Yfw you enter THE ZONE

>yfw you enter THE ZONE

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Which Zone? Danger Zone?

how good is this as a sports anime, bearing in mind the only sports anime i've really watched was ping pong- which i consider to be a masterpiece.


The zone user. That magical realm that only opens to the most skilled and autistic vidya players


>Ping Pong as a masterpiece
Then Kuroko no Basuke is not for you.

>yfw ZONE releases another swf

The zone?

>All your team enters the ZONE




this is quite literally /the zone/

no, not the zone, THE ZONE

why, because you consider ping pong to be bad(which i can understand not liking it but i think an objective argument could be made for what masaki yuasa accomplished as definitely of an above average quality)? or is basuke just a more procedural anime rather than the closed narrative of ping pong.
anyway i'm trying to be genuine and not hide behind some post-irony or faggy anime elitism. i genuinely want to get into sports anime since it captures my attachment to the action hype of seinen while being grounded in reality (mostly).

Not that user but Ping Pong and KnB are quite literally polar opposites

It's very entertaining, each game feels fun and fresh.

One thing that got on my nerves though was that every character named their shitty moves, and some main characters have multiple named moves, and they yell their move every fucking time they use them. It got to me after awhile but that might just be me.

Also season 3 has a shitty filler where they cover the generation of miracles beginnings or whatever they're called, but if you skip that the third season is pretty good.

I'd recommend it, if you like more psychological mind games stuff I'd highly recommend One Outs.

Kuroko is more of a "this team will always win" anime with powerups and what not. Its a fun watch, watching bros and old rivals play, but its not filled with a more "meaningful" plot like ping pong.


Ping pong is a fairly grounded sports story
KnB is borderline magic. People scream their move names, everyone has a unique look and hairstyle, it's basically a shonen fight series in basketball form.

for me, the zone is a place of tranquility

>while being grounded in reality
Kuroko basically has magic in it




Thank you, i appreciate your kindness and generosity. You are all sweet i will send mind prayers to enhance your irl luck and drop rates as well as reducing enemy encounters.
Despite its differences it does sound like KnB might be fun. I'll check it out as well as One Outs.

Is the new season of Kuroko out yet? I've been waitin like 2 years now I think?


>Outta nowhere do the perfect setup and execution of something amazing with your teammate with no communication whatsoever
Is there any feeling more hype

Kuroko ended years ago user


If you enjoy One Outs, watch Kaiji and Akagi too
They're pretty similar but more about dumb death gambles

I tend to only enter "the zone" whenever I'm freaking the fuck out and panicking. Mouth drys out also because I inadvertently keep it open

Why do people think ping pong is a "masterpiece"? I watched it once and thought is was pretty good but not spectacular. What's with the extreme praise over it? Or I am just a 2deep4me brainlet?

Oh the anime is over forever?

Yes, theres even a movie that covers the events that happen after the last season. Last game i think is called

I forgot how much I fucking loved Kekkai Sensen before beginning season 2. Glad S2 had a strong start


The new movie got subbed recently. It's all of the GoMs + Kagami vs an American basketball team.

Are you really surprised that people who watch anime blow the spectrum of "is it perfect or is it the worst thing ever" way outta proportion? They are basically retarded and it's a black and white thing to them. It's either perfect in every way or its a disgrace to humanity. Because people who watch anime are retarded.

I'm retarded


honestly, i was always at my best in smash when pic related. id be playing friends and would go into a zen-like state of perfection when my gf would call. i kinda figured it was because it removed my initial layer of thinking and just let my brain focus without me getting in the way. sounds stupid, but i was always better at games when on the phone

