Now the dust has settled, what went right?
Now the dust has settled, what went right?
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>t. colors fags
Literally the only good Sonic game is Heroes.
It paved the way for Adventure 2, the good DC Sonic game.
Adventure 2 was worse in nearly every way.
It probably was the best way to handle sonic in early 3D without compromising the core basics of the character.
The graphics were better than Mario 64.
The "cool edge" that only Sonic and Michael Jackson could bring has was briefly re-ignited.
absolutely fucking nothing. boostfags are pitiful the epitome of shit taste
Eat shit adventurefag
oh here we go boost apologists come out of the woodwork to defend hit mechanics. pitiful.
>hit mechanics
Way to show you never played it Adeventurefag
>nitpicking spelling
reddit please go
>le reddit boogyman
The music and the graphics were exceptional, but everything wasn't really that good.
also that little "READY? GO!" thing sonic does before spindashing was cute too
Here we go with the Sup Forums boogyman. Maybe Reddit is more your style.
seriously what the FUCK is your problem. get help kid seriously.
How about you go fuck off and suck some kekistan dick
there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a flurry
Great Soundtrack, Chao Garden, fun over-the-top story, and a sequel that improved everything of the first game. And even though it's gameplay was buggy, it's probably the best formula of gameplay we'll ever get from a 3D Sonic. Too bad no sequel except for it's direct sequel ever improved on it though. With Heroes opting for it's character rotation gimmick. Shadow putting too much focus on guns and had shit level design aside from a few levels.
Whatever, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
graphics are pretty nice for 98 (SADX manages to make it look somewhat worse), music is ace, Red Mountain is a great level, chao
the rest is varying degrees of pretty okay to kind of poor, Amy's and Big's gameplay are awful, and I never liked Adventure Fields (literally just padding)
it's still enjoyable, but it's rough as fuck now
The only way SA2 was worse is the loss of the ability to see all 3 emeralds at once in tresure hunting.