The Evil Within 2

One day left.

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19 hours left on my end. Ready to play it at midnight all the way to the early morning.

I just have one very important question. Is ruvik mentioned or appears anywhere?

He's mentioned, but not by name. The first game is brought up frequently. After the ending, a little scene plays which shows a STEM terminal's screen fill up with red Ruvik-esque text, hinting a 3rd installment.

I deduced as much. What about Leslie? Oda?
Thanks a lot, user! You made a person happy tonight.

I beat the first game but never played any of the DLC. Do they explain anything?
I forgot most of the ending too.

Don't know if either of them show up or are mentioned at all. All I got to see was footage up to about Chapter 6, and the final boss / ending.
If you have any questions about the final boss / ending, I can answer them in a vague, non-spoilery way lol

They explain quite a lot, but there are still some questions left unanswered.
Honestly, though, if you're playing TEW for the plot, you're doing it wrong. It's real clumsy. It's all about the atmosphere, the nice set pieces and the survival gameplay.

Is Stefano really important in the grand scheme of things? Is Laura alive? Do we get anything from Myra (sebs ex wife)? Thanks a lot user!!

The gameplay was okay. Bit weird how they introduce some enemies in one scene then you never see them again for the rest of the game. The ghosts and giant twins come to mind.

Not that user, but I loved the plot. It's what got me to actually finish akumu. It's like resident evil with the mystery in the woods and the mansion and everything.

How does this series compare to Silent Hill and Resident Evil? Is it as open and survival focused as them?

I think the giant twins where mental images from all those townspeople imprinting plus the rumors going on about the church. So was the dog. What ghosts tho?

What time is the game launching in NZ? Australia is using JST, so is NZ the same?

Well, there's only one game out, but I'd consider the first game kind of like a weaker but still competent version of Resident Evil 4 that has a plot that is more derivative of a lot of horror games and movies, including an heavily inspiration from Silent Hill.

As for the sequel, seems like that but with bigger maps and a big hub.

Well, not as tight as RE but it does focus heavily on ammo conservation and playing it smart.


I remember that there were notes talking about how those three were made in the lab under the church and there was a whole story in the newspapers about how the church was found out to have some weird shit below it. But it's hard to tell if that's in reality or on a layer of STEM or what.

Does Sebastian like getting groped?

You meet them in the hospital then you never see them again.
Can't remember if it was ghosts or some other monster.

Got some Twin Peaks influences too
Check out the room in this gameplay footage
>red curtains
>stringy floors

Is there a weapon list and details of all the upgrades? The first game only had Shotgun, Bow and Handgun, so I'm hoping the 2nd will add more diversity to the weapons and upgrades. A machine gun would be nifty.

Yeah, there was a news cutting about how the church h floor collapsed and it was taped off. The church said it was sacrilege to investigate what was underneath it. Plus when you reach the catacombs you can see glued to the wall different baptism papers with names of the townsfolk. Maybe they did conduct experiments down there, plus I think Mobius comes from the church.

I'll let someone stream that shit for me, as I am a huge pussy, but I sincerely hope that it corrects its flaws from the first entry and all of my horror game lovers enjoy it immensely.

Oh! You mean the haunted that disappear. I fucking hated those fuckers.

>Work at Gamestop
>TEW2 trailer playing all the time
>Song gets stuck in my head
>After the thousandth time, I decide to play the first
>Loved RE4
>Game is basically RE4 2.0 gameplay wise
Too bad the story is all over the place.

The DLCs were fun

I don't think Mobius is connected to the church. Ruvik and Kidman are.

The plot is fine, my dude. You just have to piece everything together.

Fucking FaceApp. I love it.

>The first game only had Shotgun, Bow and Handgun
Sniper Rifle in chapter 6, and another one if you find all map pieces
a burst hand gun and a machinegun after you beat the game
also a Magnum near the end.

Yeah after playing the DLC and figuring it out towards the end it was great but that initial jumpiness was a bit hard to swallow at first.

That being said i'm hyped as fuck for the sequel.

