Any good equipment setups to make this fight easier...

Any good equipment setups to make this fight easier? I've only fought him like 10 times and I'm already sick of trying legitimately, he has so much health and defense, and he's so hard to avoid in his third phase because of all the nonstop shit everywhere.

Lame it out with poison, my friend and I did it after getting bored of his first phase

A good shield really helps, i had to respecc because I was using the shitty fried scythe

Same way you make everything else easier, Chaos Bed Vestiges.

I won because he bugged out. Just get tons of summons

He's fun as fuck to fight though

I was actually kind of sad once I beat him since I wanted it to last even longer

Hollowslayer greatsword because it deals bonus damage after the blood of the dark soul scene and the highest stability shield you can hold. But I personally beat him with the ringed knight straightsword and pierce shield.

Same. I was super frustrated with the fight the first few playthroughs where I fought him, then on my latest playthrough it just "clicked"and I had a lot of fun with it.

+10 a weapon without it being raw infusion

then git gud

I've tried Cathedral Knight Greatsword+10 with poison applied, and it wasn't doing shit for me, I got farther with the Black Knight Greatsword+5.
I usually use shields, but this dlc has made me start using greatswords due to how much health the bosses have, I can't stand it when my straight sword attacks do so little damage there isn't even a yellow mark on the health bar for damage when I hit.
I'd love to respec and give it a try, but I can't transpose anything until NG+ since that guy is dead.
There are no NPCs for this fight, and I'm not paying for online.
I'd love to give that a try too, but I can't get it in this playthrough since the soul transposition guy is dead.
I always go for refined since I have 43 STR/DEX, Lothric Knight Sword and Cathedral Knight Greatsword do minimal damage to him with how much health he has, Black Knight Greatsword+5 is the thing that's doing the most for me right now.

You can still transpose souls at his chair

Get a poison dagger, and the irithyll straight sword. Hes weak to poison and frostbite. Poison him with the dagger and then hit him with the irithyll sword until frostbite procs. You should get very good dps out of that setup. Rinse and repeat until he dies. Have a greatshield in your left hand to block his attacks.

I'm walking all around his chair and am getting no prompt besides the one to read the chair engraving, which does nothing.
I'll give it a shot.

Literally keep dodging, learn his pattern.
Phase 1 is easy, next phase you just need to learn.
Once you know you will never forget.

I beat him in 3rd attempt in my capped SL 50 character (pic related). Tho that was because sellsword twinblade is OP.

He's one of the last Souls bosses in existence so just try to beat him legit

How does anyone go through bosses like freide or sulyvahn and end up having a hard time with gael?

Fun boss fight but its pretty easy

Gael's tells are 20 years long. Just stop getting hit or level up to do more damage.

Friede becomes a joke with phantoms helping you. She has no poise and gets stunlocked easy. Gale becomes quite hard if you summon for him because hes unstaggerable and gains a metric fuckton of hp.

i'm stuck at demon prince

Are they really? I dropped them when I got the wardens for that sweet bleed damage

Then you're a retard user. You can still transpose with him dead.

There's one demon you can kill first that makes the 2nd phase easier but I forget which. I just remember that it changes some of its attacks based on who dies first

like ornstein and smooth?
i will try, thx user.

Sellsword Twinblades
Gotthard Twinswords
Lothric Knight sword
Ringed Knight PGS
Follower Sabre
Crow Quills

Leveling up won't do shit for me at this point, I'm SL129 and almost at softcap for STR and DEX, and have rings for +5 to each, the most some hard grinding will do for me is make me deal like 20 points more damage.
How? The chair does nothing, I can walk right up to his crown and it does nothing.

Are you on NG+? Gael isn't that hard.

Did you not give him the transposing kiln before he died? Did you kill the curse rotted greatwood?


I killed greatwood, but I don't think I even talked to the guy once in this playthrough, since outside of the dlc I was roleplaying a Lothric knight and had no need for transposed stuff.

You need to have given him the kiln before he died to transpose weapons. Youll need to go to ng+ to transpose now.

I dunno if it was better than bleed Wardens, but for Boss fight, sellsword twinblade a beast even with only 30 dex.

Stack as much poise as you can without fat-rolling and use the heaviest weapon you can. Phase 1 is easily stagerred, and you can just hyperarmor/Weapon art through his attacks and destroy him. It works untill about NG+3, maybe NG+4 if you keep leveling.

I've never fought Freide since I never found that dlc, and Sulyvahn is piss easy when you use a greatshield or a shield in general, Gael gives me too much shit to block.