The top 5 best games of all time according to video game """"""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""

The top 5 best games of all time according to video game """"""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""

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Swap gtaiv with thps2 and I wouldn't complain

>weighing all journalists opinions equally.

Only subhumans do this.

>28 reviews
>the other 4 have at least twice that amount
something seems a little off

So how many of you all have played NFL2K1?

I don't know about, but metacritic weighs reviews according to how professional the site is.

I had NBA 2k on dreamcast but not NFL. Was that the one with first person mode?

Don't tell me you're one of those assholes who hate Ocarina of Time because it's "overrated".

Here we go. Perfection.

maybe the fucking year of launch, you genius

Not OP.
I hate OoT cause it's fucking dull and boring. Literally can't beat the game since it can't hold my interest at all.
Majora's Mask on the other hand though...

Do NOT post that site here. You'll ruin it.

>not posting the chart from when the site launched and it had some random hockey game at #1

>not rating NHL 17 as the masterpiece it is
It's the Dark Souls of hockey games.

best fighting games of all time

Very funny. I bet you repeat that shit over and over again to your redditor friends.



GTA IV isn't that good. It even wasn't that good when it came out, how did it score so high?

GTA V came out


That doesn't make sense.

Remove gta and BOTW
Add Pong or tetris

Galaxy 2 is the only game that truly deserves to be there

>game start
>make guy go there
>you make guy go there
>you win!
>-Staff Roll-

I honestly don't get how platformers are so revered. Is the search for the One True Path that alluring?

>mfw the entire top 5 will soon be entirely bing bing wahoo

1-3, 5-7, 9 belong in the trash.

You probably enjoyed platformers when they were graphically improving and don't understand the enjoyment others get from the simple gameplay.

It's like why I don't understand why people still like Sonic nowadays.

The only sports games I have ever played were on the NES

Honestly if only to see the absolute tard rage of this place. Please based god let it happen!


Can't wait. Sup Forums will be on suicide watch.

>no vampire the masquerade bloodlines
>no diablo

Shit list

Are these supposed to be controversial picks or something?

>Mario Galaxy

And this is why no one takes game journalists serious.

>the pill is not purple and green

You had one job.

The salt will be delicious.

Honestly, I wouldn't care a bit. After all, everyone have different opinions, and seeing "critics" have Mario in their top 5 games wouldn't effect me.
Also, if you're one of those fags who cares about the rage of a bunch of users on a Anonymous website, jump off a cliff.

I played my share of them through the time but outside of the staple SMB and Genesis Sonics I never got into them all that much. SM64 was basically the first and last time I got really into a 3D platformer. Before and after that point I was far more into stuff like Street Fighter 2.

I just look at how platformers play and they seem so rudimentary and choiceless. There's basically only one thing to do and you spend your time figuring out the one intended way to do it. Like... OK? That's a good game to you?

You realize that by posting this, you ensured that thousands of 12-year-olds are going to see your post and flock to the site to try and "contribute".

Good, let all aggragators be ruined. The sooner everyone recognizes them all as bullshit, the better.


t. a single twelve-year-old

I know that you think you're mature for your age man, but you aren't. Go to GameFAQs or something, you're not developed enough to handle anonymity. You need to understand consequences before you can be free of them.

Why are the galaxy games so highly acclaimed? The first one played like linear trash.

is GTA4 the biggest example of blatant paid reviews in the industry? Bioshock infinite may be a close second

How many layers of irony is this?

>linear is automatically bad

For a mario game it is.


A 3D mario game, that is, before you take the easy route and point that out.


>mario games are mostly open

there are more linear 3D marios than open ones as well, your point is still moot

Sunshine is open and is the worst Mario game ever made.

Thats such a hipster list

Sunshine isn't Lost Levels, NSMB2, or 3D Land

>Linear adventure games are not trash.

it has zelda and souls so not really

Yeah you're right at least those games had the decency to not waste your time with stuff like this.

