>recommend game to friend
>he uses guides, cheats and bug exploits on his first playthrough
Recommend game to friend
Yet you're still friends with him. Sounds like you're fucking retarded.
>thinking you can dictate how other people enjoy their hobby
>having more than one playthrough on a single game
I use guides to experience everything I can, I don't have time to replay a game all over again for miss stuff.
>recommend game to friend
>have no friends
>alienating friends over a video game
Sounds like the only retard here is you.
>He's friends with literally ANYONE.
>Is so crippled by loneliness he'd be friends with actual gay people.
Holy shit. My sides.
>gift game to friend
>he doesn't feel like playing it and watches the ending on youtube
Another reason to delete someone from your life.
>friend recommends you a game while spoiling it at the same time
>play x by myself
>group of friends say x is fucking retarded
>other friend plays x
>whole group starts playing x
>Call a friend out on this
>Hey man i just like having fun and never take a game seriously.
Realize my mindset is cancer as well
Uh, dude. They don't like you. At all.
Yeah. You're the cancerous one. The guy that's not a cheating idiot.
>Want to play game with a friend
>he fucking buys it for me
>sweet dude
>start playing with him
>see he's doing an inordinate amount of damage
>check his stats, see they're in the hundreds despite being level 1
>never plays it again afterwards even though I keep offering to play with him even though he's using cheat engine
>does this several times
>always feel too guilty to continue these games by myself
Being friends with richfags is suffering.
>those friends who just watch movies and are not into vidya at all
>probably some weeb game anyway
wise man
If a game brings joy to someone that should be good enough. The game did its job. Even if he enjoys it a different way.
>complain about exploits while exploiting the terrible moderation of Sup Forums
Nah. He should be gunned down Las Vegas style.
Excuse me?
>Tell friends your into animation.
>They recommend you rick and morty
>have no friends IRL
>watch RLM and pretend they are my friends
>play demon's, dark 1, dark 2 and bloodborne without guides
>play dark souls 3 with guides because i think to myself "this time i won't miss anything neat or important"
>so bored out of my mind i don't even finish it
>nuffin personnel kid
>got gifted valkyria chronicles or some shit
>10 minutes played on steam to this day
Sorry bro.
it's almost like cheating ruins the game, your friend is autistic as fuck
>friend finds out you like vidya
>he automatically assumes you're also into capeshit movies, star wars and comic books
>wont shut up about them
Its been almost two years now and he still hasnt realized that i dont know shit about super heroes
>tfw you thinking you're bad and need the help has ruined more games for you than anything else
I first played MGS4 on Liquid Easy WITH a strategy guide
You know you can't improve if you don't face a challenge, stop being a pussy and suffer some loses
It was years ago when I recognized this, user.
>not beating it
Its easy and fun, what's not to like?
and did you improve?
get rid of that normie out of your life
I just died seventy times getting a BUTCHER collectible 'cause I didn't want to lower the difficulty and replay the level. Start playing on the highest setting. Every game's about hitting RETRY till you get good. If you have average IQ, you'll eventually win. Even meme shit like TOUHOU.
>Recommend friend a game
>Plays it, says he hates it because it's single player
>Recommend him another game that my other friends and I play
>He's actually really excited to play with us
>Convince all my friends to quit playing the moment he buys it
>friend gifts some big foot game to 4 other friends of mine
>they don't play it because they didn't like it
>friend gets angry
While I never went back and got the Big Boss emblem, I was able to 100% MGSV
Uh, what? Big foot game?
>Only 100%.
I was just more interested in autistic games at the time like factorio, minecraft, and the souls games. Now its just collecting dust in my steam library.
proud of you user, don't be a guide or easy mode fag and ruin games for yourself
This is actually the worst one ITT. By far.
>Playing on anything below the highest setting.
Fuck off n00b