I want to buy a Nintendo Switch but I've noticed some games are coming for both the Xbox One and PS4 but aren't for the Switch. I don't want to make a bad purchase and end up with a Wii U 2.0. Anyone knows why is that happening? I know the Switch isn't as potent as the PS4 or Xbox One but it is still strong. Is it because making the games work in Portable Mode would be hard or something?
Nintendo Switch Third Part Support
If you have a good PC, you can just get Switch. Xbone has no exclusives worth a dime, and PS4 has only several, and some of them are making their way onto PC (like FFXV).
Instead of looking which system you want, think which games are the most interesting for you.
>Anyone knows why is that happening?
Because it's a handheld.
Tell that to Nintendo because they think it isn't
>Anyone knows why is that happening
Because third parties don't want to deal with Nintendo's bullshit, that's all there is to it.
They believe home console games can exist on it, which is true. Not every game is a AAA graphics showcase.
Wrong, it's a wii 3
It's more like a 4/2DS
They're trying with bethesda/ubisoft partnerships, but eventually third party support will be doomed because the thing is just too damn weak. It's too much work to port games to it, and people are inevitably going to wonder why they should pay full price for, and play objectively inferior versions of the game. Not enough autists who play games in public for it to really be viable. Games like Doom/Wolfenstein 2 don't really belong on the switch, but third party support might not last long enough for more ideal games to be brought over
Buying a switch for third party games is like buying an Xbox One for its exclusives.
If you want the first party games then go for it, it's amazing for them but otherwise just get a PC
Due to the piss poor storage space, Nintendo has placed size restrictions on third parties regarding file sizes, patches and DLC.
Unoptimized games with large file sizes that can't be compressed to fit their cartridges for physical release or rushed games with large day 1 digital install patches are declined from being released.
If you own a gaming rig and have already outgrown Nintendo games, no, don't buy the Switch. That console is all about first party titles. Third party supports are abysmal and for every game on Switch, you can find a better counterpart on PC. See:
Dirt, Forza
>ARMS, Pokken
Tekken 7, IJ2, SFV, KI
>Splatoon 2
CSGO, R6S, BF1, Titanfall 2, TF2, etc.
Any Metroidvania
JRPG trash.
If you really want to try Switch games, just wait for the emulation within the next 3 years. But there's nothing worthy to be emulated atm anyway.
What about Doom having all its multiplayer stuff as a day 1 download?
A lot of the reusable assets are contained within the physical release to unburden the patch size.
So how big is the patch?
>Not enough autists who play games in public for it to really be viable.
No one actually plays the switch outside
They were probably far into development already and making a Switch version would delay the other versions or the publisher thought the Switch wasn't going to sell. Other than that, it seems porting to Switch is generally pretty easy with the most common things to do being lowering resolution, lowering framerate to 30fps, and/or removing anti-aliasing. Of course, games running on custom engines can require considerably more work to port.
But i want to play my games wherever i want
>too damn weak
For what
Xbox One X is getting Xbox One compatible games, so, Switch can get them too.
>It's too much work to port games to it, and people are inevitably going to wonder why they should pay full price for, and play objectively inferior versions of the game.
Because you can play AAA games on the go
There is no reason to get a Switch if you have a PC. It has one worthwhile game that was emulatable weeks after release
>Odyssey launches in two weeks
Can't wait for you fags not to have "emulatable" as an argument anymore.
And BotW on PC is a shitfest of glitches.
Because third parties can't compete on Nintendo platforms.
It's got Odyssey coming which is looking to be a spectacular game. And some others like Xenoblade. You have to appreciate the portability, as well.
>not buying all your games physical
>>Anyone knows why is that happening?
Because it's not powerful enough to run most XB1/PS4 games even on lowest settings at 540p.
Also you need REAL COMPETENT PROGRAMMERS to port over such power thristy games as DOOM and Wolfenstein.
Most programmers are outright retarded and not used to optimizing, they just go "WELL WE HAVE ALL THIS POWER, OPTIMIZED CODE DOESN'T SEEM WORTH THE TIME INVESTMENT"
bad bait
How is 100Gb Shadow of War going to be compressed to fit a 16Gb switch cartridge. It isn't.
>Not powerful enough
Gee than maybe devs should MAKE SURE THEIR GAMES CAN RUN ON IT.
This isn't difficult.
>There is no reason to get a Switch if you have a PC.
Its portable
This imo. Most Xbox exclusives aren't actually Xbox exclusives, they come to PC as Microsoft exclusives which I'm fine with, saves me from buying an Xbone. I'll probably pick up a PS4 at some point, but likely I'll get the Switch first.
Its not impossible. Remember we are getting Doom and Wolftein
Can't the rest be downloaded?
