Why is it so fucking good?

Why is it so fucking good?

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because it has one of the strongest stories in the franchise.

Instead of a typical SW story we got a showcase on one of its biggest motifs and deconstructed it.

The combat is turn based, correct? I've heard such good things about the two games but the turn based combat kinda puts me off.

Because you'll suck Obsidian's deck no matter what sort of unfinished unplayable wreck they put out.

I'm not going to say the combat is great but it isn't the highlight

better than JJ's original trilogy volume 2

please don't respond to easy bait

just play it on easy. the story is really the only thing that is good about the game.


>this thing is bad
Now that I think about it, KotOR II is basically Rick & Morty in game form. It pretends to be more intelligent than it is so its fans can pretend they're more intelligent than they are.

It’s not.

alright. i literally just bought KOTOR 1 so I'll give it a try

It's perspective, really. Star wars as a mkvie and videogame series has an average story grade of F, it's trash.
What makes Kotor 2 a surprise is that instead of F tier trash you got like...a solid C- by all accounts from any objective measure it's a mediocre story.
But when compared to how garbage the rest of the franchise is it seems amazing

a solid C is a better story than most movies nowadays pal.

is shit. Handmaiden is where its at.

wew lad

>Star wars as a mkvie and videogame series has an average story grade of F, it's trash.

Even Kreia is hotter than that slut.

i didnt enjoy kotor 2 as much as the first, and they arent nearly as good as the jedi knight series

star wars has so many good games under its belt

It's honestly surprising

>the Sith not only being aware of but also openly endorsing the power dynamic of always having 2 Sith, one of which will end up usurping the first
This is why the sith will never be amount to anything more than Saturday morning cartoon villain tier. How can they be so fucking stupid to think their eventual murder is a good method for gaining supremacy in the galaxy?

Yeah of course they're aware of it. Darth Bane made it. He saw what happened when there were a shitload of sith together and it was a cluster fuck.

Because it's just fucking good!

onderon was great
it should never be independant of the republic

>best Star Wars story, breaks away from the overused cliches that plagued both the EU and plague the nu-EU
>most of the squadmates are really likeable and even the worst ones still have positives to them that don't make them outright unlikeable
>freedom of character choice and sandbox to your character that was unprecedented for a Star Wars game; no longer are you stuck with the light/dark dichotomy and can craft your motivations much more beyond that. Plus, your origin story is much more open-ended than KOTOR I
>much more nuanced and grey tone for Star Wars, with Kreia acting as the voice of criticism towards Star Wars overused themes
>All the Sith Lords are iconic with their own motivations and personalities beyond "le epic evil doo-doo Sith Lord who runs an Empire wooooo!"
>Most of the planets are really interesting and have unique feelings
>God-tier music
Those are my reasons, anyway. KOTOR II is my second favourite game and my favourite Star Wars story overall.

Shit bait gets no (You)s.

Patrician taste.

Because you can't be Sith without being stupid, all Sith are stupid, otherwise they wouldn't be sith.

>lol I know what's a good idea, I will steep myself into this dark energy that will literally 100% mind control me into being so paranoid and egotistical that I inevitably end up becoming my own worst enemy and fuck myself over in some fashion

That's the dark side in a nut-shell. It's impossible to revel in the dark side and remain sane, yet retards keep falling for it.

You were afraid.


>giving a shit long enough to even make a holocron
What's happening?

>How can they be so fucking stupid to think their eventual murder is a good method for gaining supremacy in the galaxy?
What? that's their point. Eventually a Sith will appear so powerful that he or she conquers the Galaxy. Palpatine was a great example of the rule of two resulting in Sith dominance.

He alone managed to fool and destroy the entire Jedi Order despite them outnumbering him thousands to one

Revan was sane until the dumbass Emperor retcon.

Nihilus wasn't always the monster you faced off in the game. He was still human for a good bit before the game

>has an average story grade of F, it's trash.
>F tier trash
>.a solid C-
Sup Forums,,,,,go to bed

he literally took his time to train and torture an apprentice. I doubt infusing his teachings and making himself a gatekeeper within the holocron would take a lot of time out of his day.

The point is the Sith are actually quite selfless, they set themselves up to be killed so the next generation of Sith can be stronger.
Basically they want to make a line of succession of Sith each being slightly better than their predecessors until they get the "Sith'ari," the Pure Sith who would be above the negatives you're talking about. This Sith'ari would then essentially be able to fairly rule over the galaxy as a God of sorts.
It's a good plan, too bad infighting always fucked it up.

