Are the days of 'i5 being more than enough for gaming' - finally over?

Are the days of 'i5 being more than enough for gaming' - finally over?

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I think 4 core i5s will become irrelevant now that multile core options are so widely available and at reasonable prices. Not immediately but soon.

i hope not, im planning on getting an i5 for my new PC

Yes, as more and more games are becoming reliant of hyperthreading.

Aren't new games still fucking up with too many cores? Or is it just Total War?

>becoming reliant of hyperthreading
You know, I've seen people claim this for years now, and it still isn't the case.


It's because they'd alienate customers without it. Unless it's incredibly niche, it will run on 7 year old computers.

Just because you say it isn't, doesn't make it true. You can be in denial but games like BF1 and even Witcher3 make full use of it.

The real question is, if hyperthreading becomes mandatory, and added to i5s, what will they remove from i5s to trick retards into buying i7s?


>wouldn't recommend Vengance for vidya

Sup Forums really is stupid

I have a i7 4790k and i desactivate the Htreading, my country is very hot in this time and without HT i have 60c in 100% full load.

They are 6 core instead of 4 so no.

>thinking RAM has anything to do with colors
this is a troll image right?

No, but they are coming. I'm betting on my Skylake i5 to keep me running games at 60fps through the ps5 era

Depends on your meaning of "enough", if 60 FPS is your goal, i5 is fine, if you want 144 FPS i7 is what want you want.

Back when I built my first PC in 2011 the 2 memes were that RAM speed didn't matter and more than i5 didn't matter all all, and those certainty aren't true anymore, although part of this may be down to frametime benchmarks which didn't really exist at the time, back then everyone was obsessed over average FPS and didn't care about frametimes or minimum FPS, if shit like that was benchmarked back then RAM speed at the very least would have mattered.

>Two games
But it will happen any day now. Four cores will die!

Keep that denial up, poorfag.

Yes it is.

Sup Forums hates gaymurs

6 core / 6 thread though compared to the Ryzen chips in the same price segment that are 6 core / 12 thread.
It is encouraging though to see Intel forced to compete again, if it hadn't been for Ryzen they would have happily stagnated at 4 cores for another decade.

just change the internal tim you bloody retard

Total War runs like fucking garbage on i5s. Same with Men of War and other strategy games that use lots of AI.

Granted, that's mostly because those games are coded poorly.

good thing i dont play boring grand strats

You only need a 6 core Intel CPU that's clocked at a good speed to push high frame rates if you have a 144Hz monitor.

The new i3s can get everything ultra 1080p 60fps with a GTX 1060.

It's not like games magically gotten slower on quad cores.

>I'm proud of being stupid and poor

thanks for sharing

we will see how the Coffee Lake i5s do, but I think they will be fine now they are 6 core

You'd better be getting a coffee.

Ejem, 41c is my ambient temp idiot, caribe is very hot.

More and more games are starting to utilize more cores. It's nice to be future proof.

replace the tim you bloody retard since 3g the i5-i7 must have their tim replaced mine sits at 20° idle with air

>implying you ever needed more than one core

my i3 2120 still runs modern games, i think you guys are just falling for the "more is better" meme

Lmfao wtf just get some fucking ram sticks at best buy, who the fuck is retarded to buy some retarded ass 500 dollar "gaymer" sticks.

No, I'm still running everything just fine.

not everyone want to run a moba on their crapy 720p screen

No, anyone who got an 8700k is a retard, the 8600k easily reaches everything the 8700k has to offer for $100 less, generates less heat, requires less voltage, doesn't have HT slowing it down.

I nabbed an 8600k on backorder 30 minutes on the 5th after it appeared for backorder so I'm somewhere near the front of the queue.

So it's 7700k performance with two more physical cores and minus the HT.

Besides synthetic benchmarks there's not much Ryzen has against Intel when it comes to performance per core.
Ryzen needs 16 threads for something Intel manage at 8 threads.

The new i5s now have 6 cores. So they're more than enough for gaming going forward.

is a Ryzen CPU and Nvidia GPU a bad combo?

no. they're fine. amd gpus are overpriced as fuck atm.

>8700k has more cache
>8600k is as good

>modern games

I5 8400 is where it's at now

Yes, i3s are enough for gaming now.

Unironically off yourselves or go back to whatever shithole social networking site you usually post on.

I5-8400's are the new gimmick CPU.
The final frequency speed will be based in motherboard and not CPU.

Don't you have some ubuntus to install?

So, now a I3-8350k will be enough for high end gaming?

autism is thinking ram brand matters

It does when it comes to overclocking.
It doesnt when it comes to anything that matters tho meanwhile its not chink tier RAM.

yes but if you think it affects colors then you're truly autistic

>spinning the camera while in hangar
lol, and it looks like a concord

No, the vast majority of games still are not heavily multi-threaded, so getting more than 4 cores (or 6 cores, for the new i5s) doesn't get you much for gaming. Maybe if you stream your games a lot, then it might be worth considering springing for an i7, but if all you're doing is playing then there's not much of a reason to.

Holy fucking shit you Plebbit piece of shit cock munching faggot if you can't even fucking understand that image is a fucking joke maybe it's time to end your useless existence.
Go beg for up votes somewhere else.