9Gb apparently. While doom 6.66 is 34Gb elsewhere.
Oh, two late ports. That's great.
Meanwhile the games that people are ACTUALLY playing and talking about, like Destiny 2, Monster Hunter World, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed Origins, Life is Strange, Final Fantasy XV, CD Projekt Red's new IP, and The Evil Within 2 ARE ALL NOT COMING TO SWITCH.
Have fun with your Mario rehash. It's all your getting for Christmas this year.
>Have fun with your Mario rehash.
You literally just listed
>Destiny rehash
>Monster Hunter rehash
>Biggest fucking rehash series next to CoD, Assassin's Creed
And then 3 games.
>Final Fantasy XV
It is coming tho. Pic related
>Destiny 2
>Monster Hunter 20202
>Call of Duty 2020202020
>Assassin's Cred 202002: We
>Life is Meme
>Final Fantasy the 2,000th Game
>new IP
>Evil Within... 2.
Wow, Mario is a rehash though lol.
>two late ports
Switch is getting Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Not that user, but I can't really see that being a plus. If anything, that means the machine will be largely under-powered compared to if it was designed as a regular console. I can't really see any advantage to playing portable when I have all these screens to use. When I go out the house I'm usually doing something, and when I stay in with my flatmates I don't really want to be playing video games, that's what my set up is for. I own a 3DS and it's easily my least used gaming platform, mainly because playing at 800×240p feels stupid after playing at 1080 or 1440p. If anything, I'll be getting a switch to play the games which would normally come to handheld, but at a normal resolution on a proper screen.
I get your point, there's no reason to get a Switch to play multiplats, especially if you already have a PC or other console. You'd get it for the first party game.
not onto a 32GB storage
I refuse to believe this is a truthful opinion purely of the very blatant hypocrisy here
>Those 192 pieces of dust on the screen
Shit, also too demanding
>MHWUnfortunate, system too weak to run
They're actually trying to get it working they said
Probably too demanding
>Evil Within
Maybe possible
You get his point though, why would you buy a weaker machine which has less games on it? The only reason would be for the first party exclusives, which is a fair reason and likely why I'll be buying one once it gets a few. His point is buying a Switch for multiplats is pointless if you already have another system which can run them, because it's likely the Switch won't only run them at a worse resolution/frame-rate, but will also be getting them at a delayed date. But yeah, he was being retarded calling Mario a rehash then listing those games.
I don't care if the games lose graphics or not. I want to be able to play GTA 5, RE 7, RDR 2, DB, Super Smash on my bed or the kitchen or anywhere
It's not a question about buying physical but if third parties can spare the money, time and effort adhering to Nintendo's restrictions when they could be working on other projects.
The ones that do might offer best value for content like DQH2 and DB Xenoverse 2 offering the first game in their physical releases but with Nintendo's stigmata with third parties it's easy for companies to say no.
To be fair, Switch is the first time in a looooooong ass time that a Nintendo console has a simplistic ass gimmick (portability) that doesn't make it a bitch to develop for for third parties.
Ever since n64 they've either had shitty proprietary formats that didn't have much space to work with or forced gimmicks like touch or motion control.
>Making excuses for third parties
Yet they did not support Wii U and are not supporting Switch, which had perfectly standard controllers and formats.
Third parties are LYING to you when they say that Nintendo consoles are too difficult to develop for. What they want is for Nintendo to promote their games the way that Sony and Microsoft do.
I mean, I wouldn't develop for the WiiU either with those shitty sales. Only third party that's oddly dragging their feet are Capcom.
XV is unoptimized as fuck. I doubt they have the talent in order to fit that game on switch without severe compromises. It will be the mobile version if anything.
>Those sales
Third party support was a joke before the console even hit the market.
Again, they are simply making excuses.
The only third party publisher giving unexpectedly good third party support is Bethesda, and I strongly suspect that's due to the Skyrim on Switch situation.
They've gone on record saying it's the actual game. Bummer, I actually like the chibi style.
Capcom is releasing RE Revelations 1 and 2
Rockstar LA Noire
It's his calling Mario a rehash and then the games he followed that up with that I found absurd. But otherwise yea you buy a Switch for 1st party games, I don't think anyone is disputing that. It'll still get a smattering of good 3rd party in the end, which combined with the guaranteed 1st party titles and portability is enough of a draw for me. If you value having the widest range of multiplats more and you can't afford both, then yea spend your money elsewhere
Oh I know they have but modern squeenix are untrustworthy. For Nintendo's sake I hope I am proven wrong.
I don't get it. That's nothing I'd ever want to do, mainly because there's no reason to do that when I could just go in the other room and improve my experience immensely, not to mention playing first person shooters with twin sticks isn't really my thing. But, each to their own.
