What can this thing do that PC or PS4 can't?
What can this thing do that PC or PS4 can't?
Play games portablely
provide a better gaming experience
better titles
Have Nintendo games on it.
>Nintendo Games
That's all I needed to pick one up, I'm a simple man.
Nothing, its objectively the worst way to play games. There are better multiplats on other consoles releasing on a more consistent basis too.
the limited games it has currently are far superior than your COCK of DOOTY games on your XBOX SSX
Why not get all consoles except xbox. you're not a filthy poorfag are you user
Can be used as a paper weight or book holder
I'm not poor, own recent gaming pc, and I still enjoy the switch. It's easier to transport, I can fit all the accessories and dock in the deluxe case and take it to friends, family, and work whenever I want. Plus it now has Stardew Valley. I recently went on a business trip with my thinkpad 11e yoga and my switch, I was never without entertainment.
Soon enough, I'm gonna have Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing on the same platform, and said platform will be portable but also be able to plug into HDTVs.
Worth every penny.
I've had Nintendo games on my computer since I was 10.
make you look like a loser in public
Well for example I got Battelchasers on PC because I didnt know it was coming out on Switch and now I wish I'd waited for the Switch version because that game is way more suited to playing while I lie in bed because grindan.
A few amazing games and that's literally it. You still have to share the console's community with kids.
Expand gameplay possibilities control-wise.
My bad.
Have Nintendo games on it without being a dirty pirate jew.
People can actually play games with me instead of just looking over my shoulder
Multiplayer games
>Well executed concept that allows you to easily switch between television and handheld gaming
>Clicky transformer controllers
>Reasonably powered considering it’s the size of a DVD case
Your enjoyment of the Switch hinges solely on your mileage of the handheld and tabletop modes. If you only ever use it as a home console you’re going to be left wanting more, it’s a great console to play around the house. The fact that these portable games are of the scale of home console releases makes it hard to sit and play other consoles.
Make Xenoverse 2 thoroughly enjoyable. That game fucking shines on a portable like the Switch, I just hope 3 has better performance.
Nice. Enjoy all those awesome Nintendo games :)
Have a good game from modern konami
What PS4 games do you play
Does it affect gameplay?
What's that, it doesn't?
Then who cares?
This joke made no sense 8 months ago and it still doesn’t makes sense. Fucking willfuly ignorant mongoloids
>system warps
>components inside get damaged
>system stops working
>no game time
> actually unironically trying to defend this shit
System has been out for 7 months, try to shit on the Switch when this actually causes an issue, until then it isn't a problem
The only way that picture works is if the table is curved too, doesn't it? Or am I look at it weird?
Like if you have a flat table and a flat like you can't have a downward curving object on it
let me know how breath of the wild runs on your pc.
4k 60fps
no it doesn't. ;)
Play actual exclusives. Oh, and it is portable. I mean, the battery life is terrible, but the fact that you can even take it with you on the go and get an hour of play time is still remarkable, all the same. If Nintendo becomes third party, then, yeah,. it would be pointless, but until I can play Super Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2 on the PC, the Switch is here to stay.
Yet again, if proper emulation becomes available... well, then, yeah, PC would be king. that has not happened yet though, and probably won;t, for the forseeable future, seeing as the leader of the team that found the security exploits for the Switch has turned over all documentation to Nintendo, and as of this week, now works for them. soooooo, the chances of proper Switch hacking / Switch emulation on PC is super unlikely to happen for AT LEAST, another five years.
>what is a laptop
i get like three or four hours out of a charge. what the fuck are you doing that you only get one?
Ah, but it does. All you need is CEMU, bro. Look it up. With my current build, I am able to play BOTW at a consistent 4K 60FPS. Hell, I even get free mods!
I feel bad that you wasted your money and all, but at least now you know the truth. IF you are still in shock, I understand. When you are ready, just search Jewtube for the latest CEMU BOTW videos, and feast your eyes on the buttery smooth frame rate and superior resolution, Nintendo benis rider, kek.
>an hour of play time
I get 3 playing BotW on full brightness, nigga what?
Do you even own a Switch?
I know that someone out there who dropped a couple grand on their rig can run BOTW at 4k/60.
I'm saying you can't. ;)
Should be easy to prove me wrong.
I got 3 hours out of my switch while playing stardew valley and it still had 3/4ths of a battery left. Granted I turned the brightness all the way down because I had experienced 3 hours being the max for playing botw or splatoon 2, but the battery life is considerably better with lighter games.
Not be part of the unsustainable AAA lootbox fest.
A less comfortable option
There's no good reason to pick up a laptop instead of a normal PC if that's what you're interested in
It's been quite a while, my man. More than enough time to boot up and take a screenshot with an FPS counter.
You shouldn't lie, it's not nice.
>Odyssey comes out on the 27th
>FEW comes out next Friday
>Already has ARMS, Splatoon, Pokken, Mario Kart, BotW, and Mario + Rabbids
You can carry it around awkwardly waiting for the apocalypse to come so you can show all the ps4 owners see I can stil play games till a biker turns your skin into a shirt.
Play the new BING BING WAHOOO or play the game with squids furries and trannies
>implying I'd keep a PC tower in my dorm
also, notes
>actually listing a Rabbids game
Remember when most of those games were on wii u Pepperidge farm remembers
>being so assblasted about fictional characters that you can't recognize a good game
>he actually called a Rabbids game a good game
I have a switch
Not gonna lie, I'm fucking TERRIFIED of this.
The portability thing is huge.
Also people underestimate how fucking snappy and IMMEDIATE this console is. It's fucking FAST.
Not hardware fast, obviously, but end-user experience fast.
I actually timed it once on a hunch, it takes six seconds for this thing to boot into a game from Sleep mode.
It takes the PS4 more than 30 seconds to do that. It's crazy
>focusing on the Rabbids aspect of the game so much
The game is pretty much XCOM with Mario, isn't gameplay important in vidya?
I would argue it's a pretty big issue on its own. Consumer electronics aren't supposed to just change shape like that.
I mean, sure, just blindly shitting on the Switch because you're a Sony fanboy is retarded, I'm with you on that, but let's call a spade a spade.
Does the dock still scratch the screen?
>comparing Rabbids to XCOM
Yes and no.
It never really scratched THE SCREEN. It scratches the plastic covering directly over the bezel, which does also suck, but not quite as much.
The engine that BotW runs on doesn't even generate 60 fps, you're full of shit, just like every other shitposting piratefag
the dock never scratched the screen, it scuffs the bevel a little if you're rough with it and don't have a screen protector
Lawl, buttdevestation achieved.
Make you look like a manchild in public.