Unironically the best world in gaming

Unironically the best world in gaming.
Wh did it take so long for someone to make a map that's fully 3D? Last game that tried was Ape Escape

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>Screenshot looks fucking amazing.
>Realize the character's an anime.


>best world in gaming
It’s a shittier version of super cloudbuilt

It's meh overall. There's a reason why Sony's shutting down this game come January

What do you mean “fully 3D”? Tons of games are 3D.

Yes, but the problem was that no one played it.
Makes no goddamn sense to me. You know the reason Sony keeps making the same game over and over again is because it keeps selling. Microsoft, too.
Here is a highly creative and fan game. Flawed, yeah, but so full of color, personality, entertainment, enjoyment and creativity but people don't buy it.
Is it because it's a sequel? Did people think they HAD to play 1 before playing this? Was it that Sony didn't advertise it enough? Was it too "anime" for people to want to give it a shot?
Fuck me, I'm losing faith in the overall attitude of gamers in the 8th generation.

>See that building?
>press the R button twice to get there

Like. You can go under the world, beside the world or even inside the world.
It's not just a flat plain like the witcher or the elder skyrims.

>witcher or skyrim are good open worlds


As in it's not just a forward, backward, left and right map (2 dimensions, X and Y), it's also up and down (3rd dimension, Z).
Actually, the Souls/Borne games have pretty impressive 3D map layouts as well.

Problem is that while gaming audiences are larger, the 'core' fanbase is the same size.
Remember that selling 100,000 copies was a lot and enough to be a 'platinum' game in the ps1 and early ps2 days.
Now everyone wants the mainstream CoD numbers.

Gravity rush X souls crossover when?

I bought 1 and 2 on the PS4, still haven't finished 2 but I platinumed 1.

The open world design for the first game was also phenomenal especially when think about how it was just a handheld game. What handheld game had a huge 3d open world you could explore? I dont think there was anything like gravity rush in the handheld market.

Learn to read

that's not at all what he said.

are you a retard?

I didn't buy it due to the shit art design.

Grand theft auto stories?

When it was a Vita exclusive: Terrible game! Who give a shit!? gimmick gameplay and stupid character! Wraaa!
Now that it's on console: UNIRONICALLY THE BEST WORLD IN GAMING! Wh did it take so long for someone to make a map that's fully 3D?

>One person syndrome.

It's amazing in motion

So, 3D like like Mario Galaxy?

Yeah, but one would hope that if the first game was good that people would want to play the second and it would sell more. Add people who played the game second hand or simply with friends and the sequel would, one would hope, perform better.
Maybe it suffered because those who played GR1 mostly did so on the Vita.

Yeah, 1 was actually pretty fun to Platinum. Frustrating at times, but actually really fun.

More people got to actually play the game and ended up enjoying it. What’s the issue here?

I just started playing this last night

how many of these fucking tokens do I need?

>A sequel to a game that a lot of people missed out on due to it originally being Vita exclusive.
>Very little advertising on Sony's part.
>Above average but not exemplary review scores.
>Single-player with anime-esque art style.

I love the Gravity Rush series, but I'm not surprised that it's niche.

A large bulk of the market is still just those looking for a quick fix with online multiplayer or whatever catches a kid's eye at Walmart.

I just loved Hekseville's music.

*blocks your path*

I was interested in it, and maybe one day I'll play it and the first one. I have the first one on vita, and as soon as I had to swipe the screen to dodge I hard quit. I still don't even know if there's an option to turn that off but my interest went from pretty interested to nothing. The second actually looks really fun, but I'd still like to play the first so I might try the remastered version.

>There's a reason why Sony's shutting down this game come January
People have bad taste and can't appreciate a game that's actually made with love and dedication.

>There are morons out there that really believe that the first game was better

First game was all charm and janky everything else. The perfect example of a game held back in terms of design by being on a handheld system.

Gravity Rush 2 puts the first game to shame.

This environment design is one of the best in the industry. Can't wait for XC2 so I can explore everything.

Gravity Rush 2 was never a Vita exclusive.





It was better. The overall pacing and progression was much better, it had more soul. The second game tried to fill out a check list and padded itself to hell and back.

The first game was also visually cleaner and had double the frame rate, if we're talking about the PS4 version.

you need 6000 to unlock everything.
You'll probably want to do the bulk of your grinding once you get to hexeville since its way easier to find the apples there and you can unlock furniture for your pipe house at the same time.
Trust me, trying to find an apple chest in the midst of the jirga-para-lahao slums is a fucking nightmare.

Is there a special method for grinding tokens?

>The overall pacing and progression was much better

Doesn't mean shit when the game just isn't that fun and the only interesting thing that happened was falling to the bottom of the world pillar. Maybe it would be better as an anime.

>it had more soul.

That's a vague point just to describe your own feelings. I can argue that GR2 having more lively NPCs, a story that at least tried to give you some cool events, and tons of gameplay features that can let you have fun with them means GR2 has more "soul", but whatever.

It's easily overlookable user, the game's damn solid.

I still remember the first time I went into a Sup Forums thread about it, after playing and loving both games. My Lord, the fanbase is straightup awful.


They speak for themselves. Enjoy your padding story with zero direction, and technical issues though.

