Battlefield 2018

A new battlefield in 2018 is all but confirmed, what setting do you want,expect and hope it will be in?

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Not shit like the past 2 games.

2143 2143 and 2143

This. I would also like it if they tried for the futuristic setting like 2142 but that seems highly unlikely at this point.

My favorite is the gulfwar and early iraq invasion setting,you know,before they banned white Phosphorus and cluster bombs
i doubt theyll do it though,a sequel to bf2142 would be awesome though

Stone Age

*bonks user on head with severed deer leg*

>A new battlefield in 2018 is all but confirmed

where? ive seen nothing.


90% chance it's WWII skin of BF1, that being said I'm excited since BF1 was the most fun I've had with BF since BFBC2.

Would be cool, but no one wants to see that since it's an array of the most basic modern weapons and equipment we have.

Google Battlefield 2018 dumb fuck.

>Rub two electric eels together
>Rez him

return to 'nam

What's so good about 2142 that people want a game like it again?


That was an unnecessarily hurtful thing to say

1980s Cold War turned hot
1944, with StGs, PPShs, and handheld MG-42s out the ass.

64v64 any era, can even be sci-fi or fantasy, I don't give a shit.

I want additions to gameplay, not another fucking $80 clone.

Operation Market Garden 2.0 with moving drop planes on the start of the battle please.

I just want loot boxes. I don't give a single fuck about the setting of the game.



Gulf war or the early years of Iraqi Freedumbs
I care more about them removing the casul shit than the setting though, 1 was a fucking mess.

bf1 was shit
Battlefront 2 beta was shit
the full game will be shit

nu cod post 2012 is shit

im done with fps

pubg scratches the tps and fps itch

>Battlefield 1 was shit
>Battlefield 4 was shit
>Battlefield Hardline was shit
>Battlefront was shit
>Battlefront 2 will be shit
Don't expect good games from DICE.

I really miss 3. I still play it sometimes but there's like

Who cares. It will be full of even more loot box skinner box shit and "mom said it's my turn to get a kill" casual shit on top of all the regular DICE bugs and retarded design.

Battlefield is dead.


I want user-hosted dedicated servers and mod-support.

Come on DIce it's 2017, Steam has had mod support for the better part of a decade, it's time to step up to the plate.

BF1 getting updated to support user-hosted dedicated servers wouldn't be missed either

No one gives a flying fuck about the korean war.

Korean War.

Hope: deployable hmg that shoot properly not that hold down the trigger to bring in the spread shit.
Expect: bf nostalga to be dashed against rocks and not buy the game at all.


Battlefield is dead now.

2143 please

Now I can talk shit with my grandpa.

You won't see one today because the chinks have their dirty paws in the gaming industry and won't let Chinamen be villians. BF4 is the last one you'll see.

wasn't homefront originally was supposed to have china as the main villain? but they changed it because of pressure?

>and handheld MG-42s

why can't DICE learn from Red Orchestra or Verdun? Those games had great LMG's because they had "limited slots" per team, and emphasized providing cover-fire or defensive play. (basically hitting as hard as a rifle bullet per shot, but requiring the player to deploy the gun in order to shoot with any accuracy beyond point-blanc, essentially making it hard to use for run-and-gun playstyles)

anyway: Dice will have loud flashy graphics and impressive effects, and gameplay that relies on the crutch of a skinner-box reward/unlock/crate system.

because became the primary enemy, and no pub wants their shit to get banned from the largest market on earth

>why can't DICE learn from Red Orchestra or Verdun?

because they're too busy counting money

Why would that stop them? Most people from Asia don't even buy FPS because most of them can't run anything more intensive than CSGO.

That is correct.

if it makes you feel better, the rumors of ww2 weapons getting ported over to Rising Storm 2, might very well lead to a Korean War Mod at some point.

SKS vs M1,
Sherman vs T-34 (though the Hero's of the West Sherman would need an interior upgrade)

there are a lot of elements already there,

just a shame RS2 used Unreal 3, Unreal 4 could support a lot better graphics, and terrain-dynamics.

Titan mode was cool. Having mechs included in combined arms. Not many future multiplayer FPS games around the time.

They were teasing a futuristic battlefield game with the final dlc for BF4, but they pitched BF1 and made it instead.

>wanting a new Battlefield after the trainwreck that was Battlefield 1

>Most people from Asia don't even buy FPS because most of them can't run anything more intensive than CSGO.

Fuck yes, watching this documentary right now. It's fucking amazing.

>giving an ounce of a fuck about what games DICE makes these days

not an argument

Also, most people don't buy FPS games, but pc cafes that cater to the youth population have bought them and continue to buy them in bulk.

