What's the oldest game unsurpassed in its genre?

what's the oldest game unsurpassed in its genre?

Chrono Trigger if you count JRPGs as their own thing. Too bad its difficulty level is babby tier.

quakeworld multiplayer fps

Ocarina is almost 20 years old. Deus Ex is 18 years old. Super Metroid is 23 years old.

Mah Jong.

genre's are broad categorical terms used by people to illiterate to describe a game in more than 3 words.

Mother 3 in turn based JRPGS.


Ocarina of Time

Thief TDP

super mario 3
super metroid

I'm gonna go with this, it boggles my mind how nothing has tried to replicate its system yet

Resident Evil 2 (1998) is still the best survival horror

Contra Hard Corps (1994) is still the best run and gun game.

Final Fantasy V (1992) is still the best JRPG

>mario 3
a plethora of 2D platformers have surpassed it

>super metroid
prime 2, arguably prime 1. Miridia is too much of a blemish


Metroid Prime 2 is the best 3D metroidvania because theres only like 5

>Resident Evil 2 (1998) is still the best survival horror
silent hill 3

>Contra Hard Corps (1994) is still the best run and gun game.
might be right on this

>Final Fantasy V (1992) is still the best JRPG
not even the best final fantasy

This is a good example.

Jrpg is not a genre.


Here's the only real answer in the thread

Sam & Max Hit the Road is the best adventure game ever made.

agreed with this. Also yeah we need more 3D metroidvanias, first person or not

has there ever been a deeper sandbox MMO?

maybe runescape oddly enough.

The humor has aged terribly.

Almost 20.

HoMM 3 for turn based strategy

Some of the worst opinions I've concisely read on this site. That's saying something.



Diablo 2

Not as retarded as thinking garbage like Ocarina hasn't been surpassed.


Age of Empires 2