can we post some gamer comics?

can we post some gamer comics?




almonds: activated



Wow dude religious people are cruel. Everyone else is so nice in comparison.

>black person can only solve problems with violence

>Deflect the question and act just plain rude when someone points out you're just jumping on a bandwagon

Classic Tumblr


I don't get the joke of the original

>Asking someone out is a reason to cut off their penises and have them raped by other men.
Yeah, sure, okay.

Y'know, I had a similar experience.
>Person says they are excited for Resident Evil 7
>I casually asked them which game was their favourite
>They say "Oh no, I just watch the movies, it's the same right?"



is this dobson?

Well they are talking about RE7

Fucking classic.

It was monday, Garfield and mondays, you know.
Now, where is my pipe?

Minus Garfield version pls



mildy chuckled at this

Way to miss the point. The comic is trying to point out hypocrisy. It's not saying anything good or bad about the non-religious.

This is my fetish. Is there more?


Didn't Dobson make a comic where he beat up some guy taking pictures of a woman? Now it is okay to beat them up or some shit?


Do they even exist?


I like my head cannon that they're mocking him.


There are probably people who still jack it to his inflation porn.


I don't get it


>I think I'm at the objective
>I think
>Diet Coke


That's women logic for you.

>team congratulating him for just thinking he's at the objective
>team congratulating him for just being at the objective
>nobody calling him a faggot for not even clearing the objective before seeking praise
I see a
>gg lol
in their immediate future.

post more powerup comix

somene post some vore or somethin lol


The fucking nerve.


this is good stuff

lol just for fun haha

I'm fucking glad he "quit"


Tell me about it.

>Work full time as a butcher where I have to haul around 50-100 pound slabs of meat to saw them up and package them out for customers who will buy them up before you can even stock the shelves for eight hours a day
>On top of being in school full time for 20 hours a week, med student so three of classes are labs
>Girlfriend works maybe 30 hours a week at subway
>Whines and cries about how she has it harder than me because I make her walk a block to work since we live literally along the same road as her Subway

I'm from hueland and I know the meaning of this comic.
Pure cancer. Please nuke us fast.

>more professional

>disapproving of degenerate faggots just as christian doctrine says
I don't see any hypocrisy here.

Retards used their palms to play really hard Mario Party minigames to the point where they broke their analog sticks and ended up damaging their hands


fuck street dogs tho

Why are they drunk tho, or clowns?


I'm kinda glad I found a chill one I can play D&D with.

We aren't living together yet. Does it get worse after that?

huh, most girls I know who lie about playing games are hispanic. Whats the deal?

This is arousing

>christian doctrine says



You'll know pretty quick if it does.
Be prepared to go to sleep when she wants to every night. No later, no earlier.

it is going to get worse thats when it will be most likely to happen

Been together for six years and living together for five, known her since I was 12 (are 26 now)

yes, I now fully understand why you hear about old men who strangle their wives to death in their 80s

What? No the constant turning in in Mario Party literally shred and flayed the skin on the palms of hands. Who said anything about sticks breaking?

The comic is pointing out that women don't have to prove to you that they're gamers, it's a legit reaction to someone being an asshole that distrusts female gamers.



>For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
>And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. - Romans 1:26-27

Who the fuck drinks only tomato juice

well argumented my nihilistic shitposting friend


Thanks doc


>What? No the constant turning in in Mario Party literally shred and flayed the skin on the palms of hands.
Yes, but only for fags who used their entire palms to play a fucking mini game. My post was complete and wholly accurate.
>Who said anything about sticks breaking?
They were Nintendo 64 controllers.

>>>>Burned in their lust
it's almost as if this is talking about Gomorrah and not homosexuals as a whole

He would have smacked her the second she had the audacity to talk to another man in public. Muslims dont fuck around with women.

Maybe 3 normal-looking people in this entire group


Yeah she seems to be giving alms to the poor and doing all that other shit. Nah jakes bud she's just being a judgy cunt and hiding behind her shitty book to feel like a good person.

goddamn thats alot of jizz

>Implying anyone but straight up waste of sperm neckbeards are the first ones to imply that when anyone else with even the tiniest bit of rational thought would immediately be able to tell she was lying out her ass

Yeah man I bet she loved playing Super Sonic Brothers on her Nintendo Xbox back in the day (*takes picture making duckface with an Atari controller*)

This is Tails from Sonicâ„¢ franchise so it's video games.

At least the dog seems nice


The fuck is this?




Don't. You'll get fatter and complacent.

It reminds me of my labrador when it was younger. It's now 13, blind and basically deaf


The giant dwarf looks pissed he ever accepted this invitation, he's gonna go home and write all their names in the Book of Grudges and burn their homes down in a few decades.

>female gamers
Not a thing, my dude

If only it was that easy

really fires those neurons

this is like some fucking reverse virtue signaling

I pity him.