The real question now is do you own another console? Or a good PC? If remote play is your only reason for getting a switch, then the Vita offers remote play from your PS4 for quite a lot of games and has a great deal of exclusives itself. If you own a PC, then the Nvidia Shield offers remote play for pretty much every game you can think of. I'm just offering alternatives here, I do think that the Switch is going to become a console worth buying, just not for the same reasons you do. I don't value the remote play aspect at all, yet Nintendo is bound to put out some pretty good games which will likely be worth playing.
remember when you only needed to buy 1 console to enjoy a good amount of games?
remember when Nintendo consoles didn't need to be supplementary?
All consoles are supplementary bucko. You'd have to be a freakin moron to get one without already having a decent gaming PC.
Mario is coming in a couple weeks, we're actually getting Xenoblade 2 for Christmas.
>Remember when you only needed one console?
Honestly? This year I only ever play my Switch.
Currently, the only console i have is the 3DS but i don't use it at all. The Xbox One has the majority of its exclusives on PC except for Rare Replay which is the only game i want to play. PS4 exclusives are lame too but i really want to play RDR 2.Of course buying a console for one game is stupid
>You'd have to be a freakin moron to get one without already having a decent gaming PC.
what's your logic behind this claim bucko
red dead 2 isn't an exclusive
Outside of PC this year I've exclusively played 3DS
>remember when you only needed to buy 1 console to enjoy a good amount of games?
That's still true, the PS4 and Xbone both offer a large amount of games for owners to enjoy. I think that user was just pointing out that at this point in the Switch's life, it doesn't have a large amount of games just yet and it wouldn't be wise buying that console unless you had something else to play on as well.
PC will always be the best choice for video games, without a doubt, but for those without one, buying a switch over the other alternatives doesn't make much sense at this moment in time. Do I agree with him, but it really depends on the person, I'm sure many people could make it by with just a switch.
people putting the logic "well just buy a PC, and a Switch. if you have both the switch is a good console!"
it's fucking retarded
it puts the implication that people are supposed to have infinite money for hardware, and that consoles shouldn't stand on their own.
It's personal for me. My 360 was such a bad value proposition once steam hit the seen. That and the several Fall updates that continued to remove features and insert ads, I couldn't understand where my subscription was going. Not to mention the replacements I had to go through.
With the PC, you have a constantly growing back catalog of games to go through either through PC or with emulation damn near everything, plus you're mostly future proof for new console games if you get a half decent graphics card. I'm still playing new releases on my GTX 970.
Exact same situation user, only thing that pulled me away from my Switch recently was SRWV
>the publishers also must be the programmers!
Nintenbros sure are smart
Yeah i know but if im going to play it then better do it on the PS4 than the Xbox One. Hopefully it comes for the switch
Just look at the Wii U, early on it got massively late and/or ports for full price and in a self fulfilling prophecy they didn't sell so third parties took their ball and went home.
Like the Mass Effect fiasco where the Wii U got a late port of Mass Effect 3 for full price while the other systems got the collection for half price.
Having said that, there is something to be said for the fact that both the Wii U and Switch lauched at times where so many people had the Xbox or Playstation counterparts that people who want the third party multiplats already had the other systems.
But so far the Switch isn't doing that bad for third parties, there are key games missing but there are ports and a few exclusives, it just won't get everthing.
It's not worth buying anything if you only want to play those two games. I can vouch to that some of the PlayStation exclusives are actually pretty good, but I wouldn't recommend getting that console by itself, I know if that's all I had I'd get bored rather quickly. Depends on your funds, but PC is by far the best choice imo. If you're not on board with that, wait a while to see what good games the switch is getting, then decided between that or the PS4.
By only owning a PC, you can play exclusives, the best ver. of multplats, and emulators, not to mention it can be used for many other mundane purposes such as watching video, surfing the Internet, etc.
Meanwhile, by only owning a Switch, you can only play Mario & Zelda rehashes, Nintenkiddy shit, WiiU ports. shovelwares, gimped and worst ver. of multiplats, and years old indies. And unlike most Nintendo fans, most real gamers can't be content with just playing Mario & Zelda for the rest of their lives. That's why Switch can't stand on their own and will always be a side bitch console for other platforms.
>inb4 m-muh portability
Same thing. Really underestimated how much I would like splatoon.
>play exclusives
>the best ver. of multplats
only if you have a high end PC
not a "decent PC"
>not to mention it can be used for many other mundane purposes such as watching video, surfing the Internet, etc.
phones do that now
>Meanwhile, by only owning a Switch, you can only play Mario & Zelda rehashes, Nintenkiddy shit, WiiU ports. shovelwares, gimped and worst ver. of multiplats, and years old indies. And unlike most Nintendo fans, most real gamers can't be content with just playing Mario & Zelda for the rest of their lives. That's why Switch can't stand on their own and will always be a side bitch console for other platforms.
exactly, the switch isn't a good console on it's own
OP here, i think im going to get a PC. Much better. Anyone knows if its possible to play online with pirated games?
