Old thread hit limit, think its worth discussing further

Old thread hit limit, think its worth discussing further.

>How do we stop the lootbox issue?
Voting with your wallet bullshit aint gonna work because theres the whales will still support this shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


thats all you can do, dont fucking buying them

well you could try autistically screeching about it on Sup Forums, that usually gets things done

Whales < consistent full-price sales. Voting with your wallet does something at least.

It won't work because people don't do it. Remember the "mw2 boycott group"?

Stop it by checking my 5

It'll either get so out of hand that it'll crash and burn after even the whales get pissed off (how it has already in CHINA) or it'll become a standard in the market and shit will be fucked

both end in the same result: video games are dead

>but you can just grind it for "free"
After a $60 buy-in for the base game you mean.

Also, the specifically engineer the grind to make you buy the crate.

>You are just rolling dice and are guarantee to win something.
Which takes us back to >So if a casino would guarantee you'd win atleast $1 but the minimum gamble is $10 then suddenly its not gambling?

stop buying them and stop buying games that have that kind of business model

every dollar you spend is a vote to keep what ever you spend it on in business

the whales have more spending power but if people dont buy the games that have the microtransactions the playerbase will be lower resulting in whales being less likely to want to spend money on that game since there is less people to show off too

Literally government intervention is what video games needs. Video games needs fascism otherwise we just get communism.
We need the Lockheed Martin of video games producers to make cutting edge gameplay design mechanics and advance user counts on video game servers. Literally mind controlling pedophiles and technocrats want to mind control children to suck their dicks without asking because it's loving and liberal. These sick fucks need the guillotine publicly broadcasted worldwide in HD.

All the DLC is free aparently. If i had to choose between free content and pay to win vs 30-50$ season pass and balanced leveling, id pick the first. That being said pay to win is still retarded, but the games business model is better than most right now.

Well that escalated quickly.

>Voting with your wallet bullshit aint gonna work because theres the whales will still support this shit.
How about you stop being a manchild and just skip the game? As if you HAVE to play the latest fucking retarded shithole multiplayer game.


what the fuck

do as the gooks do and go whaling

>Greedy corporations
Sup Forums is really retarded.

Video games are covered by the US House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The following Congressmen are on this Committee. ~Subcommittee for Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection.

Chairman- Bob Latta- Ohio
Minority Chair- Jan Schakowsky- Illinois

Greg Harper- Mississippi
Fred Upton- Michigan
Michael Burgess- Texas
Leonard Lance- New Jersey
Brett Guthrie- Kentucky
David McKinley- West Virginia
Adam Kinzinger- Illinois
Gus Bilirakis- Florida
Larry Buschon- Indiana
Markwayne Mullin- Okalahoma
Mimi Walters- California
Ryan Costello- Pennsylvania
Greg Walden- Oregon- ex officio

DEMOTURDS (worthless leftist cucks but still worth a try)
Ben Lujan- New Mexico
Yvette Clark- New York
Rony Cardenas- California
Debbie Dingle- Michigan
Dorris Matsui- California
Peter Welch- Vermont
Joe Kennedy- Massachusetts
Gene Green- Texas
Frank Pallone- New Jersey

>implying market-tards would be able to do anything about this
communism is necessary to save vidya

We are talking about loot crates as a whole here, not Battlefront 2 specific. just threw it out as an example.

>How about you stop being a manchild and just skip the game?
Sure. I'll skip Battlefront 2 And Shadow of War.

then what? another game? and another? from another franchise/IP I love? If this becomes commonplace (and it will if left standing) I'll end up skipping more and more until I have almost nothing left.



is this Ancapzu?

My 2 cents is that, since there is no stopping them, it is to hit a nice and fair medium. Right now, almost all of these lootboxes are "you can get all trash or all legendary/epic/gold/highest tier" and that's really scummy.

With card games like Magic the Gathering, you are guaranteed so many common and uncommons, along with a rare with a chance of that rare being mythic and another chance of there being a foil in the pack as well. If lootcrates were to adopt this and give you guaranteed values, it would cut most of the frustration.

