pic related is honestly a 6-7/10 game:
>shallow, braindead combat
>fetch quests
>bland uninspired art direction
>tacked-on rpg mechanics just to pad out the game with said shit quests
>simple and straightforward level/world design (how about that majestic-looking castle bros?)
is it the fapbait characters? is it the oscarbait story?
if this was a western game it would've been butchered.
Why are Japanese games so overrated?
> is it the fapbait characters? is it the oscarbait story?
pretty much, yeah. i played the entire game with all the sidequests and put like 60 hours in it
the combat is actually quite good in my opinion, it feels very fluid and is even simple enough for ppl with no affinity for any kind of hack'n'slash games like myself.
it also has a great soundtrack.
agree on all the other points. definitley not more than a 6.5/10. its only gotten on the radar through fapbait.
in comparison to western trash?
if that the case, no, japanese game are not overrated.
All of the above. Weebs eat fanservice and 2deep4u bullshit plots up
Nier Automata is one of the best most unique games of all time.
OP, shouldn't you be buying lootboxes in your western single player games or watching streams of PUBG?
>if this was a western game it would've been butchered
I don't think so.
Fuck off
I don't care much for the fapbait, but he combat is fun and has a pretty deep apocalyptic story and discussion about existentialism.
Though I'm sure pretty sure your animostiy this is just stemming from a hate towards weeb or Jap games.
Consider this a sage.
>the combat is actually quite good in my opinion
i don't consider a combat system where you can just close your eyes and quickly mash the dodge and attack buttons to win the game to be a good combat system.
believe it or not i actually prefer japanese game design over western one (except Looking Glass Studio game design that was god-tier), but this helped realize how Platinum and Yoko Taro are total shit compared to FromSoftware and other proper japanese games and devs.
>complaining about combat
>in a taro game
Really mods? You can't tell this is an obvious shitpost bait thread? What happened to that rule about quality posts?
Always remember that Sup Forums's version of hipster googles is whatever is mildly popular in Japan. Nier, Persona, Yakuaza, etc, all have objectively weak gameplay, but are lauded by Sup Forums for being aesthetically different from AAA.
The combat system is just Bayonetta's but worse
Okay op, I'll bite. What western game doesn't have
>braindead combat
>fetch quests
>uninspired art direction
>tacked-on rpg mechanics
>simple level design
Here's a hint, you can't win by answering this question because all of this shit is subjective or in every rpg
I want reddit to leave
Pubg lootboxes are still way better then being a weeb kiddo
Fuck off weeb
Reddit is based fuck off
Jap games are good
Aside from a few exception western gaming sucks
honestly this was never about japan vs west debate, i've said that i generally prefer japanese game design, but this game just doesn't rise up to the quality i expect from an 88% japanese game, this game ain't isn't anywhere near games like Devil May Cry, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or Metal Gear Solid 3, it's Final Fantasy XV-tier game at best.
>if this was a western game it would've been butchered
You mean improved by removing oversexualize and misogynistic garbage
what games do you guys consider 9/10, then? i really liked nier automata and would love to find anything as good or better.
nier automata was a genuinely enjoyable experience and i'm glad I played it
This. Sup Forums bitches that everything is derivative then bitches when something unique comes out
Bloodborne is superior to it in every conceivable way except 2B.
something cant be more unique than something else. unique is an absolute adjective. something is either unique or its not unique, there arent varying levels of uniqueness
It really simple, all the devs need is to follow these guidelines
>diverse multicultural characters
>diverse sexual orientation romance
>evil heterosexual white male as the main antagonist
>story about a ragtag group of diverse character defeating the evils of capitalism and bring true equality and peace
weird. i played bloodborne, as well, but i enjoyed nier much more.
if you liked Nier Automata you'll probably like Final Fantasy XV
then it's an issue of shit taste on your part
I liked Nier Automata, and FFXV is the worst game I've played in a decade
Nigga all it does is rehash OG nier, even the special lose your save data gimmick
It does have shallow combat, but it's still better than in pretty much any Western game.
Same goes for all of those points actually
Unlike Nier and Persona, Divinity 2 is an ACTUAL RPG
Why are all these threads so formulaic? Take popular/highly rated game, shit talk about how bad it is, and then sit back for all the replies.
There should just be a guide to shitposting on Sup Forums with all of the common thread starters in it.
Unlike Divnity 2, DnD is an ACTUAL RPG.
Here's my rule of thumb for most games. To be good, it must fit the following criteria:
>it cannot rely on its story. This means ALL RPGS ARE BAD. There are no exceptions except for those that keep their disgusting story in line
>gameplay must be given top priority
>gameplay must also be good
>should be challenging too
>no sex fanservice, or it must be downplayed as much as possible
Just for starters. It's why I hate bayonetta, Zelda, Final Fantasy, nier, Xenoblade, and several other cinematic experiences.
Welcome back ACfag
It got good scores for the same reason Everything did. Gamers and journalists have only been exposed to philosophy through Rick & Morty, so basic questions like "What does it mean to be human" or "Are we all connected" blow their minds.
