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Goddamn fucking franchise killer
besides all the cash grab crap is it a good game?
which is funny because it's actually alright and people cry about things that aren't actual issues (rather than focus on the actual issue with the game)
Story was so bad I didn't even bother to finish
the writing's a bit crap overall
but the gameplay and world design are really great
and if your pc is really good the graphics are really nice too
playing through it right now and enjoying it more than HR
Can you actually pirate the game and play it?
Or does it have some denuvo shit on it?
yes I believe denuvo is cracked
It was a very forgettable game.
Took long enough though.
mediocre as fuck for all the dumb reasons. Square enix took time away from development to work on a the fucking app that launched with this game and that probably explains why it feels so shallow for lack of a better word. It's also unoptimized as fuck to boot.
>we augmented apartheid now
I remember when Deus Ex used to be about stumbling upon globalist conspiracies, not promoting IRL globalist propaganda.
I loved it, the atmosphere and world is great, the gameplay and level design are really polished compared to the first one. The major flaw is that Square Enix basically forced Eidos to cut the game short and keep the rest for a sequel. There are enough sidequests to make the game a bit longer, but the mainstory feels uneventful, it actually ends right when it's starting to pick up some steam.
I thought it was alright, but it's probably just a step above Invisible War if I'm comparing it to other games in the series.
that's just the writers trying to build a universe and context for the game
(which really is just because it's a prequel and you can't have jensen solving all of the mysteries)
(eidos montreal should really just make a new IP, it'd give them a lot more leeway)
But they do stumble upon a globalist conspiracy. Did you play the game?
You got too triggered by the aug lives matter thing to realize the globalist are trying to eliminate Augs because they're superior. They fuck with their plan of population control by speeding up the evolution process.
The game is just fucking retarded on top of the awful forced racism parallels, leave it to leafs to ruin a series.
You know this shit is just made by drooling retards when you have "bums" on the streets with extremely slick looking augs that look like they cost a fortune. Yeah retarded leafs, nothing wrong with your retarded fucking world.
It didn't sell well, good riddance.
It's better than HR in everything except the main story, but it's not like HR's story wasn't also heavy-handed garbage. Only difference is HR's story was complete
It felt like HR dlc to me.
that's not retarded
the augmented bums are just formerly rich people who've bought into the augs as a part of capitalism, then when something major goes wrong with the augs (the aug incident at the end of dxhr) suddenly their technology backfires on them and they have to spend all of their money on an anti-rejection drug
it's basically just the tracer dong dx1 ending taken to an extreme
There are many things just wrong, basic lack of logic in Human Revolution series, such as how counterfeit drugs can't exist, the ethical backlash of augs causing people to go crazy completely missing from the game and so many more things.
I could go on but I really don't feel it's worth even describing the laundry list of things that are just fucking retarded, that make no sense, or that devs didn't think through at all in HR/MD.
>such as how counterfeit drugs can't exist
well there sort of is
>the ethical backlash of augs causing people to go crazy completely missing from the game
it's implicit in dxmd that there's been a big backlash
>the ethical backlash of augs causing people to go crazy completely missing from the game
this is literally the entire point of MANKIND. DIVIDED. it's in the title.
>forced racism parallels
They're augs caused them to go insane and murder thousands of people how the fuck do you expect them to act? Stop getting triggered, you're as bad as libtards.
Yes, worth playing through once. Don't listen to the loot box stuff, the micro-transactions in the game aren't needed in the slightest considering the game hands you praxis kits (levels) and everything else like candy if you play through it. The micro-transactions are mainly focused on the Breach, which is mainly a challenge mode for single players only. If you enjoy pushing the game's aug movement system to the limit, then its also fun to go for speed runs. Micro-transactions are definitely not needed in the breach since once you get higher up in difficulty, the majority of your kills will be environmental or through takedowns, it's mainly a trap for people with disposable income. The guns that cost real money will not help you in the slightest. The big movement augs you need can be unlocked very early on.
It was way shorter
Literally one city and a pseudo second one peppered with banal subquests
Felt more like an episodic release than a full game
>shitty mobile game
Who cares, the mainline games don't have it.
Also there's no backlash at all, they don't even talk about going after the companies responsible for augs causing hundreds, thousands of murders. Do companies have no safety regulations to answer to in Eidos Montreal retarded's world? Today if you make a smartphone that catches on fire you gotta recall that shit fast before you get sued to oblivion. Try making a product, because that's what augs are, fucking high tech products, that literally causes 20,000+ deaths worldwide.
You must be as retarded as the developers. The solution to a defective product problem is to go after the manufacturers of augs and not blame the people who have augs who were obviously victims of defective products. They would also obviously be outlawed because it's not safe to have people being potential beasts on demand.
The characters even talk about aug racism in the game, don't even try to hide how they blatantly went for that angle.
>Do companies have no safety regulations to answer to in Eidos Montreal retarded's world?
hey perhaps it's about unchecked capitalism
It was alright. I enjoyed playing it more than I did HR. The story is all kinds of stupid though.
yeah and people wouldn't be furious tons of their loved ones were murdered by aug companies at all, that's a cop out for Eidos Motreal's shitty writing
All but one of the aug companies went bankrupt after the incident.
so you're saying you want a deus ex game set entirely in a courtroom during a legal battle between the people and the augmentation companies
I want a Deus Ex with more logic than what Eidos Montreal can offer, as the first game had. It seems pretty obvious to me logic is a distant item in the priorities list.
