Blizzard is lost bois

>Blizzard diversity meet-up.
Isn't the whole damned convention a meet up for all fans?

>>Blizzard diversity meet-up.
>Outside away from everything
Nah theyre doing good

>blacks are kept away from the whites and Asians

Wait. Is that legal?

lmao it's literally in a corner behind the walls

>handicap spaces

what the fuck is blizzards problem

What's going on the EPIC STAGE?

>Segregation panel
>Toy capsule depot
What do they mean by this?

Think these are the main stages for WoW and other games

>claims to represent everybody
>male/female only restrooms

Seems like they are just acting about pandering to SJW values.

And I'm sure the audience is going to be full of WHITE MALES bleh!

>diversity meetup
>doors only open from the outside
>its actually just an oven

>Got a job working for Target recently
>Only other black guys are on the clean up crew and one college kid working in the back sorting incoming freight
>Orientation is some fucking Diversity shit

>Creeped out.
>Eventually quit.

If this is what liberals are aiming for in the work place I want none of it.

The fuck ever happened to a white and black dude just working together FFS.

I want my old Satellite TV job back where me and my boss could talk shit while working.
Holy fuck.

>Pet adoption
this is where the furries will be isn't it

>Pet adoption
>Most people will be only there for two days and on vacation around the nation/globe

>toy capsules
>face painting
>temporary tattoos
>pin trading
>photo booth

jesus christ not even my kidergarden's thanksgiving party was this lame

it's just wow pets I think, not actual animals. Event goers probably get some sort of freebie they'll sell to gold farmers

Blizzard has a diversity quota confirmed

Oh look, Sup Forums triggered by nothing again. Fuck, Anime expo had literal safe spaces.

Ok? Enjoy living on the street bro

Enjoy having multicolored and gendered characters

>blizzard diversity meetup

oh no NO NO


>diversity meet up
>panel on the 'powerful women of Warcraft'
>not a single thing for Diablo
Yea, I'd say Blizzards lost it.