So now that the dust was settled, can we agree that 2016 was a pretty okay year for gaming?

So now that the dust was settled, can we agree that 2016 was a pretty okay year for gaming?

No console wars or shitposting allowed in this thread.

Good Games:
>Xcom 2
>Titanfall 2
>Dark Souls 3
>Persona 5
>Stardew Valley

Debateable Games:
>Civ 6
>Shadow Warrior 2

Bad Games:
>Mafia 3
>Infinate Warfare
>One man's Lie
>Far Cry Primal
>Dead Rising 4
>The Division

It was a mediocre year full of mediocre games.

Still better than the mess that was 2007 though.

>Nier: Automata
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
>Gravity Rush 2
>Tales of Berseria
>Resident Evil 7
>Tekken 7
>Rain World
>Hollow Knight
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Dvinity: Original Sin 2
>Zelda BOTW
>Mario Odyssey
>Samus Returns
>Splatoon 2
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>What Remains of Edith Finch
>Sonic Mania
>Nex Machina
>Danganronpa V3
>Night in the Woods
>West of Loathing
>Stories Untold
>Little Nightmares
>Hidden Folks
>South Park: Fractured Butthole
>Wolfenstein 2
>Robo Recall

2016 was a mediocre year. Not bad, but not great either. Compare it to 2017 though and it looks like utter shit

My man

2016 was a fucking abysmal year for games, honestly one of the worst. 2017 on the other hand has been the best year of the decade.

>What Remains of Edith Finch
Are you just listing random things? Wolfenstein 2 isn't even out yet.

And Xenoblade 2 to close the year.

Doom was fantastic. But 2017 shits all over 2016 with its constant influx of good Japanese games.

FFXV belongs in bad and honestly needs its own tier for how bad it was. It's a game that is indicative of everything wrong with modern AAA gaming.

>Persona 5
>Good game

>worse than Far Cry Primal, The Division, and fucking No Man's Sky

Spotted the salty Nomuracuck.

>Story presentation is the worst it's ever been: In order to get the full story you need to watch an anime and a movie and even then it's still not complete with most events happening off screen in the linear part which is when the narrative is supposed to improve
>Open world was a mistake and I mean that 100%, every quest is a fetch quest of the nth degree with zero substance in any of them and outside of one or two dungeons there is nothing interesting to find in the world
>Combat is riddled with problems such as inconsistent hit stun properties, no launch moves, enemies don't proper telegraph moves (Tabata said this was to add to realism) and the camera getting hung up on things makes combat a mess
>Additionally it's impossible to die because you are given a buffer zone when your health reaches 0 for you to pop a potion and you are going to have a lot of these
>Contrived moments like Prompto being an MT having zero relevance to anything
>Car is entirely on rails and is a glorified loading screen
>Game is still getting essential content a year after its release
If having standards is what it means to be a Nomuracuck then sure, that's what I am but FFXV is the worst game I've ever played and finished.

XV should be in the bad category


>Super Mario Galaxy
>Half-Life 2
>Mass Effect
Those right there make 2007 better than 2016.

This. 2017 is based as fuck.

Bioshock is severely overrated and Bioshock 2 was overall better

>tfw 2017 is the first year I've really enjoyed games in forever
Feels good man. It's been a good year for pretty much every platform, despite all the shitposting.

And yet it was still better than anything in 2016, see where I'm going with this?

>ctrl+f Titanfall
>1 entry

Jesus fuck am I the only person that liked that game

Personally I'd replace Bioshock with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl anyways for that atmospheric shootan

2016 was quite mediocre

Half-Life 2 came out in 2004

I loved it

He probably means episode 2


>Night in the Woods

I've accepted that things probably will never again be as incredible as 2017.

To each their own user. Some people here really liked Night in the Woods

XCOM 2 is garbage along with the original reboot.

>Ace Combat 7 delayed to 2018
2017's only real flaw.

>Shovel Knight Part 3
>Thimbleweed Park
>Etrian Odyssey V
>Steamworld Dig 2
>Golf Story

Only flaw was no new Ace Attorney game. Spirit of Justice was GOTY 2016.

Is this the year of great sequels? Shadow of War is fucking Nintend-tier in its polish and quality. The PC version is nearly flawless, they improved on everything from the first game and the lore is somewhat intact even with wewuz gondor soldier being believable explained.

Sup Forums is just overrun with contrarians.

Oh shit I forgot that Specter of Torment came out this year. Plague of Shadows was better, but Specter Knight's campaign was still pretty good

Lmao u didn't even do costlemark u fag, it has good combat if you learn how it actually function and do more than just hold attack plus some lmao mini games.

Anyone who thinks 2017 isn't amazing needs to stop trying to act cool for Sup Forums and pretending everything is bad forever

Yeah that's generally how I felt.