Was this game hated solely because it was SD and relied on motion controls ?

Was this game hated solely because it was SD and relied on motion controls ?

Was there actually a good game underneath ?


Nobody cared that a Wii game was standard definition I dont even have a clue where you got that idea from.

There's no "getting passed" the motion controls, they're an intrinsic part of literally everything you do in the game. Swinging your sword, blocking, I'm pretty sure literally every item.
And it's as unreliable and jittery as you'd expect from 7th generation motion controls.

There are other faults, the game brings you through the same few locations over and over, a proto durability system that was implemented a million times worse than BOTW. And the plot is just pure autism because it's the only Zelda game created with the Zelda timeline in mind, before they quietly ignored it for 3DS Zelda games and then outright retconned it for BOTW.

There is absolutely no good reason to play Skyward Sword, you are missing nothing besides the shittiest Zelda, period, end of story.

No because everything it was supposed to explain about Zelda lore was shit. Gameplay was shit. Revisiting areas again and again is shit. Forcing you to do things like retrieve the Triforce piece by piece when you already did the things that prove you are the hero is shit.

This game is irredeemable and wagglan' just served to seal its coffin.

I never had a problem with the motion controls. I actually liked them. I suspect the ones that hated them are whales that lack basic motor skills.
If you had trouble controlling Link in Skyward Sword, perhaps see a physiotherapist.

As for the game itself, definitely had its flaws, insulting tutorials, and tedious fetch bits, but the adventure as a whole was great. Play it

No because Zelda menstrual cycle told me so

I loved the motion controls for Twilight Princess on the Nintendo Wii. It grew to be my favorite Zelda experience.

>Was this game hated solely because it was SD and relied on motion controls ?
Pretty much yeah.

>Was there actually a good game underneath ?
As someone who only recently, earlier this year, played SS for the first time ever, I would say very yes. It's very comfy and enjoyable Zelda game, that exceeded all my expectations.

It's definitely better than Twilight Princess.

You know that isnt true
Ever since twilight princess I wanted a zelda with realistic motion controls but the ones in Skyward Sword are unresponsive frustrating and straight up bad. You also need to buy a controller just to play this game or get a ugly attachment for your wii mote.

>You know that isnt true
I know what I experienced, which is responsive controls. Sorry your experience was different

>It's definitely better than Twilight Princess

My biggest issue with skyward sword was how formulaic in how it wasted your time. I hate A LOT of things about this game, but I can not stand my time being wasted, and all I wanted to do was get to the nexst dungeon while the game forces me to explore an area, then explore it again with dowsing, then swim around for tadtones, then run around finding tears of light, then fight the forsaken, then I get my dungeon/plot advancement

Nobody cared that the game was SD and reviewers gave it very VERY high scores.
The fan reception was negative because the story was awful and the combat was terrible.
The motion controls sucked and you constantly had to re calibrate in the middle of battle making even a fight with a deku baba a struggle. The soundtrack was par for the course I guess. The art style was really really bad too I hated the way link and Zelda looked

I thought the way they shit all over Ganon making him no longer the ultimate evil but second fiddle to a generic one-off villain

The game is good, the people who hate it are ones that just can't handle motion controls, the motion controls are fine and work fairly well, the sword works nicely if you're not swinging the wiimote like an actual sword, and if aiming goes off-center, you can literally fix it and center it again with the press of a single button.

zelda fans = fatsos who cant lift or move at all so not the best move for nintendo to do a cardio base game

It's not a bad game. It just does a lot of things way worse than previous Zelda games and is not the game people were waiting like six years for.

>Nobody cared that the game was SD and reviewers gave it very VERY high scores.
reviews and consumer gamers have always been two different groups.
>The fan reception was negative because the story was awful and the combat was terrible.
Neither is true though.

>The motion controls sucked and you constantly had to re calibrate in the middle of battle making even a fight with a deku baba a struggle
you mean the instantenous re-centering button?

>The soundtrack was par for the course I guess. The art style was really really bad too I hated the way link and Zelda looked
shit taste as fuck.

Came for the qt-est Zelda, stayed for the Groose.

>overworld consists of shitty linear "levels" and an empty as fuck sky
>AND you have to revisit these areas on a railroaded main quest
>AND you have to trudge through a shitload of handholding
>AND there's no proper day/night cycle

People always whine about how bad 3D Zelda games became and honestly they were just being nitpicky for the most part, because this game was *actually* fucking bad.

