What does Sup Forums think of girl flash games?

What does Sup Forums think of girl flash games?

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What the fuck is this

Oh user

>he missed out on the hottest meme of january 2016

Thanks asshole, now I'm remembering that one where you have to spank Dora.

How did she get a snowman stuck in her brain in the first place anyways?

what's wrong user?

I played a lot of girl flash games back in the mid 2000's but they were of the pornographic kind.


Can you even pull off a smile when you have a gash on your foot?

I wish retards would realize these are legal fetish shit.

Pregnant Dora ironing clothes.

Dress up games are nice

Anons, is this it?
After Minecraft, Mario and mobile games... after Dark Souls, Dishonored, Street Fighter... after old, unreleased and fan translated RPGs, ASCII roguelikes... is this what lies ahead of us for those who trully transcended and mastered the art of games?

I'm not sure if I feel disgusted or ashamed that I'm not on that level yet.


What's the goal in the game and why is she on dialysis?




Who makes these? Is it the Pakis? Pooinloos? Russia?

Chinks, after all, these are the fuckers making these horrible flash games. I even heard there are fucking sweatshops forcing people to shit out flash games.

No! I thought we buried this horror!


They use the same template for any given fetish


A-user? You came...

What happened in the forest, Sup Forums?

an ancient evil awakens...

It never slept. It's been here the whole time.

We promised to never talk about these ever again.

>those ones in the bottom right
>that one with the guys head fucking split open
jesus christ, and I thought the dentist ones were bad

>50 thousand downloads

it sleeps when we stop paying attention to it

How did they get away with this? I love it how the description is so oblivious of pedobear's actual meaning.











Self learning AIs trying to corrupt the world.


what the fuck

Autists with shitty fetishes?

They are probably the same people who make the Spiderman Frozen Elsa Youtube Videos.


The underground pedoring.
They make this and the Spiderman+Elsa videos on YouTube.

I'd genuinely rather sift through the worst gore threads than have to see this shit. What the fuck man, why did you faggots have to revive this, I couldn't stop cringing out of disgust when this shit was up the first time the outbreak ever happened, and it had a constant thread up 24/7 too, and I just couldn't stop FUCKING WATCHING IT. Kill this the same way we did it back then, just stop posting it, jesus christ



How long till we make another janitor commit suicide?

Not this nightmarish shit again!




w-what was going on in that thread?


Make it stop. Not again. Please.

The mods gave up they could not save us.





I thought we agreed never to speak of this again, Sup Forums.


>i thoguht she was wearing small red tinted glasses
>then i noticed her nose was weirdly big
>and in a funky position for wearing glasses that far down her nose
>then I had to vomit







At last, I can see through this. I can endure the pain and the disgust. I shall use this weapon to destroy E-CELEB AND TWITTER SCREENCAP THREADS. Thank you based girlgames!


This makes me so nervous


Took me a couple of seconds

>when you stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back



Anyone have that Peppa Pig ambulance one where all the objects started flickering?

Good night Sup Forums some other user take over

I saw my niece playing one of these, should I tell her parents about it?

Thank you so much


Yes, also download some good games for your niece

>a mod deleted the first thread because it was too much for him to bear

>"without killing your brain?"
Not after I've read this, no.

Like what? Pretty sure her parents just leave her to play stuff like this after a quick google.

Why is it showing a plushie in the ultrasound?

GBA emulator with classic Nintendo games, or PS1 emulator with old platformers like Klonoa, Spyro and Jumping Flash

Are you blind that is clearly a baby

ok thanks

I don't like this. Not one bit.

To think people complain about boys violent media and their quaint little war games. Girls are terrifying.

How could you ever hope to know the threat you faced when you have never walked in the dark places of the internet? Faced war and death on such a scale? If you had traveled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was. There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of flash games runs strong. It is something of the Anons, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that browse on its webpage, drowns them in the power of the flash game —it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death.