The fuck is this shit and why is it on the front page of a website that kids use?
The fuck is this shit and why is it on the front page of a website that kids use?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's made by based people for based people. Fuck off.
Cultural marxism
I saw this and wondered if it was a game where you actually be a dad and take care of a family and stuff.
Sorely disappointed.
Ah, another tripfag to ad to my list. Thanks for revealing yourself so I never have to see your posts again.
Faggots have a long tradition of grooming children to make more of themselves.
Triggered you spic?
False flag harder.
Die you fucking Reddit fag
porn games are fine on steam as long as you are a gay/lesbian/tranny.
Fuck off he's on our side
Oh look! Another redditor.
The_Donald is that way, faggot.
Nail yourself retard
Steam is a video game distribution platform. It's not marketed as being for kids. The average gamer is an adult. It's up to parents to know what their kids are doing online, and really, if they're unsupervised, they're seeing much worse than this silly game.
Thanks for leaving no doubt that Sup Forums did more to bring reddit to this site than any other board
Fuck off literal redditor
>animu hentai VN's with big titty fox girls have been on steam for a few years now
>Dumb meme game gets put on stream
Include me in the screenshot
Fuck off cucks we don't want you on Sup Forums. If you browse reddit you aren't redpilled.
>tfw no vampire mommy
All of Sup Forums is reddit
Bad enough I have to breathe the same air as these morons, now I share a board with them
>this thread
There's a demand for it, and people can make money off of it. Its as simple as that.
Tbh Sup Forums and the_donald are the same
>it's another Sup Forums gets btfo episode
desu u dum senpai
T. Sup Forums
It wasn't once
>the board that hates immigrants was the main reason the biggest wave of immigrants came and killed this site
the_donald is full of kike mods, though probably so is Sup Forums
>You may not become a subscriber if you are under the age of 13. Steam is not intended for children under 13
Also this.