What are some games where I slay degenerates and don't stray from the true path of The Lord?
What are some games where I slay degenerates and don't stray from the true path of The Lord?
Other urls found in this thread:
crusader kings 2
Corruption of Champions
Dark Souls, if you interpret the lore in a certain way
Castlevania, or rather, the Classicvanias.
Even Alucard and Soma choose the holy path in the end though.
tfw no qt christ waifu
Real life
What are some games where I can slaughter people like OP?
Are you muslim?
Any Medal of Honor game that takes place in WWII where you play as the (((Soviet Union))).
I just finished playing Symphony of the Night, I got lucky with a drop early on and got the Holy Sword which I used for most of the game. Tearing through the monsters with it was great and I used it all the way until I got Marsil, which being a flaming sword is rather biblical in it's own right.
>Only non-Christians are degenerate
Best meme, I also love
>Only people who have a religion have morals!
What you are saying is that you are a degenerate and that you need the fear of a sky wizard to keep you in check
Thou shall not kill.
Not degenerates, but you do get to slaughter heretics and apostates.
wow you're a fag
Unironically, El Shaddai.
It's a shame there's so much shojo bait and the gameplay is boring, though.
Best game for this is real life though.
I'm totally shocked at the amount of words you put in the OP's mouth.
Unless (((YHWH))) says it's okay. He did genocide untold millions of people including the entire planet at one point and commanded tons of other heebs to murder and rape people.
Forget that. What games have Jesus as a cute girl? Also, would (s)he approve of me jerking off to her?
It's what he really ment to say
why are you stealing Sup Forums memes for faggot?
You're only a christian because of desu bult memes.
>conflating the demiurge with the true God who created Christ
Tales of Berseria.
It astounds me the amount of atheists that can't fathom people being honestly Christian on the internet.
You must be a real charm to talk with. Sounds like my crazy ex, complaining about things she assumed I tought.
The Shrouded Isle
grim dawn, dawn of war, diablo 2. off the top of my head
And then John was a zombie
For Honor
I don't give a shit about religion, but the thought of slaughtering savages, conquering their shit and then saying that you did it for a righteous cause really appeal to me. And reading some history books shows that most crusaders shared my sentiment.
No! I must kill the demons.
I can't. If you have access to the internet then you should know that there is absolutely no credible evidence that Jesus ever existed. If he did he was so unimportant that the romans never mentioned him in even a single document.
And thankfully most people are beyond such Reddit-tier foolishness and conspiracy-crafting.
My penus weenus off, haha! ;)
you talk like a fag
I've just started reading the bible recently but, didn't Hebrews use rape in a different way (A family member told me this), and weren't those people he commanded for the soldiers to kill doing some pretty sick shit?
The Romans purged all the records of Jesus when they first decided to persecute Christianity. That's why the surviving gospels were written decades later.
I usually slaughter christians in Shogun 2 and keep their taint out of japan.
What happens if I rape Christ-chan?
Expeditions Conquistador
There you go, two games where you kill shit in mesoamerica, one from the conquistador perspective, one from the Aztec perspective.
Of course, the Aztecs themselves were fond of religiously motivated military expansionism and conquering, what with them getting people to sacrifce from war prisoners and often engaging in and pre-arranging battles to farm groups they had wars of attrition with explictly for that purpose, which in turn also gave them an excuse to conquer territory and justify their own expansionist tendacies to their soldiers and public.
If you don't go to church every weekend and follow the tenets of your faith you're not a christian. The odds of someone who shitposts on Sup Forums being a christian are almost nil.
Japanese Christians were the original westaboos
And were persecuted like the dogs they were. Keep your faith to yourself, missionaries are scum.
Yahweh commanded the israelites to wage war on the surrounding tribes of sand people and take the little virgin girls as their wives.
*were also fond of
Christian girls are the ultimate whores.
source: directly out of my ass
This, I had to go to a catholic school and they were the biggest fucking sluts I've ever met. A lot of them did coke in the locker room too.
Piss off Hideyoshi, you fucking manlet.
And the leader of them was murdered by her demonically possessed dad as well, amirite?
>romans never mentioned him
What about the Roman historian Tacitus?
But even if you question his authenticity, you still don't seem to understand something. We will never be able to prove that god exists. There can't be any physical evidence. That's why we can only say that we believe in him. Otherwise we would know about him.
