This game ain't that great

this game ain't that great

I agree


For it's time it was you tiprat

You ain't that right.

it had so many people jumping on its dick for being underrated that its now overrated.

that and
>trance system sucks
>tetra master sucks
>half of the party members are underdeveloped
>kuja's hammy and uninteresting
>worldmap's a pain to traverse
>much of the music is annoying (though some of the best tracks in the series are on this game)
there are definitely some bright spots but i fail to see how it could be considered the best when vii exists

It's too old the only good Final Fantasy is 13.

Final Fantasy IX is the most mediocre FF game.


Didn't even look at the picture and I agree.
All games are shit. Who wants to be in my reddit screencap?

by trying to be the most final fantasy it is the least
a boring rehash of a game.

its good but its definitely memed to be better than it is. people need to shut up about it

>character is ready to attack
>gets hit
>characer gets knocked out of the "ready" pose and has to reposition
>meanwhile the atb bars are still filling
>random enemies are able to attack several times in a row despite your character being qeued up for 20+ seconds

Fuck this game. The sheer amount of missables don't help either.

this user made my point better
really i just think it's overrated, i don't care if it's sakaguchi and uematsu's favorite

FFIX is a good solid game but:

Battles are way too frequent.
Battles take forever to load.
Battles have a completely unskippable cinematic intro that makes you wait before you take control.
Battles are hideously slow, even with max battle and text speed. Inexplicably even the characters preparing to attack take forever to do so.
Trance is completely worthless. Ito was stupid for breaking the limit break mechanic like this.
The ability system in this game is awful. You have to wear substandard equipment for ages in order to get useful abilities. And some are strongly recommended. Combine this with very low AP per battle (and the aforementioned battle issues) and you have a problem.
The cast is unevenly cared for. Quina, Amarant, and Freya get almost nothing. Contast that with VII where even the optional characters got substantial amounts of attention. Freya only has ~100 lines from the Cleyra event to the end of the game. What a promising character and side-plot utterly neglected. Amarant was one of the most contrive additions to your team I've ever seen in a JRPG.
The card game is worthless, which makes all those card rewards you get worthless as well. The game actually fails to communicate exactly how to play the damn game.
Speaking of mini-games all of them suck ass and apart from Chocobo's hot and cold don't even give any useful rewards to you from playing them. Seriously few Ethers or Phoenix Downs would be nice.
The plot is one of the weakest parts of the game and goes full retard when Terrans become a major plotpoint at Oeilvert.
SUDDENLY NECRON. Yea, I know him being a death incarnate, kinda fitting the game theme and possibly being a homage to Cloud of Darkness and/or Zemus. That still doesn't make him good or interesting final boss.

That said none of those flaws kept me from enjoying it.

>coffee quest
>can only get the third coffee if it somehow occurs to you to leave treno and go to dali before the forced tetra master bullshit

it has the highest production value and visual polish of the PS1 era FF's, but its actually the worst one and always has been

FFXII exists

Can we all agree that FFX > FFIX?

yes, in every aspect. apart from minigames since they're shit in both games

It's ok, not everyone liked it when it came out either. Basically everything said now was said back then :/ I like it, more than 8 and just slightly lesser than 7. Though I can't decide which chocobo minigame I like better.

Well that's why you don't rush through rpg's, user.

Reminder that Quina is not the joke character of FF9

>Final Fantasy IX is criminally underrated!

I want anyone who actually believes this to justify this claim. You are aware that your game has sold millions of copies, is generally well receive among the FF fanbase (especially outside Sup Forums) and is one of the highest rated FF games everywhere?



Name one thing he did wrong that wasn't justified in restoring Terra.

But Blitzball is the best minigame in FF history

i think this claim is mostly made when compared to the circle jerking for years on end about ff7.

Ever notice that FFXIV can barely borrow any content from FF9? Because FF9 was already copycat garbage with no identity of its own

>The ability system in this game is awful
Agree with everything except that.
It's one of the better ways to do abilities, I think. Tales of Vesperia and FF9 are the only games I can think of that do it. I wish it was more common.
The AP in FF9 might be a little slow for certain skills, but the system is still solid.

>too many encounters in world map

stutter-step that shit, once you get a chocobo that shit's over anyway

>Exploration and curiosity is rewarded with optional story content.
Wooooow what the FUCK.

He entrusted work to Zidane and Kuja

>not XIII

I'd say XV but it found some redemption gameplay-wise.

Trance and Summons are like Square missing the point hard on people's complaints from the last two FF games

>Limits are cool, but make the game way too easy!
>Summons are cool, but those animations are WAY too long!

>Ok, the limit system of FF9 gives you the good abilities you'd want but never when you need them, you can't control it, and the bars reset whenever you don't want them to. Also, some characters have better Trance than others
>Oh Summons are too long? Fine, after you see a summon once it'll play a shorter version BUT the damage is reduced.

Which is the worst "why didn't this get caught in play testing" status:
Stop counting as "petrify" and also not wearing off over time, meaning Stop can lead to game over, or
A character being afflicted with Zombie status losing all HP can't be revived in battle since reviving items don't work on undead and you can't use status removing items on characters with no HP.

counterpoint: it rules

It's the best game ever made, so if it's not owned by everyone who has ever played a game and liked by them, it's underrated.

FFIX fags are absolutely insufferable

art is ok to great, gameplay had the right difficulty but is too fucking slow, trance was garbage just in there to piss you off, the fact that not a single enemie in the game had more hp than 70.000 made every enemie kinda piss easy because when you reached attacks that do 8000-9999 damage meaning you always know lol 7-8 attacks i win. No matter end boss or post game gumball boss.

By now we all know that 7 was s'posed to be made for the 64, but would've taken like 11 carts to complete. When Square jumped ship to sony, I'm pretty sure they started development on all 3 ff's at roughly the same time. So if things are different or weird, it's probably because they didn't want to make 3 of the same (all things considered) game. Though I guess it could be argued that they only needed 1 of 'em, 7, anyway :/

>much of the music is annoying

I agree with everything you said but this is just completely wrong. FFIX has the best OST in the whole series.

>I'm pretty sure they started development on all 3 ff's at roughly the same time
You'd be pretty wrong.

Mediocre games with chibi characters always attract the worst fans.

I too hate people who like things to a degree which doesn't match the degree to which I like them.

It is extremely overrated

>FFIX has the best OST in the whole series.
I agree with this absolutely.

FF9 has the best music.

I dunno how ff9 can be the most mediocre when ff6, ff8, ff10 and ff12 all exist user..

I don't know why I included 8 though... Its pure garbage.

wow this is true on every game i could think of

that simple art style seems to attract those kind of fans like flies to shit but the souls/witcher series prove their are exceptions to this rule