Why couldn't they just make a different game all its own rather than settling for a port like they did with the Wii?
Well what do you have? PC, the other two consoles? Switch is kind of its own thing, the portability is enticing enough to make underpowered ports of third party titles like Doom 4 appealing. If you're looking for 1080p in all your AAA titles, Switch won't be the place to go. The quality of Nintendo's major titles is always enough for me to buy their consoles but I also don't mind waiting for games. I don't think the sparsity of titles is going to be as big of an issue here though. The Switch is having an incredible first year.
The thing is that the claims about the Switch being shockingly easy to port to are apparently true. It being portable has been the selling point. Every third party game of note on it has sold well. Tentpole titles being both portable and functional is a huge deal for a lot of people. The aforementioned Doom likely won't be running at 60fps but running such a game at 30 on a handheld is no small feat.
The thing for me is that I have my PS4 and don't take my Switch out and about to bing bing wahoo, so while I keep it in handheld mode most of the time, it's more for the comfortability of it.
Well SE are making Octopath Traveler and Lost Spheare.
Yeah, that's retarded. A PC isn't a prerequisite to having fun with a Switch. But I read that post as
>"Hey PC owner, you've already got all the multiplats down, if you're looking for a console with good exclusives, you've already got all of the Xbox's coming your way, the PS4 ones aren't that good, the Switch is probably what you're looking for."
Where as I'm sure you saw it as
>"Getting a switch isn't worth your time unless you have a PC"
Which isn't what he meant, just that it doesn't cover the multiplats very well and if you're looking to play the multiplat libraries that PC, PS4 and Xbox have you'll likely be out of luck. I'm not saying I agree with him, the Switch is still early in it's life, I'm going to wait to see how it goes before making any decisions. I'm just saying how I read
I'm doing pretty well with just my switch, I don't have much time for gaming these days so my PC and PS4 aren't getting much attention. When I get home I just want to crash so it's pretty nice being able to play something like botw in bed. As for third party stuff it doesn't really bother me, I can't really think of any I want on the switch and the only indie game I hoped would come to switch is on there already. I'm looking forward to Odyssey later this month tho, that looks like something I will be sinking a lot of hours into.
Not always. If the game is on GOG, then yes. If it's only on steam or origin/uplay, then you'll have to buy it. I think you'll find PC prices aren't that bad compared to console. Fucking Persona 5 was 119NZD when it released in stores, I had to wait ages before grabbing it at $85. Whereas PREY on PC was 50NZD the week after release on UKGAMESPLANET. I don't really pirate shit anymore, but it's something you should probably do at the start after you've spent a ton on hardware, just so your wallet doesn't hurt so much. You can always buy games later once your bank account has recovered.
I'm really looking forward to Zelda. I have a Wii U, but I'm going to get a Switch eventually so I'm holding off on buying it, to save myself from buying it twice. I tried emulating it a while ago but nope, I can't get it to run very well and my PC is pretty damn good. Odyssey looks really good yeah. I'm a student and only work part time, I finally thought I had enough money to pick one up without damaging my bank account too much, but I had to replace my car tyres the other day to pass my warrant of fitness so RIP.
Also what indie game? Stardew?
holy shit you truly have autism. kill yourself PCfag
Kingdom: New Lands actually, real comfy game which will be getting a co-op version soon which will be perfect for the switch.
XV happened because they halted and pulled talent off all their major projects to get it through the door (in an unfinished state). It was a developers nightmare. Don't expect that level of investment on switch when other major projects like KH3 (already delayed once) takes precedence.
Not developed by SE, only published
Every game that matters is coming to PC and/or Switch.
PS4 and Xbone are literally useless.
If a developer wants to make a current generation game for the Switch they have to downgrade it. That takes work.
Living in delusion.
Coming to PC.
Your point?
Also to add like all the Bravely Games, Octopath is only published by S-E in Japan. Nintendo has to do the leg work and publish it in the west because SEJ don't give a shit if it doesn't carry the FF name.
The Switch is useless if you're not a little child.
>Any Metroidvania
What the actual fuck
Guess you got btfo and don't know how to reply huh?
Fucking moron didn't even know that World is coming to Steam
What games do you like, user?
dear god this bait
You're not serious, are you? You don't seriously think 3D Marios are fucking Metroidvanias do you? How fucking braindead of a human being do you have to be to think something so utterly illogical?
This is why I normally ignore anime posters. Give me back my 15 sec glancing through your post, you prick.