What are some redpilled games?

What are some redpilled games?

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the matrix

Gone home

Enter The Matrix

dream daddy

Witcher series I guess. Atleast 1 and 2, they added nignogs in 3 to appease the kikes.


Dr. Mario

arguably tf2 if you follow comic lore

Metal Gear Solid 2

How so?

Mass Effect Andromeda

The CEOs of both merc companies are dead and now the mercs have banded together to fight the true evil that was in control all along and manipulating everything behind the scenes, while amassing a gigantic robot army to steamroll the fuck out of everyone amongst the distraction

the deus ex series for sure! the most redpilled series you will find.


Matrix was a goddamn mistake.

The bluepill/redpill shit used by every dumbass edgy Sup Forums poster is cringeworthy as fuck.

I can't believe one Wachowski transitioned and then the other one followed suit.

The only usage of redpill I hate to see is the reddit one where it has to do with masculinity. If anything the Sup Forums one was worthwhile for a bit before it spiraled into a meme since it did offer some interesting insights into modern society for the uninformed.

>The creators of Sup Forums's favorite meme are both transgender
It's like poetry

they're also jews

Creation transcends authorship. Ask Matt Furie about how well he "killed" Pepe.

Tell THAT to the idiot who tried to make an anti-immigrant Pepe book.

He is canonically dead, he won't be appearing in any future comics. He didn't do this expecting to wipe any remnants of pepe off the internet, he did this to stop being associated with cringy retards like you

Both are Reddit shit

Path of Neo

This, it was more symbolic than anything else

>Ben Garrison posted un-ironiclly
Jesus Sup Forums is RÄ“ddit

Far Cry 2

Dark Souls was my personal red pill, it opened my eyes to so many things i can't even imagine how my life would be if i hadn't played it.


Pepe's only dead within the fiction of Boys Club to symbolically mourn what his legacy's become.
Furie's actual weapon is the fact that he's unambiguously the sole copyright owner of Pepe, which he's recently started cracking down on.

Life is strange

they aren't the same character at all and the comic one was brought back to live