Is Sup Forums ready for the Straya Cunt DLC?

Is Sup Forums ready for the Straya Cunt DLC?

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will it have abbos?

abo soldiers

eh FPS games are just not fun anymore

Are abbos even human? I doubt the Brits would use them

>no canadian dlc

Being cannon fodder doesn't take a degree.

i havent played since the french dlc

no hurry to either

bought the season pass because my retard normie friend told me it 'doubles the size of the game'

I played the winter map for a day and haven't played since

I wish I enjoyed Battlefield 1.

>not verifying what your friend by doing some research online
>handing EA 50 dollars they don't deserve

I got cucked too ;_;. EA's face when

What's wrong with it?

I appreciate the orchestral music instead of the audio diarrhea that was BF4

Should I buy this game? It looks neat, and I want a new fps. But I'm unsure about how replayable it is.

>Water maps

Well, this won't have Javelin lock-ons, so maybe I'll come back since those maps were the best of BF4.

I still haven't had the chance to come back and play the Russia DLC even though I already cucked myself and got the season pass. I'm interested in the naval aspect though, some of my best battlefield memories are Midway and Wake Island


So they're adding in Gallipoli?

DICE could always make an asspull, but considering in ANZACs I wouldn't rule the possibly of shoehorning in Maori.

Gunplay and the way damage is applied
It's like it's applied at a different tickrate, so there's a lot of one frame deaths in my experience.
It's been a problem since BF3, worse in BF4, worst in BF1
At least in BF3 and BF4 it was ameliorated by the combat distances negating that effect to an extent
Then there's game mechanics like gas grenades and tankwhores being as powerful as ever, makes it hard to get into the zone
At least that's the best explanation I can figure out for why BF1 feels bad man

>complaining about tankwhores
looks like someone is a little bitch who doesn't play with friends and isn't able to coordinate strikes against tanks

They're so tedious though. Taking the time to take out a tanker takes you out of playing objectives for too long to be worth the effort, and they're just going to respawn into a tank and continue doing their boring play anyway.
Tankers almost never play objectives, and never take risks, just play to their K:D.
BF1 was the perfect opportunity to make tanks multi-crew minimum, at leas that would have had some meaningful gameplay to it.

>focus on naval warfare
Okay, I might actually get this one. I played the Russian maps during the free week and it felt like every map was just a long range sniper battle, which got stale.

Pff taking out tanks is easy pz with the rocket gun, and actually I've found their usually helping with objective's, and you gotta take em out else you're fucked

What made PC player counts plummet?

shit game

Ehh progression is pretty garbage and you'll grow tired of it pretty quickly, but it is fun, if you get it for cheap i'd go for it

You must be playing in a good region then. I've almost never seen tankers do anything other than play in the boring ultraconservative kill farming style aka tankwhoring.

Uhhh...I don't think the massacre of galipoli is a compelling thing to include someone in a WW1 game for

And here I am hoping that that at least optimize the Battlefront 2 engine a bit more so my computer doesnt die when I run it like during the beta
Will I get cucked? TF2 ran pretty well, how does BF1 run on a 970 say?

*shells your position from safety*

More choice


Snipers playing point and click.

>that guy on offense in Operations who picks an Artillery Truck and sits so far back enemies cant get to him without going out of their bounds

I know I'm an hour late, but Canadians will be in the Apocolypse DLC

>shoehorning in Maori
fuck that, I'd fucking play as a maori, that would be fucking sick


tank hunter is fun desu

>grab Tank Hunter kit
>never use it on tanks
Im glad the Assault got the Model 1900 finally, though I haven't seen the DOOM reload or whether it even has it

PC players have good games to play

What's the player count like on PC? Is it dead? It's either PC or PS4

Flame trooper sucks you can literally bayonet charge him through his flames with 100% health and still be fine.

Sentry with villera perosa is fun but mg08 version is not as good, can be gassed spammed and bayonet charged easily so not my favourite.

Tank hunter has sawed off shotgun that gan rek bayonet chargers and melee spamming troops. tank rifle is fun to snipe with and can destroy vehicle easy, good class.

