Tekken thread


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I'm glad the custom black colors were patched.

Love Tekken 7 still and I'm new to the series. Could we set up a Sup Forums tournament like people do with other fightan' games?

>Tekken 7 has Ansel support

Tekken isn't big enough here to do that sadly. Should check out the /vg/ general


That shit was obnoxious depending on the stage you couldn't see shit.

>Buy season pass because impulse purchasing faggot
>The one and only DLC character isn't available with the pass
>The pass is just bowling, a few costumes and Geese "literally who" Howard when he finally drops

Rather than a tournament just look for someone to play sets with.

>shilled here more than any other fightan
>nobody actually plays the game

There's the unannounced spring guest character coming too in the pass but yeah thats about it afaik.

Fighting games are not terribly popular as people realize quickly they're not that good at video games and either nut up or fucking whine about DP inputs.

Was Kiryu being DLC just a meme?

He's just what everyone wants

>shilled here more than any other fightan

That's Dragon Ball FighterZ without question and lately people have been shilling SFV having a new boxed version that doesn't even begin to address the issues people have with the core gameplay.

Shit's just a GOTY edition and the DLC wont even be on disk its a fucking voucher.

So it's literally the exact same game with a differant cover and a slip of paper with a code?

You got it my dude.

Where is Lei Wulong? He's been around since Tekken 2.

even if he was in the game, you wouldn't play him
and if you tried to you'd drop him

I'd rather have past characters for completionism than have Geese Howard who only Harada wanted.

Most people on Sup Forums are new to tekken since it's the first time it's not on a shit platform.

>PC owners

>Console owners

People are new to Tekken because Capcom drove people off.


Fuck you, I want goose.

Game is still better on PC and anyone who still cares about the game plays it on the superior platform. FACT.

The fact that Tekken7 was in arcades for three years milking asians who drop 100$ a day there and that consoles only got really late scraps they still charged 60$ for.

The fact that Tekken7 has the least content of all Tekken games released in the last fifteen years.

The fact Tekken 7 is the laggiest fighting game ever made and that Harada said that he will not do anything about it.

The fact that Tekken 7 is the game with the worst loading times ever.

The fact that Tekken 7 online is fucking garbage and that the lobbies are dreamcast tier with no FT5 or 10 settings or instant replay options

The fact that Tekken7 launched with day1 preorder DLC character faggotry and that they most likely wont ever add classic characters because they would rather charge 13$ for fucking Tekken Bowling

Bonus points for ignoring that Tekken comes with no tutorial or character guides period. Also for ignoring that they DO charge for costumes, costumes that were already in the fucking arcade.

And thats ignoring all the lies in that image like the "significant update" which Tekken7 never received, arcade mode not even being a real arcade mode in T7, the customization being absolute garbage, people actually hating rage arts and drives and that the story was half assed garbage that made zero sense even though Harada kept on delaying the game for that.
And while SFV is getting a huge update by the end of the year from the looks of it Harada mostly dropped Tekken7 support already. You'll get two more DLC characters and thats it.

Fuck Tekken, fuck Harada and fuck you!

But did it occur you before his announcement?

It's cool if you like him, but this is totally Harada jerking off into his own mouth.

I'm glad every problem gets patched. Like how it used to be so that if the host of the tournament decided to fuck off, everyone else was fucked.

Can't you still use gimmick items against other players online?

Got bored the other day so I decided to play a few matches.
Have no idea how to play Lucky Chloe but hot damn she's fun to fuck around with.

This but unironically, people cried from the rooftops this was the SFV killer and would save fighting games. Harada's a bigger hack than Ono

>no tutorial or character guides
The community is already tripping over each other to help noobs. I can't speak about the other complaints since I only play at the arcades.

Is it true that the game runs bad on PS4?

I know people were over-stating the impact it would have on SFV , but SFV was announced as selling 1.7 million as of August with over a year on the market while Tekken has sold 2 million (on console alone) since June.

Only degenerates use those though. I've had the game since launch and i've been hit with an item maybe once.

No ps4 is the best for it. Jukebox and large playerbase baby. It runs well on PS4, and even better on PC except there's more potential issues on PC due to DRM. My friend has issue because of his firewall and the drm on pc. My copy on Ps4 plays great.

Gesse when?
And why I am suspecting there will be another story mode whe he cames out?

>Have no idea how to play Lucky Chloe but hot damn she's fun to fuck around with.
Learn to fight with rhythm.

>You lost, user
>Now you have to kiss my foot

>And why I am suspecting there will be another story mode whe he cames out?

Oh that would be cool!

I've been a fan of Tekken since the first game and I agree with all of this. Where's Seiichi Ishii when you need him? He wouldn't have let Tekken be degraded this m uch

>Geese "literally who" Howar
This is an 18 and up board, if you arent old enough please leave

I want to do more than just kiss it.

Not bad, but it runs worse than PC. Longer load times and worse connection quality, but you get Jukebox (if you're into that) and a better playerbase). Still completely playable, though.

There is deadass more one-on-one training in Tekken than I've seen in any other game. The community is surprisingly good to newcomers.

FF games were never good and Kof sucks

0.02 in fight money has been deposited into your account

user, there is a reason SNK went bankrupt and were about to go bankrupt for the second time so had to be saved by the Chinese.

Not because their games were shit, but because they were constantly bootlegged

They were bootlegged in poor countries for the sole reason it was easy to do so and not by choice, while counties that actually bought games played Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.

SNK do have some fantastic games, but if anything it's abnormal to HAVE played them rather than not like you first implied.

literally only poor people get bootlegs, it did nothing to their income

Why have only Asuka and Lili been waifu'd?

It runs good but the input lag will make you go insane?