I thought Capcom said they would do more remasters of old games
So why don't they remaster Onimusha saga?
Probably costs too much for the likeness rights to be worth it for Capcom.
The games haven't aged well at all.
Too fucking expensive nigga, they used REAL ACTORS.
If this game was to come out today they'd have to reboot the entire series simply because they can't pay the actors.
I only ever rented the third and first. Second was the only one I owned.
I vaguely remember the third being the best one?
lol not that one
They used licensed actors, they'd have to jump through hoops to get Jean Reno copyrights again all for a fucking remaster, it's not worth it.
Still don't get why talesfags want Vesperia when they have already played it and it is playable right now in High Definition resolution. It's not like PS2 games that weren't even 480p and look like shit on HDTVs.
Maybe when 8K is the standard it will matter, but I will get why fags keep asking for this one. If anything, release it on PC, then they can play that shit forever rather than asking for it again when PS5, PS6, PS7, etc, comes out.
>Inafune pushed for real actors
>ballooned the dev cost of each game 10 fold because of this
>fucked up the contracts with shortsighted negotiations that required fees and royalties paid out for each system games were released on
>continues to be known as Inafking because he's a fucking idiot
The series was a failure desu, each installment sold worse than the last. It has never been less relevant than it is now
nobody cares
Friendly reminder that Genji was better than DoD.
I found genji horribly dull and repetitive imho.
Takeshi Kenishiro is pretty famous across Asia. He is Japanese/Taiwanese actor who's made movies in Japan and China. He was in House of Flying Daggers, Red Cliff, and a few Wong Kar Wai movies, plus all his work in Japan. That motherfucker costs money.
Then, for 3, you'd have to pay Jean Reno, a man who's been in so many movies in so many different languages there is no point in listing. He is a European star if there was ever one.
You might be able to get away with not paying a few no name voice actors, like Konami did with the SIlent Hill 2 + 3 voice actors, but you can't pull that shit with multinational stars that are recognized across continents.
Genji was really fucking short, so no. Even playing at the most leisurely pace it was around 6-7 hours at most. The gameplay itself also got a bit tedious in that timespan, somehow.
just play NIOH
They couldn't afford leon the professional's price, and re-modeling jacque for onimusha 3 would be pretty expensive.
Also onimusha sucked, sucks, and always will suck. Get your head out of your ass, it's a mediocre action game with god awful puzzles.
2 also used the late Yusaku Matsuda's likeness for Jubei in a move that was officially organised with his widow. She only agreed to it because Capcom offered to pay out his royalties to a cancer research foundation.
>we will never play an Onimusha where you infiltrate pic
Don't forget Yusaku Matsuda as Jubei Yagyu in 2, any actor that's been in a ridley scott film costs some insane royalties.
They've already said that HD remaster is 'imporant' or lucrative to them so who knows they might return to it. Next one coming is Okami.
If we're getting that of all things who knows what they might do. Then again they might also just be getting a few dollars back from the marvel infinite disaster.
A lot of their older games were good what better way than to re-release them.
I know they aren't popular to everyone but people do buy them. -including himself-
I remember seeing this for the first time via Cinematech on G4TV and was like "YOO HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT WAS GODLIKE!! YOO, DID HE JUST GO SUPER SAIYAN?!!?!"
>Yusaku Matsuda
Yep. Then there's that guy.
Onimusha was a classic Capcom series, the kind they don't make anymore. It went away around the same time RE changed, when they stopped making Haunting Ground and even DMC.
Capcom now makes a very different style of games and if they made another Onimusha it would most definitely not play, feel, sound or talk like the old Onimusha games. Even 4 was already playing with different ground rules; it felt way more anime than the other games ever did.
So, yeah, they provably won't be able to afford making any kind of HD collection and we probably don't want them to make a new game.
Too bad. I'm actually just starting 3 for the first time in almost 10 years and I would've loved to play it ala HD.
>steal souls
>upgrade weapons and armor
>get new skills
>upgrade those too
>has puzzles too
Onimusha was Dark Souls before Dark Souls man, I still play it on my PS2 I got for my 13th Birthday.
Do Onimusha games emulate well?
Could i run them on a non gaming laptop? Will doing so fuck up my laptop?
I actually have a working PS2 but no controller, so...i basically don't have a working PS2. Played the first Onimusha game, thought it was alright.
That intro is literally Ninja Gaiden gameplay
minus the sneaking
I think remasters for ps4-steam would do good, Capcom games have aged well and still looks impressive to these days.
They emulate fairly well from my experience but I have a PC built for gaming.
First 2 games have a texture layering issue thats easy to fix, 3rd game is for the most part perfect, and 4th game has this inexplicable problem with menus and cutscenes showing as garbage and slowing things down to a crawl, though gameplay is fine and at full speed.
Play the original on the OG Xbox (Or the 360; the game itself runs fine but the CG movies have this weird stuttering effect) if you can. It's got some additional content that makes it the best version of the original.
Gives me a Tenchu vibe. Tenchu with a whirlwind panic attack.
I'm not about to buy a console for that game user. I thought it was only alright.
That's probably because you only played Tenchu, which is really nothing like that. Also, i'd much rather have a Tenchu remake than Onimusha.
>a Tenchu remake
>in his day and age
pls no
Just bought them recently but the controls were ridiculous and I just dropped it for a while. I'd love a remake.
People but but copy dark souls.
if they ever tried to do it, the’d only be able to make the one that has no problems with licensing with real actors, which also happens to be the worst one in the series (yet still good enough compared to other Onimusha wannabes)
yes, Samanosuke is in 4 as Tenkai, but he looks different enough to avoid these problems.
and unfortunately, a remaster of the series would only be worth the effort if it included 2 and 3.
It's on 360
Most people don't have a hacked PS3