Most later model wiimotes had the Plus feature built right in.

If the Faron and Eldin had been more like Lanayru the game honestly could've been GOAT but there is way too much filler in between the main sections and the motion controls are just so contrived most of the time like with the boss keys.

I don't hate it but it's the only 3D Zelda that I have and will most likely never replay.

My roommate fucking LOVES this game. He raves about it and says it's amazing and gets triggered when he reads people insulting it.

It has to be a decent game because he wouldn't like it if it was shit.

>great dungeons, terrible rest of the game
>great overworld, worst dungeons
what the fuck man

>Worst dungeons
You misspelled WInd Waker, user

The dungeons in WW were good, definitely better than BOTW's.

It's not shit, as with everything Sup Forums blows everything out of proportion. There is just a lot of questionable inclusions in the game, namely the Tadstone section.

>Like half a minute of using the windwaker and cutscenes just to retake control of Medli or Makar to get them down a fucking ledge because the devs couldn't be bothered to program them jumping after you.
>Literally fucking handing you the relevant dungeon items before you start the dungeon on several occasions
Wind Waker has dogshit dungeons. They're stupidly easy but each dungeon still managed to drag on for fucking ever long past the point of being interesting.

You misspelled Majora's Mask.

Skyward Sword is probably my favorite console Zelda. In my opinion, they did almost everything right while still breaking ground and doing new things.

I think if there was three new areas instead rediscovering old ones, it would tidy up things for people. And I don't think Wii Motion Plus was too much of a detriment. Majora's Mask required the Expansion Pak and that didn't stop it from being a good game.

You misspelled having an actual argument.

The things people complain about are stupid. What was wrong with revisiting areas when you didn't even revisit the areas, you got got to a new area that was next to an old one. The shit parts were collecting the notes within a time limit and having to pop giant monster toes while it slowly walked to a finish line. Flying was also quite lackluster.

I see your point, but is it really better than
>3 more terminals left!

fighting sucked 99% of the time

side quests were mmo tier.

sky was empty as fuck


repeat 4 times.

I think everyone can agree that voice acting was a hardware limitation that the series should've have grown out of at least.

>The puzzles to get to each terminal are significantly better than any Wind Waker Puzzle
>But it doesn't matter because the terminal speech is annoying
I'm on my laptop so I dont have a brainlet picture saved unfortunately.

The puzzles were fun, don't get me wrong, but I needed more. And no fucking terminal shit.

What really grinds my fucking gears is that we're going to have to wait another 6 fucking years for a new Zelda.

Better not be.

It'll actually be a crime if they don't make an MM style refinement of BOTW's formula.

Will probably get a remake and some 3DS spinoffs down the line.

Skyward Sword was great. Never had a problem with the motion controls.

What'd be a real crime is if we didn't get another 2D Zelda on Switch running at 60 FPS using sprites.

It'll be interesting to see how Nintendo switches up its product development strategy now that their portable and console titles share the same space.

>What'd be a real crime is if we didn't get another 2D Zelda on Switch running at 60 FPS
Probably not out of the realm of possibili-
>using sprites.
Ahahaha, nevermind.

It's a 720p/1080p system. Spritework was doable on the 3DS because it was 240p. I'd bet we never see Nintendo try it again, honestly. The Mario and Luigi series is probably gonna either get a non-pixel artstyle or get shelved entirely for the same reason.

That is, unless Sonic Mania made some serious fucking numbers, numbers big enough for publishers to think high quality pixel art is an investment that pays off.

>Implying Project Octopath Traveler won't be super successful

>Implying that's the same thing as needing to fill a 1080p screen with straight pixelart

Can't speak for anyone else, but I hated it for the excessive, literally unfun levels of handholding, rehashed content and empty sky of broken dreams. When the game was first revealed, I was certain the sky would be like the Great Sea but bigger, better and actually fun to navigate, and as I fucking adored exploring and charting islands in Wind Waker I was fucking hyped as shit for the game and decided to go full media blackout after the first few trailers.

Needless to say it quickly turned into one of my biggest gaming disappointment once I finally got to "explore" empty the mess on my Loftwing..