What type of RPG enemies have you come up with?
What type of RPG enemies have you come up with?
Other urls found in this thread:
various slimes, jellies, and oozes
>desperate dev farming for ideas
Chad anthro sharks. Complete muscle heads. Can buff themselves by flexing
Strong amazonian women that peg you when you lose to them
Plane cave gnomes. They live inside caves that are inside giant planes.
You want to see weird monsters made up by Sup Forums?
Go to the vermin booru.
Snake with a machinegun but no means of firing it.
Nothing we'll ever come up with will ever compete with awesomeness of the Flail Snail.
Hundreds, not even joking. I dream of making a dungeon crawler and I have multiple notebooks where I think up of monsters, write a journal entry for them, then add a shitty doodle. Sadly I am only good at writing, which means jack shit when it comes to making video games, so none of them will ever see the light of day. Monsters today are dreadfully boring,
I'm sick of different humans and animals with slightly exaggerated features being "monsters".
>"Why I oughta"
Walking Bowling ball with bowler hat and pin goonies
>"Michael Jason"
Literally Jason Vorhees in a Michael Jackson outfit grabbing his crotch
>"Wacko Smacko"
Clown that just back hands you
wanted to make an rpg maker game with my ideas for monsters, but I'm bad at art too so I would need like 2,000 dollars to commision artist to make sprites, backgrounds, tile sets, and character portraits
So its like a mimic without the tricking part?
Getting a machine gun would be useful but you have to get past a snake coiled around it first.
Sorry to hear that user. For me monsters are one of the most important aspects of any media if it has them. I'm so fucking sick of how dull media has made monsters, today they typically lack any kind of creativity or imagination.
a overdone 50 meters tall enemy that has a 10% chance of showing up and that has it's own special theme when fighting it.
all of it's attacks take at least 10 minutes to finish their animation
And all of it's stats are 1 and it's attacks only damage him
A lot.
(using a link instead of uploading cuz on guest account rn)
I'm not, but even if I was, I would never steal your shitty idea
>Implementing a meme from 2017
Great way to date a game huh? How about I make harambe a boss too?
I'd put you as an enemy though for sure, I'll call you "pretentious faggot"
safety pin or flaming condom
Not sure why you're being a dick, all I said is that most monsters today in media are boring.
Giant rack nazi monster?
or maybe skull face cat man?
brain golem?
2017 poods?
rape zombies. they are just like normal zombies except they will rape you instead of eating you. victims of the rape become rape zombies themselves.
Colossal prairie dog ?
>Manlytears gets a pet gerbil
Leg salad?
Does he wear a silly cowboy hat too?
Mr B.O.N.E.S. ?
Big Ossuary Nigger Engaging in Sexytimes
>user reveals something cool he's done
>OP just insults him for no reason
Fuck you OP
Slime.... CUBE!?
this is fun so I don't actually care about all you faggots bickering.
I believe in early DnD the slimes were actually cubes. Slime monsters probably started as cubes.
Slutty Slug?
Gaping Anusface Stone Slider?
Gelatinous Cubes are one of the most classic monster designs, like really old D&D had those.
Meat Elf?
what the fuck is D&D? Everyone knows Akiron Toriyama invented slimes for Dragon Quest.
Incestuous Lesbian Ettin?
Rocking horse devil slug?
Beholder Schoolgirl?
Were you just waiting for this day to come and dump all your ideas or something user?
they're still the same species, its just been so long all we're fighting is geriatric slimes
Burt Reynolds Horseman?
Just here to help! I'm pretty sure OP is the lead designer of Cyberpunk 20202
Oh man. Everything sags eventually. Tragic.
Owlbears are the best.
you're actually disgusting
oops. missed a spot.
sexy ent?
This looks like some Tzismisce abomination from Vampire. What is it?
Holy shit that is PRECISELY what it is. +1 internet for you sir.
Well shit. I just thought the art style was familiar from the books and it was the right amount of ugly and ridiculous. What is it called?
Vampire the masquerade, circa 1990
Quadratical negative?
Robert Paulsen?
user, what is your favourite stupid monster?
Suck you bus?
thats tough. probably bedsheets?
or maybe the little orbs that steal your color. they dont actually hurt you they just rob you of your flair and ethnicity.
Yeah but its just some guy tho
Looks like a cheap whore version of azmodan