That's the thing though, kidman's family where huge followers of the church, so was the victoriano family. If you think about it, Mobius wants to bring about heaven on Earth, so does the church, it wants to cleans the earth and bring about peace. What better way to do that by linking everybody into a huge machine where everybody is connected.

Can't comment about Stefano. It looks like he'll be a big part of it. One character mentions that a psychopath in STEM has the power to manipulate it due to unique brain functions, and that he's a major threat to the entire system. The very first trailer of the game shows what looks like Laura, so I'd imagine she's back.

Myra is in the game, and she's just as important as Kidman to the plot, if not more. I'll leave it at that.

Also, in case you're wondering, you get to play as Kidman at some point.

The final boss / ending is much better than the original game. The ending in particular is fantastic; probably one of the best endings I've seen in a recent game. Bittersweet and epic at the same time. The story is definitely improved.

Yeah, it was pretty awesome when you join everything together and get a clearer view. I did hate the game at first but after giving it another try I ended up loving it. I hope we get a series out of this series, it's odd that there isn't a lot of third person horror games anymore.

ten bucks says seb sacrifices himself to get his daughter out of Union

I think after the good ones died off (RE4 into what became RE5-6 and Dead Space into what became Dead Space 3) nobody really knew where to go with it.

I can confirm that Seb lives. A certain character does die, however.

Aw man, I actually hate Stefano. That's actually cool you get to play as Kidman again. I hope Lily isn't actually real, since what gave Sebastian his edge was the loss of his daughter, and then out of nowhere they said she's alive. I'm guessing Myra is the evil within's wesker.

More like the KINO within

Is Stefano villain kino?
I really like Stefano.

Holy shit its Myra! She sacrifices herself for Lily!

It's a bummer really because I personally love third person games. I detest first person and lately every horror game is integrating that shit.


Myra does sacrifice herself for Lily. Myra is also the final boss.

Really? I'm more of a ruvik fan. I just really understood where he was coming from. He was a good villain.

Yeah, it also doesn't help a lot of games have become geared towards streamers and youtube like Outlast or FNAF. But, I will admit that RE7 was a lot of fun and my only real complaint about it is the lack of enemy variety in terms of design.

>I just really understood where he was coming from.

He just wanted to get out

Holy shit I knew it. I knew that shit was gonna go down sooner or later.

That's actually super creepy.

pile on those excuses that people will look back at one day when you snap and kill people

It reminds me of the kind of grin Doomguy gets

But the Mobius documents seemed to imply that they really didn't care about the church that much and were as surprised at the shit that was going on with them as anyone else.

Yeah, it fucking sucks because people like me that actually play to enjoy a game have suffered immensely with this YouTube garbage trend. I still have to get RE7, but I'll end up getting the gold edition, since I wanna play as NOT!Chris.

No man, I understand why he did all the things he did. Why he just gave up on life after losing the one person he loved, and how the influence of the wrong type of people affected his wellbeing. He just wanted Laura back, and couldn't fathom how alone and alienated he was when she died. He wanted to get out to get revenge for what they did to him, he just never thought they where going to betray him like that. I really liked Ruben as a villain, he has a lot of layers to his character.

Why? He's just having a good time.

I'm just gonna go ahead and explain the ending for those of you that want to know it. Don't look over if you're serious about not wanting to be spoiled.

Seb gets to Lily, who is under the protection of Mira, who's a rogue agent within STEM, similar to Stefano. She transforms into a massive beast to protect Lily against her will and faces Seb. Seb breaks her out of her rampage form and tells her that they can be a family again, and Myra tells her that Mobius is everywhere, and that they'll never be free. The Administrator tells Kid to extract Seb and Lily, now that they've re-established connection, and kill Seb off, as he's served his purpose. Kidman declines, and you play as her as you fight through the Mobius headquarters to get to Seb's body. It's revealed that all Mobius agents have chips in their heads connecting them together. The Administrator presses the button to kill Kidman, but she reveals that she took hers out 3 days beforehand. Kidman hacks the system and uses the Alpha Emergency button, instantly causing all Mobius agents' heads to explode, including the Administrator. Seb cradles Lily and tells her that they're going home now, and Myra tells Seb that he loves him and knows all that he's gone through, and tells him to leave STEM and life the life that was taken from him. Myra stays within the STEM world as the new Core. STEM collapses. Kidman buys Lily a doll in the real world, and Seb and Kidman stay in touch. Then, Seb drives Lily off into the sunset in his car.
Secret scene shows Myra's new STEM world re-activate with red text, implying a 3rd game with Ruvik's influence, or something.

