He doesn't have a Vidyagaem tune as his ringrone

>He doesn't have a Vidyagaem tune as his ringrone.
MGS1 codec call masterrace here.

Other urls found in this thread:


>not having your phone on silent and do not disturb


Only virgins do this.

No one uses ringtone anymore user. Haven’t you gone outside in the past two years?

I have this as my call ringtone starting from this point
It's pretty good only people who played the game recognize it

except everyone that has a phone

My ringtone used to be Message from Nightopia from Nights Into Dreams but I changed it recently to youtu.be/kI0dVAoVXgQ?t=27

I only watched like five episodes of Super but it just seemed right

I haven't heard a ringtone that wasn't the default iphone or android one since about 2010.

My phone is always on silent but just for novelty I'd like to have a specific notification sound on my phone. However I don't know how to get it from a snes game without recording background music as well. Is there a program that helps with this?

>virgin is now an insult on Sup Forums
How times have changed.

Depending on what it is someone's probably already posted it on youtube so you could just grab that. Failing that maybe you can mess with the sound channels on certain emulators or something.

Unironically my ringtone

No one calls me so whats the point?

>Vidya ringtone

One of the few things i consider 'cringe' and i don't like using that word desu



I work with a guy that has the Zelda item tune as his SMS alert. I unironically have this has my ringer though:


its quite smart if you think about it because even if someone recognized it they wouldnt dare call the dude out since it would mean revealing their own power level

Been using this since forever, got most of my coworkers interested in Mega Man games, and what do you know, they enjoyed them.


Normies wouldn't get it, but still a shit ringtone.

The only way your taste could be better is if it were the title theme my man

I'm using the sound you hear when you finish an objective or find a secret from Thief 1/2 as my text signal but I can't come up with a decent one when someone calls me. I'm on a Persona 5 craze lately so maybe youtu.be/30Ef7i3qq-U?t=4421 (1:13:41)

I have this, I think it's a good ringtone and not many people will know it's a video game tune


>not the snake dying sound
no I don't mean the music, just him going AUUUGGGHHH

I do

Does your phone have a select button? If not how do you even fucking answer it, checkmate faggot.

Or people who don't want to be bothered. The only reason you have yours on loud is so the one text message or call a month you get from your mother or a telemarketer, you'll be the talk of the town as everybody will think you're Mr. Popular. Fuck you.

Virgins detected. Stay mad at Chad.

>u butthurt lmao
i'll miss you 2011