Where were you when reddit took over Sup Forums?


>le epic "Sup Forums hates all video games" meme

us 4channers amirights

project chanology

the nutshack

I unironically browse Reddit daily and haven't seen a single A Hat in Time thread on the front page there, but I've seen multiple Cuphead threads.

How the fuck am I supposed to remember what was I doing during 2014

it's like retards false flag all the time and say shit for attention

It was around gamergate that vee died imo

I want to turn Nanachi into lolijuice and use her to power my machines.

>Redditors getting triggered that Sup Forums is enjoying good games because they don't understand RAGE or how it works at all
>They've been outing themselves all over the board for weeks now.
Seriously, I haven't played 2/3 but god bless what Cuphead, Hat in Time, and Ruiner have done for board health over the last couple of weeks. in exposing faggots who don't actually understand how this place operates at all.

You "all games are shit and all discussion is shilling" redditards have been absolutely fucking insufferable this year and I'm glad we're finally doing away with you,

i'm not a furry, but she is the cutest thing i have ever seen

She's cute as a human, too.

Who honestly doesn't Reddit here? They get all of their news WAY faster than Sup Forums does aside from a couple of small leaks from time to time. Literally all of the generals I use on /vg/ post reddit links whenever someone posts data mining dumps.

If you use reddit as a resource you're a reasonable person.

Anyone who's ever commented should be autobanned from Sup Forums.

This. QFT

i was fucking your mom

now go to bed you have school tomorrow

>Who honestly doesn't Reddit here?
I don't actively browse it. If a google search for something leads me there I'll go there but I even dislike that because the layout is garbage. Would never post there though anonymity is why I post here.

Only time I go on Reddit is if there's patch notes for a game I play and I have to go there to find it, or if there's a solution for a problem I have there.

I hate the actual format and hugbox mentality of Reddit.

Reddit needs to be a filtered word. Nobody smart ever uses it here, it just derails everything.

>the layout is garbage
I always see that sentiment here and you have to be a goddamn retard to not know how to use that website

It's like people are trying to say "yeah I don't REDDIT reddit, because its just inferior is all..." but people are really just outing themselves as people who don't know how to read. Literally millions of people use the website, it can't be that hard to navigate.

Yep, there are no circlejerks here on Sup Forums

in the gg refugee thread on Sup Forums

On Sup Forums there can be a variety, on Reddit you would literally see an entire ruleset on why you shouldn't downvote someone that could basically be summed up as "never downvote cus it could hurt feewings"

Shut the fuck and go back. "haha all videogames are shit"
The most reddit thing I've ever seen.

LOL Sup Forumsee hates everything!

Haha Fuck no
No one likes dirty hobos who eat garbage and smell like shit

browsing Sup Forums in like 2010, I mean i'm part of the cancer of 06-07 but god damn we were nothing compared to 2010, 2012, 2014, and fappening/gaymergayte

I guess the bootlicking and upvote mentality does give people the drive to follow information and make extensive guides

but it feels more genuine when someone on Sup Forums makes proper content
sure you can say it's for the (you)'s, but you actually have a higher chance of getting (you)'s with less effort. just look at this thread

but god damn, the actual mentality of reddit is absolutely dreadful
pretty much every single comment that isn't a block of information, is painful to read
they're all basically the kid in the circle that comments on everything, keeps trying to make jokes yet nobody laughs and everyone just wished he would shut his mouth

>"thing I don't like" is reddit
You people are fucking obsessed with that website I swear to god

nu Sup Forums basically.

Around mid-2013 I was getting ticked off that fateful night full of doing it for free jokes which pretty much lasted all week so it was near impossible to check for any news or fun discussions here. Ever since then it's become blatant that more and more under 18 year olds are posting in these threads. I was hoping to talk with fellow adults (as the rules of Sup Forums state is the requirement) but it seems the kids can't lurk these days let alone stick to sites that were supposed to appeal to their age. I don't post much anymore, too many hiveminded opinions now and less arguments that aren't shitposting or things against the rules like consolewars for example.

I never visit that site because there no pictures and yet i get called redditor like all time. If some one do not like my opinion it's makes me redditor.

>post on reddit or imgur
>post criticism on something
>people refuse to actually refute your argument and instead use down boats to argue
>get more down boats and now you're shadow muted
most sites that use upboats can get fucking canned for all I care. the only person in my group of friends whos a shit eating retards is a fucking redditor.

It's been a long time since the demographic of Reddit and Sup Forums merged.
But keep believing in your "secret place" meme, and infantile rivalry against yourself if this can help you sleep.

/vg/ isn't so bad, it's not great but it's better than here most of the time

Reddit is only good when it comes to fetish porn. Can't argue with 11 straight incest subreddits.

I use Reddit, Neogaf, and Tumblr in addition to coming here.

I don't know about faster content though. Sup Forums is usually faster to find out about new anime news than anyone else as far as I've noticed.

I don't, and I probably never will i have friends who use it so I find out shit through them

Sup Forums has been about hating video games for about as long as I've been coming here. Did everyone forget about the Sup Forums tan?

Agree, and filter "chill" too, because it's only shitposting.

not him but its not that its hard to navigate its just really fucking ugly to look at

Reddit and Tumblr I get, but how do you find anything salvageable on fucking Neogaf? Genuine question.

I'm here from 2005 and i never hated on video game, fuck off.