I just got to the mines and I'm bored out of my fucking mind

I just got to the mines and I'm bored out of my fucking mind.

Does it get any better?

Why are you bored?



Finish the mines, they introduce some judges and the nethicite topic. Maybe you need a break but go back to the game in a week or two, I certainly did think it got better. You're referring to Lhusu mines right? Theyll be morw mines but keep trekking, you can do it.

if the game isn't fun for you by the time you get all the party members you should drop it tbqh fampai


It's not for everyone OP, no one's forcing you to have good taste

The main story doesn't get any better but I had fun exploring and hunting.

Not really. I think Im almost done with the game but I cant really bring myself to play anymore

Tbh I find this game extremely fun. 100+ hours in and I'm still having fun leveling my team, exploring the maps, admiring the scenery, and hunting for Rare/Marks.

Though I played the PS2 Original version and I'm fairly certain it was a lot, and I mean A LOT harder, or am I wrong?

>Panelo keeps her shoes on the whole game


The spell queue/lag made some battles harder, I still haven't beat Zodiark and didn't bother going for Ultima and Yiazmat yet because of it.

i replayed FF12 on Emulator this year. it was actually the most fun i've had with a Final Fantasy for quite some time. Story aside i really enjoyed it.

Yeah, I remember getting pummeled by Trickster and some other bosses like Gilgamesh, or by default, stuck in a Revive/Heal loop. TZA seems to have fixed those things and made the game a lot more enjoyable.

The story is definitely the least enjoyable aspect of FFXII, but I have to say I appreciated (and actually understood) it a lot more when playing Zodiac Age. The politics and drama between the Judges is the best part of the story.

>The politics and drama between the Judges is the best part of the story.

The hypest part of the game was the assassination of the arcadies king. You felt like shit was finally ramping up.

How the fuck did i finish this on normal speed? Tried it after playing with the speed boost and it feels like ultra slow mo

Because the game is dog shit.

Zodikar is the hardest esper to obtain. Gather the other first. Make sure to find some black masks for your mains and use your secondary team when you first enter. Zodirak uses his OP attack as his opener and it has a high probability of insta-killing with and added blind effect as an extra FU. Let him nuke your back-up team then switch to your main after his first attack and make sure they're all wearing black masks and/or blue ribbons. Switch to your back-up every time he charges his main attack.

Game is good. I'm on my second play through now.

Just grind the bats in henne mines then give someone genji gear with masamune and berserk. Pretty much slaughter every hunt in seconds besides yiazamat

>Does it get any better?

best played when half asleep for max comfy. shit plays itself anyway


How the fuck did we grind for chest in vanilla? We had to zone out TWICE at a slow ass jogging speed

I realize when you took off 2x you feel like you are underwater.

This decision I actually thought was not good when I heard about it, but now I think It's genius to have gone with it.

Isn't it 4x?

It's both.

Look at configurations.