I agree. Played it because I liked Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising and I expected the combat to be on that kind of level. Also expected a really great story from all of the buzz surrounding it but I was met with character's I didn't give a shit about.
it's rare to see another patrician mentality around these parts
Is this the year of great sequels? Shadow of War is fucking Nintend-tier in its polish and quality. The PC version is nearly flawless, they improved on everything from the first game and the lore is somewhat intact even with wewuz gondor soldier being believable explained.
Sup Forums is just overrun with contrarians .
In my opinion, this combat system wasn't about being hard but trying to do cool stuff while fighting. And it did it well.
>this combat system wasn't about being hard but trying to do cool stuff while fighting
like every other action rpg, even tales game do this shit with their combos, doesn't mean it's good
Because there's a common perception of Japan where they are some special tier above everyone else so whenever a 6-7/10 Japanese game comes it people will say it's like a 9/10. They seem to think these Japanese games are much better than they are, solely because they're from Japan.
I guess it's the same for them when it comes to us in the West. They think every meme big budget superhero movie is a 10/10 when over here we'll probably think it's pretty average.
>Shadow of War is fucking Nintend-tier in its polish and quality.
Are you serious? Honest question, I loved the first one, but all of the microtransaction stories and supposedly bad story killed my hype
the fanbase would not even be half as big if it weren't for 2B's butt, seriously
Shut your faggot mouth you little cocksucker.
When I track you down I'm going to gut you, and smear your fatty entrails all over your cuck mouth so you can taste your shittiness for all time.
So basically FFVII?
Diverse cast, check
Diverse sexualal orientation (trap cloud and barret date) check
Evil white male (sephiroth) check
Story about fighting the eivls kf capitalism ( shinra is evil and raping the planetz) check
What's up with all the recent shitposting about Nier Automata?
>why do people like things I don't like
Because they are not you.
the combat is very good if you play on hard instead of normal
you're absolutely right, it IS brainless. on normal.
You just described BOTW desu.
Its fun user. Learn how to have fun and stop being a contrarian faggot
Complain about Japanese games all you want, at least they're not Western games.
>souls kids shitting up threads
its not even FROM's best action game, Otogi wipes the floor with it
Reviewers are all weebs.
It's a completely different story with much better gameplay and a somehow superior OST.
Also the delete yoir save is MUCH better done in Automata.
The difference is that your average equally (or far shittier) Western game instead gets a 95+ for being ...I dunno, "Great"?
>Combat legitimately could not be more brainless if you tried
>Not a single quest in its repertoire
>Entire visual scheme is literally "Overgrown city" from start to finish, not a single unique thing in the entire game
>Tacked-on crafting system and shitty ladder setup segments and "Walking alongside dialogue" pseudo-cutscenes to extend runtime
>The entire world is a fucking LINE
>no sex fanservice, or it must be downplayed as much as possible
You almost had me too. Pretending you're a eunuch who only appreciates the rich subtleties of amazing gameplay who for whatever reason has a puritanical view towards T&A shows that you're focused on aesthetics as well, meaning you'll excuse/disregard potentially phenomenal gameplay because some characters are sexy. To that effect, kill yourself.
But unless it's terrible, gameplay is literally the least important part.
I'd rather have good music, a unique setting or an innovative story over better braindead gameplay that was already perfected 20 years ago so what's the fucking point of playing new games, just fuck off.
Wrong, as any dictionary can tell you.
Probably because it at least has the freedom to break free from marketing data and actually do some controversial things with regards to gameplay and storytelling. I mean, Ubisoft has like 3 hits for their last 10 misses in terms of making actually interesting or at least somewhat niche games, and EA has strangled any sense of joy de vivre from their games in favor of broad spectrum microtransactions, season passes, and streaming potential. Activision at least tried something kind of new with Infinite, but they seem bound to the same constraints of all other western AAA devs.
muh lovecraft werewolves
I'd respectfully disagree, as at bare minimum the combat is functional in Automata. I can't even summon the energy to finish XV, so lackluster is its gameplay. They could have cloned KH wholesale and have made a much better game.
>who for whatever reason has a puritanical view towards T&A
because every single time, without fail, that a game focuses on sex appeal, it is dragging the gameplay down into the mud in the process. Whether it's a billion cutscenes showing me the character's ass in a wide angle lens, massive amounts of side content dedicated to cosmetic garbage like bikinis and other fashion wear, or the game trying to make me like the character because they knew they made a shallow piece of crap. Or better yet, they use the character as a piece of controversy to get the game to sell. See; quiet from MGSV.
I've about had it up to here with it all.
>let's compare Automata to games in completely different genres
>over better braindead gameplay that was already perfected 20 years ago
How can gameplay be both "perfected" and "braindead"?
reminder bayonneta have a better gameplay than nier automata
Bevause even the best gameplay ever made is still braindead.
Too bad the story, characters, setting and art direction are vastly inferior.
Reminder that both are going for completely different things and Bayonetta's story is a chore to sit through.
made by the same studio.
Then it can't be the best, now can it? Furthermore, you're literally saying that you don't want the game improved.
Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze must be going for the same thing too then.
Practically the same game, desu.