Do mods ruin the original game's vision?
Do mods ruin the original game's vision?
>shitty game for children
choose one faggot
yes they do, but its always a pleasure changing that with mods
Game developers don't have "visions". Concept artists do, but none of the 3D modelers.
I know this is a joke thread but some mods directly improve the original vision by fixing technical issues or readding cut content.
>Glider not a Grove Street tag
>model swaps
>small additions (aka all of Bethesda game modding)
I hate these kinds of mods. Maps and total conversions are great, the minor stuff is just as you describe. Changing the game for no good reason.
Well in the case of the BoTW mods, right now it's really just joke mods more than anything, so no. If people start to develop mods for the game that aren't just jokes or duds, it'll get interesting.
Only if you have literally zero self restraint and/or are a meme loving fuck.
How do you download skin mods on the Cemu emulator again? Please tell me.
>Implying I've ever had even 0.001% interest in the Switch.
Try Game Banana(?) I've modded my Wii U using this site, but I never dabbled with an emulator before. I dunno, that's my go to site for Sm4sh.
Go away, dumb Wojak poster.
Depends. All BotW mods have been shit.
Not him, but don't you find it extremely cringy to don the gold face bro with a Mario cap and mustache? I dunno, but I've gotten so sick of Nintendo doing this kinda shit in every game associated with them that doesn't involve Mario.
>Changing the game for no good reason
Fun is a pretty good reason.
They obviously do, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's not a bad thing to tinker around with other's work of art and changing things to how you see fit, as long as you don't sell their content for your own profit, if you get what I mean. Like say you made a Fire Red hack and then started selling it for 20 dollars, that'd be wrong.
Especially not if the game didnt have a vision
You mean 50 year olds that play a game for 30 minutes and go to bed.
Thats as much depth a neo nintendo game has
That's just not true. They didn't add the en plein air artstyle for laughs, user.
Yes. It's on par with censorship really.
the one on the right should have a sexy pornstar chick's face or at least some silly looking oblivion slut
Where do I remember that face drawing from?
I’m gettimg real nostalgic but I don’t know why
it's from a mr. bean movie
>the one on the right should have a sexy pornstar chick's face or at least some silly looking oblivion slut
It's a reference to the Mr Bean movie.
Imagine how autistic the guy who made that meme shield is. Imagine how fucking fat he is. Imagine the smell.
Do bugfixes and higher resolution textures and framerate unlocking ruin the game? Games are tech at their core more than they are art.
If you use mods that are not lore friendly you are literally shit teir, pleb faced normie.
Not the annon you replied to. Fun is prettty subjective.
Mods are the fanfictions of gaming.
that used to scare the fuck out of me when i was a child
People on \V\ were born in the 90s bra