I thought it was a great game, but I agree, it lacked the staying power that HR had, even though mechanically it's a better experience and a more detailed world.
It's clear that SE infringed quite a lot in the development and prevented the game from reaching its full potential, for example forcing the tacked on "breach" mode, adding needless microtransaction content took away from the main story. The game itself felt incomplete, and the places you explored, while incredibly well detailed, were just not varied quite enough. You get to leave Prague basically three times, the first time is a stand alone mission to GARM, the second is when you go to the Aug city (UTULEK), which itself was an awesome level but felt like it should have been its own hub world. Third is London but that barely counts, I guess the tutorial mission in Dubai as well, but it's very short.
I felt like there was so much foreshadowing for the Rabi'ah city for the augmented, I felt like the conclusion for the game was going to be with that as a hub world, but instead we just got the short London section which was incredibly anti-climatic.
The game just felt like it was cut down so much, like it was missing a boatload of content.
Game has an amazing soundtrack though, even better than HR's soundtrack.
The WORST part is because MD didn't do as well as it should have due to SE's meddling, the franchise has been put on the back-burner AGAIN and they're not even working on a fucking sequel, so we have to wait even longer to continue Adam's story... for fuck's sake that shit pisses me off. We already waited almost 5 years after HR was released to get this game, are we going to have to wait another five fucking years? more?
I could spend hours talking about the various illogical things in deus ex 1
there is such a thing as "suspension of disbelief"
stop thinking too hard about a video game
Do tell me all the illogical things in Deus Ex.
There's a limit to your suspension of disbelief, that's my issue, at one point it just comes across as too dumb, and clearly written by hacks.
the exploration and level design is great
it mostly just feels like an expansion to HR though and that is the biggest problem with it other than being cut up for dlc/sequels. Almost everything about it feels like a retread; jensen mostly uses the same guns, and the same augs.
Same augs, same guns, same character.
it has memory leak infinite subway load time anti piracy measures tho
you can but don't bother, it's a rather mediocre game that doesn't fix the problems of HR despite taking 4 years to be made
Does the crack remove that shit though?
I have a pretty shitty connection and torrenting that shit even at max speed IF I'm lucky would still take me 20 hours. I rather know that before I invest my shitty bandwith for a torrent that won't work.
lel I'm just memeing
you experience that regardless. If the series didn't get panned the company would have tried to fix it by now. I would recommend having an ssd and at least 8gb of ram. Mainly an ssd to hopefully help with the load times. I have the game but I only recently got my 1tb SSD so I only have experience with an HDD and it was hell. The main hub is split in half and you have to pick up a quest on one side and take the sub way to the other to exit the map properly or do the objective and then go back to hand it in. Each trip was like a 5-10 min wait. If you've played GTAV then its the same loading times. It's insane. I was able to play through it though on my first run.
Also slow internet doesn't mean shit unless you can't keep your pc on overnight downloading cuz ur mom says no. I used to have dial up until like 2012 and I would measure downloads in how many nights I would dedicate to the download. It aint shit my nig.
>tfw going from dial up and a 150 dollar PC to my current 3k pc and 10mb download speed
feels good man
No, but when I download all fucking day long I can't do shit, hell even browsing Sup Forums with images disaled through an extension is barely possible
And Sup Forums without images is just youtube comments.
Well, GTA V load times are truly horrible.
Does the game atleast keep loading while I tap out? Because GTA V stops that shit for some motherfucking reason.
what's this games damage? Seems 100% impossible to go through the hub without stutter and hitching, even if you're running at 800x600. Is the game just broken?
yea well i didn't download during the day just nights so I know that feel.
I think you can tab out. I hate games that freeze when you tab out and refuse to load and would rather you desync and completely crash. what the fuck are devs problems.
They had two releases of the same game but only had one with JC?
All I'm hearing from this thread is,
"Eidos: stop being a bunch of dumbfuck cunts.
Take the time it takes to make a timeless game.
Or keep being pieces of shit.
Just don't bitch about the results when you choose which path you take"
-Video games
ironically the DLCs are better than the main game, they have really great level design and a self contained story, the main game was obviously rushed, really hope we get a continuation but so far i doubt it
It's 2017.
You would think we have the advances in technology to tab out of a game while loading.
But we don't. It's like TF2 in 2007 all over again.
Since my Xcom 2 loading times are around 30 seconds I use the second desktop functionality added in Win10 just so I can move it out and do something else in the meantime.
I hate games that take all the focus.
Unrelated but also games that don't just crash when you press ALT+F4.
If it didn't end at what should have been the midway point in the game I'd be tempted to buy it
When's the director's cut
What a shame.
fucking Square-Enix Montreal fucking sucks at this stuff.
>Deus Ex:Human Revolution
they fucked up the boss fights and ending.
they just fucked it up, no jump button, linear levels with Points of no return, etc.
>Deus Ex;Mankind Divided
I didn't even see the point in playing because I knew they'd fuck it up somehow
>If it didn't end at what should have been the midway point in the game
What, in the narrative? Because the game is literally longer than Human Revolution
do you not have 4gb vram or are you a FX Series cpu cuck