Try to embrace the D&D aspects of character creation/stats and enjoy the fact you get to be playing customizable Jedi. The combat isn't gripping but it can be fun in its own boring way. Also Kotor 1 doesn't nearly as good a story as Kotor 2 but it's still a good story and much more complete.

>star wars has so many good games under its belt
>It's honestly surprising

Sheev really dropped the ball by letting anakin get rekt

It was a terrible plan, even the chosen one himself still wasn't Sith enough to rule the galaxy.

>Light-side female companion is actually struggling with dark-side temptations and the issue of wanting to keep her vows to her master while lusting after you
>Dark-side female companion actually a broken woman who only pushes you towards dark-side decisions because she believes you have to be selfish or her master will kill you
>Loveable rogue companion who is actually tormented as fuck by his past decisions and is probably the second scariest dude on your ship
>Droid who is eternally loyal to his previous master and has to support his new master while protecting the identity and directives of his previous master, all while not being able to lie
>Well-developed female companion whom you cannot even romance or hold hands with.
>Planet-killing scientist on a quest for redemption
>Faulty AI who you will likely never discover is actually an AI
>Motherfucking Kreia

The characters were some of the most diverse, interesting and human Bioware has ever written. That is a huge part of it.

>That's the dark side in a nut-shell. It's impossible to revel in the dark side and remain sane, yet retards keep falling for it.
Palpatine was sane

TOR is one big who shot first clusterfuck
No one gives a flying fuck what the canon says regarding it because it's too stupid.



KOTOR 2 is Obsidian, dude.

An apprentice could benefit him, creating a holocron for future generations would not.
Fair enough.

The writing had a goal of going beyond the black and white good vs. evil cliche the series had since it was created from old adventure serials

hey dude want some gay humanoid species in your game

Palpatine was so close to being the Sith'ari it's embarrassing he let his arrogance get in the way at the very end. Krayt and a few others were almost there too but not on Palpatine's league.

>people are circlejerking over Avellone's edgy fanfiction again
>Avellone actually had to retcon how the Force works so he could justify his """deconstruction"""

Did you finish kotor 2? just asking because I was in a similar boat having only played the first part of Kotor 2.


But that's a shitty 5-hour long corridor shooter with 5-6 enemies, 6-7 guns, 3 levels, and abso-fucking-lutely nothing else.

And I will fight you over it because I am tired of people sucking it's dick just because 'muh relateable clones' and 'muh squad tactics'.

5 hours. Corridor shooter. All squadmates can do the same jobs so I don't form any special attachment to them nor do I care when the red one bites the dust. It's a shortened CoD campaign with a single gimmick and a very good Star Wars paintjob.

my main problem is there is no way all masters will impart 100% of their knowledge to their apprentice before dying, so with every generation, knowledge will be lost. Even worse, if said master dies to unrelated shit before they even find an apprentice and the BAM no more sith.
>b-but they are so powerful and...
Sooner or later one is bound to fuck up or the stars align and one gets incinerated by a gamma ray burst or something way out of their control. its innevitable, especially if we are talking in millenia long timespams

dumb frog poster lmao

tfw we'll never get modern good star wars games like over 10 years ago.

>creating a holocron for future generations would not
You aren't thinking like a proper sith. Likely if you couldn't understand him or couldn't put him in submission you'd be mocked and driven insane or worse, its happened before.

>posts frog
>thinks people cares about his opinion

I just started playing through this again and it's not as good as I remembered. Fuck the early game so much. Everything is tedious. I get that I'm spoiled but whatever.

but those 5 hours were GOAT

>Heard about how the first KOTOR is one of the best games of all time
>Play it
>Get to Dantooine
>Drop it because of how boring it was
Was I missing something? I was expecting to be able to explore the galaxy and what not but I was just railroaded at every point in the game to do all these mundane tasks.

Hanharr > Mira by so much it's not even funny
literally the only wookie in the entire series that was actually interesting, down to how you could completely break him by invalidating his tribal reasoning

This, genuinely.
Mira would've been better if she got more dialogue and if you could romance her but seeing as you can convert her to a Jedi within the first conversation and after that she's essentially silent, she's pretty underdeveloped as a character.
Hanharr was amazing- and disturbing desu.

Kneel. Beast.

Mira best girl

>Even worse, if said master dies to unrelated shit before they even find an apprentice and the BAM no more sith.
what are SIth Holocrons?

It gets way more open world RIGHT after that. I do agree that both games have long early segments but if you found EVERYTHING in the early game boring it may not be for you anyway. It does get better after you get the ship.