Trench Raider is my favourite, Has medical box to heal himself and allies, smoke grenades which can help push into points, great revovler sidearm and Fun as shit melee weapon. He can even block bayonet chargers if he melees them at the right moment. Only downside is that he can get fucked by explosive spam easily but still my favourite class

>that feel when unironically enjoyed the Australian part of the singleplayer

BF4 with all DLCs being readily available for less

And all of these provide cheap kills and nothing but frustration for people playing against them.
No one fights over these things easier, they just stumble upon them like they did in BF4 except instead of a fun little grenade launcher you get an overpowered as fuck suit of armor and weapons of mass destruction

got bored of it quickly and went back to 4

Got bored of 4 quickly and went back to 3

said nobody ever

You have to be legitimately autistic to get level 50 tanker or pilot..

Said nobody ever

>PC players have good games to play

Play with the infantry bolt action rifles and it's fun. Most the guns are shit.

nobody said ever

>get an overpowered as fuck suit of armor and weapons of mass destruction

1v1, the pillar verosa sentry is the only overpowered elite unit. The others are easy to handle.

>Flame trooper sucks you can literally bayonet charge him through his flames with 100% health and still be fine
Wrong and you're shit

Nope, aslong as you bayonet him only the afterburn will damage you, ive done it too many flametroopers

Tank Hunter, there is nothing more fun than fuck those Arty trucks

Not him, but I believe they buffed the fire damage and removed the damage reduction from bayonet charging.

The main problem with the flametrooper is using the flamethrower is a giant "shoot me" sign to anyone in the area.

These, , consolebabbies are starved for games and generally have lower standards.

>playing the huge open area map with the downed zeppelin in the middle and no fucking AA except in your spawnpoint
>they spawn the artillery truck instead of the AA truck

This can single handedly ruin a game if you're on offense. Having no tanks to push the points is a huge handicap. Drives me crazy

If you run in an open field like a retard then yes you will get fucked up

They did ?
Also I still don't know how flamethrower's hitboxes work.

Sorry I'm busy waiting for something else able World War I...

Even if you stay in closed areas the time to kill on the flamethrower is too slow, you'll take a few hits or a grenade toss before you kill someone, and that adds up quickly after 2 or 3 kills.

It's still fun to use, but not as practical as the other elites.

>the absolute devilish range on the double barrel
holy shit, I'm destroying with it. how is it passing over so many people's heads? go all in with a revolver and you have the capacity to very quickly kill 3 or so people.

>and that adds up quickly after 2 or 3 kills.
Except your health regenerates withing like 12 seconds
>kill on the flamethrower is too slow
Not if you focus the flame on them


Shit theme, remake Battlefield 2 or make modern shit again. I'm tired of future shit and WW1 is just plain boring.

get some friends
>5 mates together
>get heavy breakthrough tank
>2 supports 2 medics + driver
>always jumping in and out of tank depending on situation to heal/repair or shoot enemies
>go around as mobile spawn point
>get the uncoordinated fuckers to just spawn on you

and on the other end
>enemy team has tank and is reking
>4 people spawn as assault with AT weapon
>shoot at same time, tank dies

Dude, not him but flame troopers are pretty ass. Yeah, they can devastate when holding chokes or surprising a group with a flank, but if there's any space at all for people to walk away from you then a couple of people will spray you down unless you are directly next to cover. Not to mention a lot of damage can come from waiting for the flamethrower to start up when coming into a surprise encounter, then spraying for a good 2 seconds before they die. Plenty of time for heavy damage.

Don't get me wrong, I grab it whenever I can, but it has so many weaknesses compared to the other elites.

Then you're just bad
Every time I pickup a flametrooper i get at least 50 kills with it

>it's fine

Premium pass worth it? I got about 80 hours out of vanilla last year before getting bored. Are the new operations and conquest maps good?

operations god tier

Except we also fought in significant parts of France such as the Somme.

Only if it lets me play as a giant spider.