Tacitus wasn’t a contemporary
Tacitus was born in 58AD. He likely used Josephus as a source, who was born in 37AD. We can't prove that a deity doesn't exist but based on what we can observe in the universe, there is no evidence pointing towards the existence of one either. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, it's not everyone else's job to disprove what they're saying.
christ-chan is cute!
christ-chan is also not video games!
Odin's sphere.
I'm responding to a person with great ignorance of which I don't think would like to pursue actual discussion. So I turn to rhetoric.
It's easy to refute though. Ultimately there is no adequate way to explain the appearance of Christianity within the historical Jesus. In the Letter to the Corinthians for instance a reference to a pre-Markian hymn that is dated as between 6 months to 6 years after Jesus' supposed resurrection within 1 Cor 15. This is the earliest understanding on how the earliest church understood Jesus to be. Further we have the entire Didache from the first century and the writing of the church fathers down the line from the immediate students of the apostles and down the line.
The appeals to a lack of historical Jesus are really just people with agenda trying to exaggerate skepticism to get what they want.
>if you're a sinner you can't be a Christian
Tacitus is known to use first century Roman annals as a source.
christ-chan looks like the type of girl who will cut your dick off in your sleep because you looked in the general direction of another girl
Fuck off mike you retarded ass fucking Malaysia money begging fuck face
source: directly out of my ass
Maybe you shouldn't then.
>acts like a savage
>claims it's okay because he's slaying poorer or less educated people
Shit it's just Odin Sphere, not Odin's Sphere.
I have the box right besides me that's a really dumb mistake.
The church in a nutshell
Take your magical jewish fanfiction somewhere else, delusional christfag
she's a good girl
You can still be a christian by, accepting the lord as your savior, and actually putting in effort at sticking to your beliefs, and following them. Even if you don't/can't attend a church. Most of the churches now try to contort teachings, or just do literal concerts where they barely teach anything. Then you have the pastors who treat the church as an actual business. Also, people also seem to get this idea that if you don't perfectly follow the bible (as in accidentally sin), you are no longer a christian, which isn't true.
Christians and Catholics aren't the same thing though.
*___ ______*
If you analyze christianity on a theological level, you realize that the western metaphysics plagiarized from greek philosophy were contaminated by shitty eastern mysticism.
All that crap about the cycle of death and rebirth, divine intervention, pacifism, etc.
The metaphysics and the concept of divinity are really cool, but at that point you might as well read the greeks.
Not to mention all the degenerate jewish pagan stuff that they tried and failed to retcon.
You're right, righteous people like me will let savages into their home to fuck their wife.
there is nothing wrong with crusading against other tribes and removing them for your own gain
Phantom Brave
>glares at you under the brim of my fedora
heh...to think I'd find another intellectual soul in this cesspit...
That only applies to the jews. White people are supposed to be good docile goyim.
Reminder that all religionfags should be send to concentration camps.
Post some Holy Knights, and arms/armor befitting those Holy Knights.
I don't understand, can you put it into brainlet terms?
Yes, I know that people question his authenticity. But it still proves that the Romans did mention him at least once.
>The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, it's not everyone else's job to disprove what they're saying.
And? I never claimed it to be an universal truth nor did I try to convince someone that it is. It's just my personal believe. If I could prove it I wouldn't have to believe anymore.
Reminder that Stalin was 5'4 and so are you
You are correct. Christianity was obviously made up to control the masses and make them more obedient.
I want to get cucked by Christ-Chan!
Obedient to what?
Why did you bring him up?
Your belief is stupid and I have every right to tell you that it is. It's my belief that I'm visited by mystical space gargoyles when nobody else is around. My belief is no less credible than yours because you can't prove it doesn't happen.
To the church dumbass.
>reference things explicitly a few times
>saying I'm making up sources
The 1 Cor 15 creed was specifically verses 3-8 by the way.
Cheers on your lack of argument though. I'm hopping on phone to continue if you wish. It's late. Gary Habermas dates it to year 30. I believe Ehrman doesthe same.
Your idea isn't original
>concentration camps
I'm sure you mean Gulags, right, Stalin?
But the Church doesn't decide what we do?
>year 30
so also not from the time when jesus was alive? provide even one single extra-biblical source that he existed from the time he was supposedly alive
Why are you so angry, user? If you want to believe in mystical space gargoyles then do it. Again I never claimed my believe to be true, because I can't.