Another alternative is for each publisher to add a steam market economy to their games to enable buying, selling, and trading. If EA and Ubisoft are going to make players use their own DRM, might as well make the most of it.

hi pedogaf

>US House Energy and Commerce Committee
What? Why? Whats the connection?


>voting with your wallet doesn't work!

yeah maybe because it's never happened. you faggots all went out and bought overwatch, you bought BotW, you bought PUBG, you bought CS:GO, and you'll surely buy this too because you're dumb as hell.

And then you'll shill out for the loot crates every now and again anyways, which is enough to justify the strategy from an executive viewpoint, macro systems being as they are. Retards.

Commerce is a wide as fuck term. Everything can be be commerce. Surely art isn't covered by this committee but art can be sold as just like anything else.

Shouldn't it be a part of some high-tech committee that does software and technology?

So,, i guess i have yet another reason to hate Blizzard.

this issue and other digital issues will likely have their own in time, due to how many of them there are and how long they've gone unresolved for.

>they specifically engineer the grind to make you buy the crate
Except that's wrong, because pic related only took me around ~25 hours to get to. You literally couldn't buy crates during the beta, and I was still able to get both weapon mods and all 3 of the cards I wanted at gold, mostly through crafting. Beta odds are subject to change only as a legal disclaimer; you know just as well as I do that if pull rates get even 1% worse than the beta that people will fly off the fucking handle and the game will die faster than even the first EAfront did.

Also, I'm not giving any of you cunts (You)s, but to those of you rambling on about how we need big daddy state to come in and "save the children from legalized gambling" or whatever; it will literally never happen, because of the precedent set by trading card games. Buying a pack for $3-$5 is already an accepted and legal practice, even when the contents of the pack could be worth less than a dollar, because you have the chance to luck out and open more value than you spent. If all the years MtG has been out hasn't made systems like this illegal, it's sure as fuck not vidya that's gonna be the tipping point.

Valve started microtransactions and lootboxes from a retail game.

>Literally government intervention is what video games needs
Communism and Fascism jokes aside, he is correct.

If the government intervenes and defines this lootcrate bullshit as gambling then this will surely push back the trend. Doing so will force the ESRB to give these games a rating of AO which is often a death sentence for a game. or at the very least they could go like China which has a nice form of regulation regarding lootboxes. lootcrates sold must provide the chances of winning an item and aren't allowed to play with the chances without announcing the changes.

No, they'll change it and you'll buy it anyways because you have an addiction problem or some shit. Get serious.

if i get a 5 then loot boxes will be banned in the next 5 years but publishers will find an even worse tactic to use

Oh shit.

Oh we fucked

>think its worth discussing further.
No it isn't. You're just bickering and going in circles now.

I don't really understand what you're rambling on about but it sounds reasonable.

all dlc will soon be in lootboxs
and people will eat it up too because "but theres a chance ill get the season pass"
want the expansion? better buy a lootbox
sorry you just got skins? better buy another lootbox and hope you get the expantion

Fuck off more gov't is the opposite of what we need. What we need is informed consumers to not buy shit. All the autistic screeching is starting to reach and make sense to others as it's an easy argument +games are getting progressively worse because of the greed these loot boxes derived from.

We aren't discussing BF2 specifically here. We are talking lootcrates as a whole and many of them abuse this mechanic. in Shadow of War you need to spend many hours to grind in you want to unlock the endgame content or you can just buy it with crates.

In theory its possible to engineer it so that you have to unlock X amount of loot crates before you even get a chance to get something worth while, and even then its a small chance. the gambling industry has been doing something similar with slot machines for centuries, all it requires is for video games to borrow on those ideas.

The big difference is that slot machines are regulated with minimum win chances no matter what, lootcrates aren't.

That's what the germans said :)

it really doesnt require big gov
how is having the governent acknoledge that this is gambling mean big gov, unless the goverment steps in to ban it then its not big gov
lootboxs shouldnt be banned but they should have to have a rating for adults only

This is my favourite post.

>Fuck off more gov't is the opposite of what we need.
I dont like the idea either, but thats the best solution I see. the lesser evil if you will. If you have a better solution go ahead.

