I play lots of multiplayer games all the time and one of the biggest problems i have is that i just get ANGRY all the time when i play them, like it's really fun when i win but REALLY fucking lame when i lose and sometimes i just need a few minutes to calm down before i can play again, how can i convince myself it's not that big of a deal to lose?
Shit sucks when the game isnt fun
How do you have fun playing competitive games?
You have fun when you win? I don't remember ever having fun when I win. I just get angry when I win because I felt like I didn't deserve it and angrier when I lose because I felt like I didn't deserve it.
Try playing a game that doesn't suck.
Haha, just kidding. There isn't a single good competitive multiplayer video game yet.
stop getting mad at video games
Play Melee
It is the one game that never makes me mad
I can get shinespiked at 14% by a fox player and just start laughing with the guy next to me, who just did it
Losing is an opportunity to learn. More so in a man on man competitive game e.g. fighting games / RTS / card games. If possible you can check what you did wrong on a replay or on your own recording (use OBS or something) In a good game you will find you did something to warrant losing the game/round. If you can't find why you lost, ask for help. If you aren't getting any help, quit the game. If you are playing a team based game... I would be careful being 100% competitive and serious, think about the MOBA communities and what kind of behaviors have been stereotyped from playing competitively with people you don't even know. If you really must, then form a team to play with.
Like my father used to tell
>user! Stop playing Video Games and go get some fucking pussy!At your age I had already fucked over 10 different girls! Are you gay? I'm really starting to think that you're gay.
Congrats OP you have come to the point in life where you realize that video games are for children and competing in them is pointless
>fighting games / RTS / card games.
By the spectator metric these are literally the three worst types of competitive game genres.
Try me
>By the spectator metric
who gives a shit
Yes and no. Fighting games like melee/skullgirls/street fighter have enough visual impact and response that a spectator can enjoy a match greatly just for seeing a character hit the other character strong examples would be cpt falcon in melee (popular crowd favorite), beowulf (skullgirls). On the flipside there are fighting games which perhaps lack in this "wow" factor and are much harder to enjoy as a spectator - generally looking at anime fighters like blazblue or KoF here.
I will agree with you on RTS and card games however, despite having very little experience as a player or spectator. The most I have seen is hearthstone play and how it can be entertaining to see someone get a lucky draw, I've very little knowledge of the game so my experience as a spectator never expanded much beyond that. I think it's this ease of understanding that helps games thrive as a spectator sport, however not a necessary facet for a successful one - look at chess for example.
It's a way of evaluating multiplayer games that deducts points for autistic game design, and since I really hate autistic game design, it's the metric I use. If a good player can't destroy on the first try a shitter who just happens to have 1000 hours played, then your game is bad in the eyes of many.
Spoiler Alert: You're dad was actually gay and didn't want you to suffer from his mental illness
It's all about not being a tryhard. I do it, and have plenty of fun in multiplayer games.
I don't see the appeal of competitive games either.
Shit, I mean half the time I play anything multiplayer, I don't play to win like I used to.
Now I just play to fuck other people over. It takes a lot more skill to do it subtly and it's way more enjoyable,
I find it fun even just practicing in training mode and on level 9 CPUs
Remember that one asshole in tribes who was skiing around at sanic speeds with a sniper and actually hitting people? I'd be that guy. That fag cosplaying as some character who isn't complete shit or breaks out the iwinscimmyof+5fuckyous as soon as he starts losing? That guy. Running around just dicking people with whatever meta fotm has the highest ttk is boring as fuck. Gotta style on people, even if it means getting dunked 3 times in a row immediately after.
yeah that's how i am too, but sometimes i'm just havin a bad day and can't manage anything cool.
so eventually it gets frustrating
put on some music, if sound isn't massively important. jams help you be chill
or stop sucking, that helps too
OP is black so he probably plays actual fighting games instead
Play it super careful, act like I've got one life, but don't be a useless fuckboi hiding in the back.
Makes it so much more fun.
Think about why you lost, learning from loses is how you git gud
Competitive games really aren't fun. They're okay when you win, but that's all. Trying to get good just to beat another person isn't fun. I get no satisfaction.
Learn your game. Watch videos, practice, really get to know the mechanics.
Then, when you get to a high enough level, start playing dumb. Really dumb. That's when winning is the most satisfying.
>selfish asshole acts out when he doesn't get his way
>trys to play it out as cute anime gurl who is so innocent
its like the creepy unsettling moments when people try to be normal and they are anything but
What? i just made a post asking how to have more fun in videogames. You fucks will find reasons to complain everywhere
If you're a NEET, having other things to do with your time besides games is a big help. Makes you realize how unimportant games are in the grand scheme of things, win or lose.
If you care enough about it, try to improve. Having high elo with a win rate of 66-70ish% means you get to play some fun matches with (and against) people that know their shit.
the irony is that you yourself sound super autistic