When will we see Nintendo integrate lucrative Loot Boxes in their AAA single and multi-player games?

When will we see Nintendo integrate lucrative Loot Boxes in their AAA single and multi-player games?

You do realize it's only a matter of time, don't you?

I fucking love loot boxes. Holy shit. What a time to be alive. :)))

I can't wait until I can pre-order my EXCLUSIVE loot boxes exclusively excluding the entire planet's population... except me of course. because it's exclusive and I'm special. and rich.

Holy shit. Individualized once in a lifetime loot boxes WHEN?!?!?! Holy fucking shit imagine the joy when you rub it in some poor fuck's face.

Is this the year of great sequels? Shadow of War is fucking Nintend-tier in its polish and quality. The PC version is nearly flawless, they improved on everything from the first game and the lore is somewhat intact even with wewuz gondor soldier being believable explained.

Sup Forums is just overrun with contrarians..

They already have, tap an amiibo to get a random item


Getting a switch is a gamble unto its self. Hashtag nogaems. (Or not the ones we want rather)

They will sell you mystery boxes that have a random amiibo inside

Physical lootboxes

They already did this with Amiibo cards.

Nintendo owners typically are more wealthy than your average gamer and would most likely be more accepting of this practice.

Lootcrates aren't bad man especialy compared to dlc

Someone explain this lootbox shit to me. I've been living under a rock

So lootcrate gachapon discussions are now shitposting threads where no one has a clue what they're talking about?

Games do this thing where they charge you real money to essentially spin a virtual wheel to get a virtual prize ranging from garbage to overpowered

But they tend to be the last on these things at least, so let's hope it's not for a very long time.

He means for games with a price tag.
Not f2p games where it is more understandable.

Yes. But if you have one amiibo, you can use it forever. And typically for most games.

It's going to have 2 of the highest reviewed games of the year.

>inb4 Metroid Prime 4 gets multiplayer online post-development
>inb4 they use that to test the waters for lootshit
>inb4 its waaaay worse than Overwatch's "b-but its free" lootshit

Hopefully not. Dlc is pretty much accepted by this point so nintendo intergrated it. But loot boxes are hated
Also, >tripfag