>What we need is informed consumers to not buy shit.
Clearly, this isnt happening. People been saying that forever yet the issue keeps growing. Remember microtransaction in mobile apps? people said the exact same shit but this shit keeps expanding like cancer.

We don't need communism, we just need to let the free market do it's thing. The most profitable thing to add to games right now is loot boxes, but people who want whole games will stop buying video games. They will start buying bibeo bames.

>buy a STARSHIP lootcrate because I want cards for them
>get a fucking han and boba card and only 1 starship card
What a great system to base progression on

I think Jim is a shithead, but this video was pretty spot on in regards to dlc/lootboxes/multiple versions:


ESRB's trading card argument makes way more sense than the gambling """argument""". This is typical Sup Forums issue of the month shit: won't amount to anything.

>participating in slacktivism

Just want to say that Loot Crates in Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect's nultiplayer are done right.

Fuck real money, but having a shop where you buy booster packs is something I like. Mass Effect basically had it so you get new guns, or if you get a double-up it improves that gun by 5% or so.

Has to be a PVE game though, or it's fucked.

Everyone hates gamestop but buying games used defunds the faggots that hijacked video game journalism to convince us to buy their product instead of truthfully reporting, plan dlc before the game is released therefore cutting part of the game out to sell it to you later, selling you access to content ALREADY ON THE DISK, ETC, ETC.

FUCK gamestop but fuck greedy publishers more

Keep complaining on an anime website.

just pirate the game if its singleplayer with microtransactions and if its multiplayer then have some self control and just dont play/buy it

then support developers who dont add this shit to their games

he thinks trading cards are a good moral buisness model, theres a reason they call mtg cardboard crack

(You) forgot to include an actual argument in between your two baseless assumptions, work on that next time.

I don't know shit about shadow of war, so I'm not gonna pretend I do; that being said, the odds of actually criminalizing lootcrates are still pretty much zero. Again, TCGs have been using this exact system, explicitly on children, for the better part of 2 decades. It's the same shit with the same rationale; it's not "true gambling" because you're guaranteed "some" value in return, even if said value is less than what you paid for the card pack. 3 bronze cards from BF2 fucking sucks, but it counts as "some value" so it falls under the same umbrella. You'd have to criminalize card games at the same time if you wanted to make a legally viable argument, and that's absolutely not going to happen. I'd personally also like it if games didn't keep steering toward crate-based shit, but this is one of many, many times in life where the government is not the solution to the problem.

no I'm buying it NOW

amazon are much better than gamestop since you can get the game for free if you pretend that it never arrived

That would literally do nothing to stifle the key issue. Parents by their kids whatever the fuck they want. How many kids have your heard in online games? Do you really think a label that says "gambling" along with "suggestive themes and violence" is going to matter to consumers that wouldn't be bothered by the latter two descriptors? The answer is no

NBA is fucking abysmal in regards to this, as are most of the sports games. I feel like a hypocrite because I bought those FUT packs but no longer.

consoles dont let games with adults only ratings on their system

My suggestion was to inform people

It is working. It's not fucking magic that makes our problems disappear immediately. Mobile games are 9/10 free to begin and the only way they get money is micro tramsactions and ad revenue. That's ok with me. It's not the same.

user games with an ao rating are doa, cant be put on shelves have to be hidden in the back like the porn used to be in video stores, consoles wont touch games with ao ratings and i doubt it would get on steam with that rating either, have you ever even seen a game with an adults only rating? probably not becauseno publisher will let their game be released as ao as its a deathwish

>the "lesser evil"


Even better!

I didn't preorder and told the devs to suck it in lots of places

However, I'll probably still end up getting it. Fortunately the preorder is pretty useless.

I just like Star Wars too much and it's the kind of casual "hop in and play a bit shooter" I could use right now, don't always feel serious enough for PUBG or something.

I thought adult was just another way to say they were rated M. I know what user meant now.

Normalfags have already gotten into video games, it's too late unless the industry completely crashes. Just like television, movies, everything else that isn't niche, the people that create products will never stop catering to the lowest common denominator. There's nothing you can do to stop it. As much as it sucks, the only thing to do is to just find a new hobby or accept the few good small dev games that come out every so often until it implodes.