And the few people that can afford a computer, internet and the time to waste have the money to buy the DLC. repeatedly, as they also buy cheat engines and get banned, then have to start over on a new account.

>Battlefield 1 was shit
it was at release but it's getting better.
>Battlefield 4 was shit
its current and final state no, it's one of the better games
>Battlefield Hardline was shit
>Battlefront was shit
>Battlefront 2 will be shit
maybe it looks fine but the fucking lootboxes are retarded

if the mod happens, I'll buy the game just for that

Does it even matter? They won't innovate either way. It'll play exactly like the previous 4 games.

It will be a WWII game

You control some black dudes (the good guys) and with the English special forces (arabian people of course) you must destroy the evil white bois. When you're in trouble the russian army (indian genderfluid soldiers) can help you.

Last battlefield i enjoyed was bad company 1 which i still play on xbox now and then. Then they fucked up the sequel. Then battlefield 3 came out. Dice just lost a lot of good staff around 2009-2010 i think, havent really bothered with the series since then

That doesn't really negate anything that I said. Maybe you should read my post then that article again and see what game was even being played.


I want them to make the jump to 128 players


i hope it takes place in the year of the puke universe. where everything is puke. because this series fucking pukes.

>its current and final state no, it's one of the better games
That's hilarious. It still has shit netcode and the maps are awful.

I miss the sandboxy feel of the Battlefields up til 2

isnt it crazy that if it wasnt for consoles we would have been having regular games with 128 man servers for over a decade

Battlefield hasn't been good since 2142 and it never will be again

These were present all the way up to bad company 1

Once again takeoff is left off

I know this will make some anons have an aneurysm but I wouldn't mind a WWII setting. The new CoD is trash based on the beta, and I think BF1 handled WWI as well as it could given modern tastes and an older setting. WWII would justify automatic guns, and varied maps, and vehicles while still doing the whole historical thing they seem keen on. Just imagine rush on D-day, with the first spawn being in player controlled landing crafts.

theres already a ww2 game.............

>muh d-day
fuck off d-day maps are fucking trash

More diversity

All maps with water are fucking trash.

cyberpunk Battlefield 2049

They should set it in the future where all men have gone extinct and all the soldiers are some variety of amazon.

2142 was the last pc only battlefield game before the franchise was dumbed down to appeal to console players. A 2142 game in 2018 might sound great but battlefield has forever changed it will never go back to when your teammates played their class because it was beneficial to the team and not because you get points for throwing down a med bag.

stone age

Honestly, what I want most out of a WW2 game is an Air Superiority mode with the Battle of the Philippine Sea with player controlled aircraft carriers and the main objective being to take each other's ships out.

say that to my face not online

>bf4 shit

American Civil War

Bf4 is fucking awful. The maps are garbage and the netcode is trash. It's just BF3 but bad.

LA Riots

you must be living in 2014

I played the free trial last week. It's shit.

1944. I'm just desperate for a good WW2 shooter, and i quite liked BF1. I literally just want BF1 but in WW2. Please deliver DICE.

BF4, especially before that retarded patch that fucked up all the attachments for no reason was better than BF3, even with all the maps being shit except Zavod and Propaganda. BF3 was almost all dogshit maps too outside of a couple and has shittier gunplay mechanics.

They should base it on the governments secret ongoing war with the mole people underground.

>I'm just desperate for a good WW2 shooter,
Day of infamy

That was a long time ago, and the population is basically zero. BF1942 was fun, wouldn't a new one be nice?

Battlefield 4 mechanics with WW2 weapons.

It looks cool but unfortunately i'm Brazilian, so i'm forever stuck having to play popular FPSs exclusively since niche ones very rarely generate a long-term following here, and i'd rather not play an FPS with 200 ping on American servers. So Battlefield going WW2 would be a saving grace for me.

Just play offline bots. It's fantastic because the enemy can order air strikes and blast you with rocket launchers.

This, so much this.

Frostbite 4, BF4 gunplay, BF1 style class loadouts, WW2 theme. I'd be so fucking hard.

>Have fervently wanted 2143 forever, still do
>A part of me realizes it will be shit no matter what
Remember when they added Carrier assault in the Naval strike DLC? Get the missile silo's to weaken the enemy carrier until you could get on and blow 2 mcoms? Then the match just fucking ends. No mad dash to get off the carrier before it blows. That's the moment I accepted that DICE doesn't do fun anymore.

DICE doesn't do fun anymore they do 10 second bite sized clips that jump to the top of reddit


battlefield has been shit for a while now, 2142 was the last good one, why would anyone care about it anymore?

how about a fucking steampunk setting, something they haven't done 3 times already, please

fantasy with guns

How about world war 2 that doesn't end in 1945?
Or the cold war gone hot?