Take a bunch of photos with the game options set to automatically upload photo
Also send challenges of every side mission you complete, even if you don't perform too well

6000. Don't worry, it's much easier.

you want to open up the game once a day, usually you'll have between two and four treasure hunts waiting for you. These will reward you with tokens, trinkets and later in part 2 , furniture.
Also, take and leave challenges whenever you can. Winning a challenge or having someone else lose yours gives you heaps of tokens. the best thing about challenges is that the sender has as many tries as he wants to do the best run he can and the recipient has exactly one (1) attempt to beat it.
Lastly you should try and take environmental photos now and then and share them to be rated by others. rating other peoples photos can also give you some tokens.

Enjoy your gameplay? Or at least try to until you get bored of dem gravity kicks and supers.

I want to nibble Kat's thighs

Jirga Para Lhao is cool when you first get to it, but I think Hekseville is a better world, both as a place and as a setting for the gameplay.

Yeah, I loved the colors and 3D design of the new city, but I never really got attached to it in the same way I did with Hekseville.

The music's nicer and everything going on there is more interesting. Especially the way that the pillar sits at the center of everything.

Hekseville just makes a lot more sense as a place. Its cool that all the sections of Jirga are disconnected when you first get there, but it quickly bothered me just how disconnected they are. They don't feel like parts of the same place, and you have to wonder how anyone, especially the poor people, of which there are a ton, are supposed to live in the city given its disconnected nature

>poor on bottom
>rich on top
I think it's just supposed to be more thematic than practical.

I was curious how big the separated mainland country they mentioned once or twice was supposed to be though.

Youll notice not once did you mention it was fun to play. You know why? Because its not fun to play. The combat is dull and the gravity mechanic is worse than waggling

didn't sell well

Of course they can, that's why they don't like this one.

The earth is CYLINDRICAL

one thing i don't appreciate about the game is how annoying some of the side quests can get
and they don't really do much to make it worth visiting other parts of the world
i mean its fun and a gorgeous game, but it falls into the trap that other open world games get into
make a giant pond
at least it's easy to get around

Say whatever you want about the gameplay/combat system of the game but to claim that it's not a work of passion is just ridiculous.

played the first one, it's pretty cool but there's nothing to do besides star bits or whatever it's called


How big is the Banga city anyway? Feels smaller than hekseville

Yeah, for all the things it added I wish the second game's sidequests were more a little more like the first game's DLC and scavenger hunt. Generally simple, but they got the job done and explored the characters.

There were some quests in GR2 that really started to grate in how drawn out they felt. Like stealth missions, and needing to ask random people where to go until you find the one random person in the crowd who will actually point you in the right direction.

The Banga Settlement is tiny relative to both Hekseville and Jirga Para Lhao. Jirga is likely quite a bit larger than Hekseville in terms of landmass (and a ridiculous amount larger if you count the space between its areas). It feels not so much bigger though because you don't as thoroughly explore it, at least not in the main quest.

I feel that the new city still needs a train system or something, it's too unconnected.
Maybe a sky rail to fit in with the south east Asia theme

GR was always a vanity project by Sony. They never expected it to make bank but wanted to make it anyways for fun and out of love for it.

That's basically Japan studio in general, really.
Or most of sonys japanese studios now

They had a lot of public transports going to and fro, but it was hard to catch a ride on one without knocking people off of it.

I'm satisfied with Kat and Raven's story, but I'd love to eventually see another game in this universe. With a fresh cast. The floating islands were really gorgeous.

>mfw falling off Jirga for the first time, tumbling down and down and then discovering there's an entire extra city down there beneath the clouds

Too bad there's nothing to do.

Please understand that the train is suitable for Hekseville because it is comprised of only four large islands that are basically lashed together. Not many moving parts.

Jirga Para Lhao is cobbled together from many smaller islands that gradually showed up over time and added themselves to the collection, so there's not nearly as much solid geometry there with which to build a rail system. A large fleet of taxi and bus style aircraft is much better suited to Jirga.

Really dude? I have to wonder how nobody dies from falling, this is an eternal problem in the "flying city" aesthetic.

They talk about people being taken by the storms and nevi, so I wouldn't say there are no casualties.

It's just the ones that Kat keeps inadvertently knocking off of buildings that are perfectly fine.

Isn't it implied dusty brings them back? and that the gravity field below the towns keeps them from falling.

um what game is this?

If I recall correctly, There's some throwaway dialogue in the first game about how people who fall off usually just wake up in their homes the next day as though never ever happened, because magic I guess.

It's vague and not really explained more than that, but it's still a justification for people not being constantly fucking terrified of falling to their dooms 24/7

Gravity Rush 2

If they make a sequel following the trend of adding another city and keeping the rest, what kind of theme would you like to see for the new location?
>Italian countryside
>disconnected rolling hills and vineyards everywhere
Or maybe Tokyo, as they haven't explored first world Asia and it could be extremely dense

>Realize the character's an anime.

Makes sense that they don't even put fences on their bridges then

A couple of large bus stops similar to the first games trains stations would be good enough, then.
2's city is just missing some fine touches making it feel alive

kek. you should see the original art. its actually amazing.

Finished remaster last night. Started 2 today. also dreading grinding to 6000.
I hope you're right