It's literally 2017 there is literally no reason to be playing a turn based game in this day and age

It's literally 2017 there is literally no reason to be playing a turn based game in this day and age.

I'm going to hijack your shitty bait thread to actually talk about the game:

How enjoyable is it? Is it like Pillars of Eternity? How well would it run on a toaster?

It's really REALLY good but you need better than a toaster to play it lad

hurhur bait thread
have fun playing a pretty game that essentially boils down to a board game LUL

PS4 release when? My PC is shitty

Shut the fuck up. I can play whatever I want to.
>better than a toaster to play it
I'm currently on a shitty laptop. I'm returning home next year and will be back on my PC, I can't wait to play it.

realtime combat/twitch based combat/action combat sucks balls tho OP. Do you suck balls OP!

Turn based beats TRwP by miles

your mom is turn based


Hijack incoming, should I play original sin 1 first? I'm very interested in this game

>Being a 50% hybrid melee and mage means you deal shit damage
Fun game

Yes, but only because 2 is such an improvement over it playing 1 will be harder later.

Thanks, will do during the steam sale

No, she's definitely real time.

You can skip on it, its not story relevant and this is the first genuinely good larian game

OP watches in real time in third person

Are literally you literally complaining literally about literally this literally game?

divos ee is better in terms of mechanics
divos2 is better story

and what the fuck is wrong with a board game, faggot?

Its pretty damn fun, expect to spend entire days playing it. this is coming from someone who dropped the first original sin 2 hours in.


But there are reasons to avoid this faux-rpg that's only redeemable quality is the combat, which is dragged down by the armor system. Game sucks, you people are just so deprived of games like this that you think this one is amazing

The system req are very low

i banged your mother in third person ;)

Have the 2 mages attack the guy with low magic def
And the 2 phys guys attack the guy with low phys def

It isnt fucking rocket science