Nah, that's the combo that I have right now and it works perfectly fine.

Honestly, so long as you have a CPU that scores at least 450 points in Cinebench R15, you're fine for the vast majority of games/GPUs if you're aiming for 1080p60.

It has less cache, and is unlikely to clock as high as an 8700k. It likely will not break 4.8ghz easily, and even then you will be pushing pretty high voltage.

>finally get my 8700k yesterday
>hits up to 90 degrees on heavy load with my evo 212
Should I be worried

I'd look into a not $30 cooler, if I were you. A delid and conductonaut job would allow you to keep your cheapskate but functional cooler though, if you like, and would be cheaper than buying a new cooler.

its a Sup Forums meme you shitter

I just wish they'd fix the qc on the 7700k. It's meant for ocing but the second you do you get fucking retarded temps, it's the first chip I've ever had to delid.


Any cemu/rpcs3 benchmarks with 8700k yet? My current cpu is bottlenecking the shit out of them.

i3 8350k is 4 cores now.

New i5 are 6 cores.

or do both. delid plus expensive cooler

i7s run much hotter than their previous chips and according to intel anything below 100c is okay. You should definitely upgrade though, if you've got the money and your case supports it look into getting a kraken x62.

I'd rather not void my warranty

The 212 EVO wasn't that great a cooler even WHEN it was the go-to one, i.e. the exact same shit when anons memed the V8. Get a Fuma, it's the exact same cooler as the Noctua everyone swears by, only it's $45~, as it's made with fans that don't make up most of the price. It's enough to handle my OC'd 4790k without a delid

Leave aside CPUs, which motherboards are good this time?

>just delid your shit bruh

and AMD is the housefire?

No one said anything about housefire. Delidding is a well known thing for OC'd 'high end' intels

I got an IX Hero for free and it's been running fine so far. Mobos really don't make all that much of a difference, just find the cheapest one you can with the features you want.

>Have an OC'd i5-4690k at 4.6 GHz
I feel like I'm set, but is it true that I'd need an i7 to run games in 144 fps?

This isn't exactly true. VRM quality alone will have a large impact on OC headroom and stability, and will have a large impact on longevity on both the CPU and motherboard. That said, you can get away with a cheap motherboard if you don't care about your system maintaining a stable OC for a few years.

>buy k model meant for overclocking
>Have to strip cpu yourself and void warranty to overclock because the temps are already retarded on stock
Why do people keep buying this shit?

In Coffee Lake they will thanks to a new gimmick introduced that will manage turboboost, how good your frequency is will be based in the motherboard maker settings.

>hyperthreading doesn't do anything!
>fast ram doesn't do anything!
>gayms only use four cores!

mfw le master race is too stupid to know anything about how their pcs perform anyway

>8700K has worse performance for minimum FPS in some games compared to the 7700K

I have a 4690k at 4.6 too, and it is paired with a 1080ti @ 1440p. I see bottlenecks in a lot of games. This evening I was playing Arma 3 and the 1080ti wouldn't even go past 1400mhz on the core unless I upped the render quality to 200%. It didn't affect my frame rate at all. Major CPU bottleneck.


>shred through Gigabytes as if they were butter

Every time

Frames are more gpu intensive than cpu so you should be fine. Unless it's actually bottlenecking your gpu you don't need to upgrade, yours should probably be good all the way up to a 1080.

>just find the cheapest one you can with the features you want
This is a bad idea, a review site might give a cheap board some generic "value" award, but a lot of them tend to shit themselves after a while if you pay attention to user reviews. Back during the era of 4770 supremacy, budget Z97 boards were plagued with quality issues no matter who was making them, with fucky USB ports and UEFI/BIOS problems galore, before AND after updates. My ASUS Z97-A is an absolute mess in terms of USB stability in comparison to the 1100t system I had before, and like the Sandy Bridge SATA issue before, it was a time-release problem for me and everyone else

I see. I'm playing in 1080p, but I could see how it could bottleneck it anyway. Thanks for the input user.

>Tfw the ASRock motherboards in Z97
Poor fools that bought those, even the bad Gigabyte and the MSI Z97 PC Mate motherboards were better.

>Delidding used to be a thing for extreme overclockers to get the highest clocks
>Now its needed to get acceptable temperatures at stock clocks

What problems do you have with the Z97-A? i have the USB 3.1 version and aside from progress fucking up under windows everything is normal.

1080p should present a bottleneck even faster, depending on what you other hardware is.


Windows 7*
Under Linux it works fine.

Im too lazy to install the ASMedia USB drivers, it works anyway.

because they're the best processors under $999

I had an ASrock Z77 board die on me about a month ago. ASrock boards are shit.

>still running i5 2500k

is it ogre

nope, they are back
i5 is worth it now due to 6c, i7 is a waste
but really since you can't buy either for normal money - get 1600.

Same here, hoping to retire this baby with the 8700k this month.

They have always been and they will be for a while.
>BIOSTAR managed to make better motherboards for 2 generations

How is a 4+1 acceptable for a "high end" motherboard?

I was running 2600, changed it for 1600x
I didn't expect anything for gaming, but 390 i've been using then started working anew, it's like I upgraded videocard with CPU

good luck purchasing it this year