>the odds of actually criminalizing lootcrates are still pretty much zero
How do you know that? you have no way to knowing that. but you do know that the risk is definitely there and has been abused in the past by slot machines using almost exactly the same mechanics - This is why we regulate that shit.

> TCGs have been using this exact system
And I completely disagree with this shit and this it is gambling imo. its like a casino promising you to have a minimum reward of X dollars, but the minimum gamble is X+Y dollars.

if I played TCGs, I would care about it. I dont play TCG but I do play video games which is why I care about this. especially since this is a new development in video games while TCGs were always build on that mechanic.

>where the government is not the solution to the problem.
Give me a better solution that work.

unfortunately this is true, look at the state of the movie industry, remakes, remakes, all female remakes and oh look more remakes

if it was cosmetics and emotes and sprays or skins or whatever, I wouldn't have a problem with it. but it directly affects the gameplay itself and fucks up any semblance of balance the game could have had. it's completely unfair and favors the people that spend more money. fuck this game.

cosmetics used to be standard unlockables in games not extras you pay for anyway its a slippery slope if you accept cosmetic it becomes normalised and then they will just try again with pay to win when people are alittle more accustomed to having lootboxes in all games

Overwatch did crates right more or less. Nothing game changing, just cosmetic shit.

Yet people are still willing to shell out lots of money. Surely they would have done that for a Star Wars game too.

This. Late stage capitalism has no breaks.

true, but they were cosmetic. same with overwatch. EA (no less) crossed the line when it directly affects the gameplay itself. EA simply gives no fucks because they have genius marketers and an infinite sack of gold to basically do whatever the fuck they want, damn the consequences because they know YOU (not you specifically but the consumer) will buy it regardless of how much of a ripoff it is, and annual FIFA will make bazillions from brazilians and there is nothing. you. can do about it.

the only winning move is to not play, but they've got your favorite IP in a nasty hostage situation, so you're going to play whether you like it or not.

it's genius, I have to tip my hat to these magnificent bastards. you can always count on EA to be scummy. if there's a silver lining to all this, it's they give us plenty of memes too.

nah halo reach did cosmetics right
>no microtransactions
>can choose what you buy with the in game currency you get for playing the game and winning matches
>did i mention that these cosmetics arent locked behind a paywall
when even fucking halo reach did this shit better no overwatch didnt do anything right, it makes games worse because devs are greedy jews

Well we got some good games this year, but the trends spell trouble. I'm gonna be replaying a lot of old rpgs instead of buying new games soon.

>he doesn't into reading comprehension

Someone mentioned making a list of the games that do this and I whipped up lootboxlist.github.io/ but the main issue is that it's static and has to be updated manually. Is it a good idea or did I waste time?

you mean late game judaism right?

pay to win affects everybody though, and not in a (oh he has a cool hat I want) but directly in a (he's better than me because he can afford to be) way.


this sums it up quickly and concisely

yes user but just because a is worse than b that doesnt make b good.
murder is worse than theft but theft is still an illegal crime

I miss microtransactions, at least the game was fair and you got what you paid for

>How do you know that? you have no way to knowing that.
I just said how I know that, because it's a system that's been legal in TCGs for years. Government operates heavily on the principle of precedent; if a problem has been brought to court before, the new ruling will be extremely weighted based on the previous ruling. I'm not saying TCG packs are automatically "morally correct" or "not gambling" or whatever, I'm saying the government has already decided that they aren't, and for them to address games with lootboxes would have them go back to the closest precedent, which would be TCG packs.