In short, it's kino.

I don't remember very well those documents, so sorry if I'm wrong, but I think Mobius wanted to break free from the control of the church, since they were getting more power with the passage of the years. It's even implied they where working under the guise of a secret service, at least that's what one of the clippings said.

I mixed up some hims and hers while typing that up. You get the gist.

I'm not reading that, but thanks a lot for your info, user! I'll just save it for when I finish the game (which is gonna take a while). Thanks again for telling me about the ruvik part.

>Don't want to buy it
>Don't want to wait one day until it finally gets cracked either
Fuck it. I'll fork out the money, but only because they picked the most perfect release date possible.

>haven't beaten the first one yet because I can't put myself through that slog
I really want to finish the first one but fuck

I want to buy it yet don't have the cash. Lucky you.

>two kino withins
>this one has a wise magical negro in it
>people will give it a pass because muh SH2 muh REmake

Ultimate pleb filter

what's wrong with wise magical negro, user
also, have some cake

that's not cake you nigger, that's a kitchen nightmare

>he doesn't like chubby chicks
I pity you, user
I hope one day you'll see the light

>being a chubby chaser
Gross man. That's just all fat with no heart

>not being a chubby chaser
Don't tell me you like skeletons
I already have a skeleton; I don't need another

I know this is probably some shitposter, but you just fucking can't say that's hot unless you also ask KFC to double fry their shit

>ham nova
>covered in tattoos
No surprises here

I just like ass. The bigger the ass, the better


>Pre-Ordered on Xbone
>Usually lets me play on midnight release day
>They're letting me play 3 hours early for some reason

Did Mal put on weight?

Are you a nigger?

I'm white, my dude.
Can white guys not like fat ass?

Seb daughter died in fire, Seb goes to hospital, Seb put in matrix 2.0 with Kidman by evilcorp, Seb try to escape, Kidman working with evilcorp and betrayed him, they get out together, 3 years pass, seb find out daughter still alive by Kidman and is at evilcorp, goes to evilcorp, finds out she trapped in machine, put back in machine, Evil Within 2

There you go

shitty casualized bethesda game now

match system removed, open world, no spooks, shitty guns, waypoints

>match system removed
>bad thing

Brainlets pls leave

>open world
Stop saying this. It's not true and it completely discredits your entire post.

What's with all these Sup Forums normalfags creating some dogma that no one likes giant asses but black people?

matches were great because of the ways you could use them that the game gave you no tutorials about whatsoever
I'm mad they got rid of them but the gunplay and the melee combat is improved by a shitload in Kino Within 2 so I won't miss them forever

>no one likes giant asses but black people
He only implied that black people like disgusting giant asses, which is what was posted in

But there's a fuckton of white fat fetishists, does Sup Forums just ignore that?

As a white fat fetishist, I can confirm that I am ignored by Sup Forums

First game was dogshit

This fat faggot keep coming here?

Once TEW2 comes out he'll stop because he'll be playing the game

Do you have to derail a thread with your brapass posting? Fuck off

is it safe to buy this from cdkeys? it's the cheapest I can find and I don't have the cash right now to get it from steam directly

CDkeys can usually be trusted, but it's been a year since I've used it. Just use paypal if you can or have your bank on speed dial if you get jewed over

kek, thanks. Might put a no commentary let's play in the background until I buy the sequel

I want to get into this game seems it's actually spooky as shit, and not RE-streamer bait-7.

Eh, not really. There's not a whole lot of effort put into the scares.

The Kino Within

Stop shilling this every day. The first game was shit and nobody cares.

The first game was decent and I care

No, it was objectively shit.

There's nothing wrong with liking it, good for you. We don't need to hear about it.

what kind of bolts are there?

I really like this cover, reminds of that Gabriel Knight one

>And this is my son's room....

Is there a proper final boss?