Why was there so much outrage over this ending...

Why was there so much outrage over this ending? Granted I haven't played ME1 or 2 but after playing 3 I thought the ending brought in some interesting themes for the game. What was the problem?

which one did you pick?
or 0,0,255?

Why are you asking a dumb question when you already know the answer is you aren't in the correct frame-of-reference as people that played the entire trilogy?

>Granted I haven't played ME1 or 2

Well there you go.

I picked Control. Figured having Reaper slaves would be nice.

>game has multiple endings
>endings are chosen at the very end of the game based on a single dialog choice


>granted I haven't played ME 1 or 2

Stopped reading there. Let me save you some (You)s and tell you straight up that if you didn't put in 5 years worth of emotional investment in this series and its characters, you will never fucking understand the ending debacle. But I'll humor you because you're a clueless idiot.

1. Thematically broken
The series up until the ending was about setting aside differences and uniting for a common cause for the betterment of the galaxy. But wait, according to the ending the entire game was about synthetics versus organics a la the Terminator or The Matrix. Imagine that rogue AI you stumbled upon in the Citadel was actually the whole plot of the series. It makes no sense.

2. ABC, one, two, three
Casey Hudson clearly stated the endings wouldn't be an ABC affair. Then lo and behold, you're given three options with minimal differences at the very end. Nothing more needs to be said. People were rightfully outraged at being lied to.

3. None of the choices mattered
Despite Bioware claiming your choices would matter, they clearly fucking don't because of the ending. None of the choices you make have any impact on the ending apart from the color coded one you make with the Catalyst. Speaking of which

4. The Catalyst is the worst thing to happen since the Holocaust
Shoehorning in a new character in the last 15 minutes of a game series spanning three iterations is not only bad story telling, it's insulting to the player's intelligence. Nothing this kid said made any sense and his rationale for the Reapers even less so. He compares machines committing galaxy-wide genocide to a forest fire. That's right, genocide is merely a chemical reaction.

5. Before the extended cut, nothing was fucking explained.
Did the crew get stranded forever on that remote planet? Is the entire galaxy fucked because of the Mass Relay destruction? No one fucking knows.

>Didn't know about the endings
>Shot that fucking faggot kid in the face with my pistol for laughs
>It actually gave me a game over
I was impressed


>That's right, genocide is merely a chemical reaction.
holy shit that's deep. gotyay


>He compares machines committing galaxy-wide genocide to a forest fire
How far were the writer's heads up their own ass to actually write this and thinking it was actually smart?

That shit is from the extended ending patch.

6. Lack of affirmation
If you don't provide players with a meaningful ending or one that doesn't explain anything or downright makes no sense, then you sure as shit better offer affirmation. Which the endings had none of. No one fucking played the Mass Effect games for some nebulous idea of saving the galaxy. They played it for the characters. So, imagine everyone's surprise when Casey Hudson pulls an End of Evangelion. Yeah, people are going to be pissed. Which leads to....

7. The endings aren't even different from each other
Bioware seems to think ripping off Deus Ex is the best way to handle player's impact on the endings. But they're all the same, only in different colors. Self explanatory

8. Bonus round
Imagine being so justifiably mad about a game developer fumbling at the one yard line and then comes a mass influx of game journos who lash back and call you entitled for not wanting to be lied to. All the valid reasons for complaining and the one part of the game industry that's supposed to take a critical look at things not only doesn't capitulate to a very reasonable outrage, but defies it by mitigating and marginalizing your voice, while also straight up fabricating their own reviews of the game's ending. (Read Game Informer's review of Mass Effect 3 if you truly want rage fuel)

Why they lie?


>Game Informer's review
Thanks for making me mad all over again.

GamesRadar's review permanently turned me away from their site. I could stomach their 7/10 for Spec Ops: The Line, but the way they fellated ME3 was absolutely disgusting. They used to be able to call a bad game out for being shit and rake them through to mud, or at least admit that they were swept up in hype and unable to unbiasedly review some titles. But the ME3 review was seemingly written by Casey Hudson himself and pushed out onto their site.

>7/10 for Spec Ops: The Line
Sounds accurate to me.

>7/10 for Spec Ops: The Line
Wait what's wrong with 7/10?

It wasn't just the ending, it was the overall package. It was all shit, through and through.

It's sad reading through all these lies again.

>People were rightfully outraged at being lied to
I feel like this is what really fuelled the outrage machine. No one likes being lied to.

The actual shooting was pretty mediocre, the level design was CoD-tier linear, and the story (while at least mildly better than most FPS) wasn't as earthshattering as most reviewers made it out to be.

The game was 6/10 at best. And more to the point, 2012 was seemingly the year that GR changed everything and turned into IGN 2.0.

>wasn't as earthshattering as most reviewers made it out to be.
This always confused me. The story was alright but reviewers everywhere were making such a big deal about it and I don't know why. Have they not played many other games before?

Jesus christ how did they think this was okay.

ding dong bannu

>playing games

Ah yes silly me, I forgot it was the current year and that playing video games is for evul gamers

We all agree the control ending is the smartest choice here.


Destroy is the only choice that matters.

>wanted to make an ending people would talk about for years
>make it so shitty its remembered as one of the worst endings years later

A part of me feels like they wanted the ending to be the next End of Evangelion and went about it in the worst way possible.

>the last words of the Mass Effect series was "downloadable content"

It's a shame that the game over ending wasn't some amazing cutscene of all your squad members fighting off Reaper forces till their last breath before finally falling to the sheer might of the Reapers.

>Granted I haven't played ME1 or 2
you mean the 10x better games?
just neck yourself

For the "fixed" version:
>Reapers bring the Citadel to Earth for no reason
>all warships fire blindly on the Reapers, hitting Earth's surface repeatedly
>need to fight our way to a white beam, even though we have no idea what it'd do to use once entered and cutscenes show how it enters the Citadel through a hole in its armor
>Reapers don't deactivate the beam
>small Reapers are now killable with a single Cain shot
>Harbinger comes down and blindly fires only his small lasers
>Normandy magically comes to your location in about 5 seconds
>Harbinger stops firing until Normandy is away
>final boss is Marauder Shields
>beam somehow teleports Anderson and Shepard to different locations
>suddenly they are together and TIM is also there
>afterwards get lifted up by magic floor tile
>entrance: the 2nd deus ex machina device in ME3
I just gonna skip this one. But I would still be glad if someone could answer me the following questions: Why does he use Reapers to fight, if the Reapers should keep the knowledge and "essence" of a past races save? How does he save all those species, which are not suited to become Reapers? How can he be 100% sure that organics will always create synthetics, who will always surpass their creators and lead to their demise?
>no explaination how control and especially synthesis ending works
>commence the famous RGB ending
>slideshow without any meaning
Only Zaeed's and Jack's (if you don't get her students killed) slides give us a glimpse what their lives looked like afterwards

Amazing how stupid you have to be to lie to yourself this long.


Nothing will save you at this point.

Nice argument

fuck bioware, I will never forgive the garbage dogshit that was mass effect 3. NEVER.

I'm not even the same user. I just wanted you to elaborate your point.


Your shilling has the subtlety of a soccer horn.