>adventure games

its because west's heterogeneous cali marxist safe space college grads worship cucking homogeneous cultures out from under their own culture

hence you wont see a single actual asian thing in any of those top 4 games
and the top 5th game is literally cali hipster's american counter culture crime journey

NSMB 2 was even worse in that you had to replay levels and grind coins to advance, it was ironically a shitty cashgrab

Multi-option shit is one of the overused elements shitting up modern games right now so you can fuck off with that shit. Your srgument is about as valid as saying theres no point in reading when choose your own adventure

slow down son, you're past the buzzwords per hour limit

Alright I'll rephrase then, Sunshine is the worst 3D Mario and even when all mainline Mario games are accounted for it's still bottom 5.

The list has das AND bb but not des thats how you know its shit

>no point in reading when choose
Dude, slow down.

"Multi-option shit"? Having choices is bad to you? Seriously, try to say whatever you were trying to say again.

Why would it have the second worst Souls game in the top 5?

meh BB is better but des is better than das

>Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
Those games were boring as fuck. 64 and Sunshine were much better. Odyssey probably will be too

GTA4 was also not that great

theres like 1 actual buzzword in there child
sorry you cant keep up with the post ill try to dumb it down to your level next time i psot

You need to be 18+ to post here.

BotW is overrated and won't be looked on so favorably in a few years

>most of them are Nintendo shovelware

Totally unbiased and not paid """""""""""""""""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""""""""""""


I'll give you G1 wasn't that good, but G2 shits on sunshine

But I'm 26

BOTW has no business being in the top 5

it's not even the third best zelda game. wide as an ocean shallow as a puddle, people really will eat up anything that even resembles skyrim

Des is unitonically better than das. Das is a janky unfinished mess that is only praised because its a fucking open world multi-plat.

G2 is still extremely linear which prevents creative and skilled usage of Mario's moves to get to the goal more efficiently. That's where the fun comes from and why the open-level Mario games are always better

>it's bad because it's linear
the fried brains of sunshinefags never cease to amaze me

>creative and skilled
only limited to the non-fludd missions

>Dark Souls
>Open world

I don't think anyone would consider interconnected levels to be open world

Sunshine is fucking garbage though. You have seven worlds all with the exact same missions in them, 71 of the 120 Shines are meaningless in your progress, FLUDD ruins any platforming and almost every level has fuck all to do with platforming.

It's one of the worst games ever made.


Thats GameFAQs

Do people write actual reviews here?
There are games I would love to write essays for in all honesty and this seems like a good outlet.

Its literally top of every list people make of why das is good.

Not sure why that site isn't even widespread here. It's literally RYM for vidya. If Sup Forums has RYM generals, why doesn't Sup Forums incorporate Glitchwave for 3x3 threads and shit?

But your warning did fail. I completely forgot they were doing a Rate Your Vidya until user posted that lel

GTAV is dogshit. Ergo, Zelda syndrome kicks in, and everyone rides IV's dick

>Autists are either screaming nintendo is finished and going under
>Or they're rich enough to pay off journalists to give 10/10s
Which the fuck is it you autistic fucks.

IV was overrated. V comes out and is missing numerous features and qualities of the game. People go back and realize that IV is better in this regard. Doesn't take a fucking engineer to figure this out, champ.

Because Sup Forums doesn't care about discussing video games. Only flinging shit about which company has the better games. If Sup Forums used RYM, Both Bloodborne and BOTW would be split in half for 0.5 and 5.0 ratings.

>Caring on what "Videogame Journalists" think on what the best games are?
Why would you care?

des is a little further down. Still like top 20, I think. Kinda pissed MGS3 is higher than 2, but then again RYM's top 5 films has Pulp Fiction at number 1


I'm pretty sure most people, even on Sup Forums, prefer V. IV was such a disappointment after SA

>Kinda pissed MGS3 is higher than 2
This, also no idea how fucking Persona 4 is the second highest MegaTen game.


Persona is a lot more popular than the main games.

>of all time
These lists are always trash, if you are going to make a top 10 be more specific like platform or genre

how much did nintendo spend in advertising on their sites to actually give both mario galaxy games such high scores? what a joke

>Ocarina of Time
>Super Mario World
>Super Mario Bros
>A Link to the Past
>Super Metroid
>Pokémon Red & Blue
Forgetting any potential number ones?

Galaxy is one of those games that did everything right, the graphics and music are amazing, it used 64 as base and did its own thing which worked out great with the setting, 64 gets legacy points but Galaxy was a massive step up