Then why did Palpatine even bother taking in an apprentice? It seems like he had everything handled without Anakin and Anakin only proved to be more of a liability as Darth Vadar so what's the point?
>He alone managed to fool and destroy the entire Jedi Order despite them outnumbering him thousands to one
emphasis on the "one" here. He never needed a second sith and definitely didn't need one after he conquered the galaxy

bainite sith are far too cautious for that to happen

>Want to get Hanharr
>don't feel like doing darkside route
Can I just be darkside until I get him and go light?

KOTOR1 is pretty bad outside of 3 planets
Bioware also really screwed up Malak breaking the waifu because it all happened off screen and she came out of that the most generic sith imaginable. Found it pretty funny how her edgelord tendencies were completely stripped out of her message in KOTOR2.

I've noticed that a lot of those old RPGs have inexplicably long, tedious opening segments that you have to get through before the real game opens up. I get why they felt such a segment would help ease players into the story and setting, but why did they have to drag on so long?

>He never needed a second sith
He defnitely did. Why do you think he turned Dooku after Maul got High Ground'd? He couldn't be the face of the CIS, he needed a pawn to take the blame.

Kotor 1 is a hard game to justify if you don't like the "Being a jedi on a quest" idea. That's basically all there is to it. It's probably boring by modern standards, but if you enjoy it for the mechanics and having a fucking lightsaber along with semi-meaningful decisions, you'll be rewarded.

Kotor 2 just straight up improves on all the positive qualities of the original.

You won't be able to get influence with him though.

>Then why did Palpatine even bother taking in an apprentice? It seems like he had everything handled without Anakin and Anakin only proved to be more of a liability as Darth Vadar so what's the point?
If Anakin managed to kill him then he was obviously not strong enough and deserving of being the ultimate Sith. Again that's the point

>emphasis on the "one" here. He never needed a second sith and definitely didn't need one after he conquered the galaxy
u wot? He used Darth Maul, Count Dooku and Anakin to accomplish this

Mira is pretty great in the restored cut. However her attitude towards the male exile is very daddy/daughter after a point, and if you go dark-side especially there are some pretty heavy implications she wants the D regardless of this and regardless of age gap/you already are fucking Visas/Handmaiden. Her character seems to have originally been very broken, followed by latching onto the Exile as a stable parent figure followed by wanting to fuck that parent figure, so I can see why most of that was cut from her character until barely anything remained.

Why anime tho?

So does the rule of two allow you to have dark side grunts?


She stopped being edgy once she finally got some sweet Jedi D

no reason to get him if I'm not going to get influence. I'll just bite the bullet and go dark side

Can KotoR2 be played if I just read a plot synopsis of the first one? It's not even like I'm someone who doesn't like WRPGs but from what I played the first KotoR just wasn't doing it for me, the world building and characters weren't really grabbing me. Fucking Carth and his distrust all the time was starting to piss me off, I want to be able to enjoy it because it's revered as a classic but I just couldn't.

That being said I get the impression everywhere I go that KotoR2 is basically better in every way.

You just have to be leaning dark to get him. As long as you don't kill all of the jedi masters you can go light but really why the fuck would you want to be a light side user in KOTOR2 the surviving masters are all complete pussies and every bit as retarded as Kreia says they are

you aren't training them in sith teachings, you're using them as pawns to do your dirty work while you and your apprentice focus on their true goal.

>Ugh, what's that stench?
>Listen- the cave tells of great power within- recently awakened.
>Yeeeesss, a great powerful stench.

out redditor your memes have no power here

>mfw Peragus

It isn't that long

I wish there were another fucking 30 hours of this game I could play.

What happens if both sith die?
What's to stop some other chucklefuck starting up his own sith?

Reddit prefers the second one to the first one though.

I think less sample size and they understood less about players. Plus there was less of a casual gaming feel back then and if a game was an RPG usually it was just that and not a streamlined hybrid game. Things more akin to oldschool RPGs will always have a tendency towards plodding because they're about having extensive inter-actable environments and dialogue.

I don't get this meme.
Peragus has a great tone, the feeling of being abandoned on a silent space station with droids trying to kill you. Assembling your first little team, regaining the first touches of the Force, Sion showing up for the first time, the whole murder mystery, all that shit was great.
If anything, the Telos station was much more tedious. Or Taris.

You'll be letting Kreia down by failing to learn from her teachings.

You can, Kotor 2 doesn't actually have much to do with kotor 1. Most of the references to the past in Kotor 2 aren't even about what happened in the first game.

That being said you really appreciate the series more when you play kotor 1 with it.

If both died then Bane's teachings would have been proven wrong(and they were and they did). As long as there are Jedi, there are Sith though, so a new form of it would probably pop up after some time.