All that being said, the only real "solution" to lootboxes is for them to not be financially beneficial. If games with lootboxes took hits in release sales solely and explicitly due to the presence of lootboxes, or if people who played said games almost never bought lootboxes, the system would be seen as a financial failure and AAA devs would move on. There's no amount of legality or force that can change it otherwise; as we've established you can't make The State ban it, and you definitely can't drag everyone who buys lootboxes into the street and execute them over it as some other dipshit anons have suggested. Unfortunately for us, games like Overwatch, TF2, etc. have already shined as examples in favor of lootboxes being a good business model, so it's gonna take some time before any backlash is properly felt by the AAA industry.

activision blizzard made 3.6 billion dollars with loot boxes. enough money to run a small country. and that was from 1 game. ESRB just stated today actually that loot boxes aren't gambling because you get "something" every time you buy one.

now this whole battlefront 2 shit literally has actual upgrades that make you obscenely more powerful than people who don't buy such crates. soon only the rich will be able to compete in AAA games, and anybody who wants to participate will be milked for hundreds of dollars each if they allow themselves to be

I find myself wondering how much more shady slimy can this industry get? how much more abuse can people take? it has to reach a boiling point eventually? right?

is there an end to this?

>dominating poorfags with NEETbux
Truly the greatest timeline

pirate it and any games that feature microtransactions, but to make sure this actually works you need to support good devs that dont shit up their games with this junk

anyone saying not to buy it is stupid because people dont stick to boycotts mw2boycott.jpg

It's very unfortunate for us, but EA chose the right game to test pay to win card gambling on. It's a casual game that depends on its popular IP, and its casual community on consoles especially will not be bothered or even know why this is bad. They're not on steam where reviews can harm a product. Basically they will get away with it, and the gambling money they made will extremely outweigh the lost sales from hardcore gamers.

also >origin so no pc refunds

Please respond.

just become a steam currator or some shit


Sup Forumsermin BTFO

>because it's a system that's been legal in TCGs for years
thats completely different. TCGs have no way to affect the chances once the product leaves the factory. they cant control who buys the package, they cant decide what are the odds of him getting a certain card. Lootcrates are much like slot machines which can and do exactly that. They know exactly who you are, whats your spending history, your behavior pattern etc. allowing them to be engineered to make you lose/win as often as they want, give you a win when you're about to give up to keep you playing and keep making you lose so they maximize the profit. they even have more power than slots since they know what cards you already won and can give you a rare you already have which might be less useful if you're not allowed to use duplicate cards.

>Government operates heavily on the principle of precedent
We are on new ground here, but you cant deny the fact that lootcrates are far closer to slotmachines with minimum reward guarantee than TCGs. and since slot machines are regulated I say, by the logic lootcrates should be too aswell as any other form of online or electronic gambling.

>would have them go back to the closest precedent, which would be TCG packs.
which I heavily disagree since I see it having more in common with slot machines than TCGs. its more open to abuse than TCGs.

>All that being said, the only real "solution" to lootboxes is for them to not be financially beneficial.
But how? I say that if they recognize lootcrates as gambling, The ESRB will be forced to rate it Adult Only which publisher avoid like the plague. If you see a better solution please tell me but so far no one said anything that I believe will work


>If games with lootboxes took hits in release sales solely and explicitly due to the presence of lootboxes
same thing were said about Day1 DLC, microtransaction and a plethora of other issues plaguing the industry. Not working.
>or if people who played said games almost never bought lootboxes
Many free to play game players dont pay. but there are whales who pay large amounts and they are the big source of income. Same thing already happened in Overwatch and same thing will happen here.

>we've established you can't make The State ban it
Did we? I still think the state should regulate it like it does slot machines. and maybe just the thread of regulation will be enough to make them stop. Remember Mortal Kombat and the ESRBs birth? they did it only because they feared government regulation.

>Unfortunately for us, games like Overwatch, TF2, etc. have already shined as examples in favor of lootboxes being a good business model
yes. but thats different. they're not P2W content in a full price game. a line needs to be drawn somewhere and as much as I hate to say it I think the brute force of government regulation, or atleast the threat of it, is the power that can draw that line.

>he doesnt know that its (((both sides)))
>trump is like alex jones CONTROLLED OPPOSITION
i guarentee (((they))) showed trump a video of the jfk assasination after he won the presidency

>how do you combat loot crates in AAA full price games

tell everybody interested in the game that the dev's are lying about the drop rates for purchased crates and good things only drop at a tiny fraction of the rate compared to end of match drops

>Meme parenthesis
>Alex Jones
Proof that you're not in the mental state to discuss things outside of r/the_donald.