You guys hyped?
You guys hyped?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Nazi plans for what?
Invading Russia
All this shit seems to be nothing more than reaction to current political events and emotional crazies. But I really want to find out if a "commie shoot" game would cause outrage or not.
being more nazi
they're gonna become commienazis
Fuck off pol nigger. Plenty of games have let you shot commies including Sniper Elite 2. No one gave a fuck.
>Even mentioning commies gets some tumblrina triggered
Thanks, didn't even need the game to figure it out.
>get called out as the nigger non-gamer that you are
>h-heh I'm the master of puppets
The state of pol
mad af
stay triggered commie
This board needs to be fixed from these idiots. Not only did he bump this thread just to rage at me some more, I literally do not even browse Sup Forums.
how do these pieces of shit keep getting on steam??
Operation Flashpoint lets you murder regular Soviet commies
Crysis and Homefront lets you murder commie norks
Battlefield: Vietnam, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam lets you murder commie gooks
>Every other cold-war FPS
Nobody cares.
The removal of greenlight has made it so any piece of shit can get on Steam
Despite what fat cuckold Jim Sterling might tell you, it didn't make things better, it made things worse.
all i know is that you have to pay a fee per game you put on steam now, and before you payed a one time fee to put as many as you want
what makes this system easily abused?
They really need to segregate indieshit to its own corner of Steam and only let the ones with the most popular and trending ones out
Communists and Nazis aren't human thus noone cares
Eh, honestly, even ignoring the whole "If U DON'T AGREE UR LETERALLY A NAHTSI!" debacle on the internet, I've never really found nazis all that interesting of enemies. They're so overdone. Can't we fight, like, the Chinese or Australians?
is steam going to usher in a The Asylum style wave of ripping off games now?
And Goldeneye was one of the most popular fps all about shooting communists, MGS3 was about killing Soviets.