>good story
>fun game
>great character
>amazing music
>not retardedly long
>not cancerous boring artstyle that's used in everything these days
I wonder

there is a lot of meta-commentary of anime itself that is apparent in almost all of yuasa's work, however it eschews the post-modernist trend of surface-level nihilism and antagonism towards the genre or themes being deconstructed. Yuasa readily celebrates them, does so without any irony, and delivers a work that is animated (personal taste here) fucking gorgeously.
The story itself is very real, theres something to be said for the political conflict within the story as well, unfortunately im completely out on the details- only knowing that chinese people and japanese people tend to not get along.
Its an excellent coming of age story that is excellent even outside of anime as a medium. Its something you can show to someone and say hey, anime isn't 'just cartoons'.
There is a significant amount going on 'in the background', essentially, which if you are just a passive viewer you can miss and thats not a bad thing. You don't have to critically analyze everything you watch- pure entertainment has absolute value imo. So you aren't a 2deep4me brainlet. Artisan quality or auteurship is meant to 'go over your head'. its not like jiro has some magical spice that he adds to every sushi roll. its the combination of many proficiencies and deep subtleties that add up to a superior product.

Is Super worth watching? The idea that Goku's best of the best powerup just makes him look perfectly normal is making me want to watch it.

Fuck, you beat me to it.
Might as well post THE original Ultra Autism user.


>look perfectly normal
It's not normal though. His hair is spikier and he has a completely new aura.

Eh it's got some decent episodes
It's not a must watch or anything but I don't regret watching it
Watch the two newer movies, skip the Super arcs that are just recaps of the movies, and skip all the non-baseball filler episodes

>Rival is pushing your shit
>Enter the zone
>Demolish him in less tahn a minute

I mean he just looks like base level Goku. The aura doesn't really change how he looks.
>non-baseball fill
user are you implying to me that Yamcha gets his own series of episodes?

what the fuck is this


>user are you implying to me that Yamcha gets his own series of episodes?
Just one, but he does, he's also the one that wins in it despite the episode doing the corpse Yamcha joke.


He gets one and it's dope

Picked up

its dragonball on court.

slam dunk is actual sports anime

>tfw you enter the zone
>tfw your opponent also enters the zone

>tfw finally get video and control settings right, allowing me to enter THE ZONE

I want to enter Zone.

>its dragonball on court.
Nigga you haven't seen nothing. Check this





couldn't had beat Bunta without entering the zone, perfect drift at every corner

>Eyes flare irl
>You are now 30% more efficient at everything

As someone that doesn't play multiplayer a lot the EA Battlefront 2 dem wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I can't handle it the feeling of being in THE ZONE. I burn myself from the inside out.

the worst part is ive seen this and i still dont know, im interested too

So is Kekkai Sensen good or does it just look pretty?

Just watch the two movies, since anime version of them is utter shit.
Don't worry about seeds, the tracker doesn't show proper numbers, these are all seeded.
nyaa.si/view/538731 Yo Son Goku
nyaa.si/view/856870 Battle of Gods
nyaa.si/view/832837 Revival of F
nyaa.si/view/959248 Super episodes up to 84, start at 28 though since that's right after RoF'a anime adaptation which ends with 27, though you could also watch 27 to see the anime-only extended beatdown scene of Vegeta laying smackdown on Freeza

So what games have you mastered to a level that allows you to almost enter the zone at will

i can do it with almost every mega man game from classic to zx, specially with zero 3 and zx advent , sfter the first time i started challenging myself to go on boss battles with only one hp to always be on the zone


Oh and here's for episodes 85 and onwards:
nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=dragon ball super 1080 horrible

Is good and pretty. If you crave for a episodic and ligh hearted show that is


It's solid silly fun that gets pretty exciting if you can get into that kind of thing. No similarities with ping pong but that doesn't mean you won't like it.

sounds good

Ninja Gaiden Black

I think that's fucking it

>Heartbeats echoes in the distance

Watch slam dunk

Whats it bout

Jose Mendoza is handsome as hell.

So since this basically turned into an anime thread,
What are some good sports anime/manga?
I've only read Rookies, and I'm trying to read Slam Dunk, but the translations are so awkward that it's kind of killing my will to go on.

Not really grounded to earth but i fucking love me some Eyeshield 21


Hajime no Ippo.


yea its worth watching. It starts off as a comedy and once they get back to the wrastlin with the true tournament they have going on they bring back the old shitty fighters and give them purpose again. That alone is worth it.

Watch Ippo

F-Zero GX

I use all my boost as soon as possible and make it a one fuck up race and getting through it in one piece feels amazing


I watched that goddamned movie. Everyone else go watch it.

