Need help Sup Forums, can’t get a good run on the dice bosses...

Need help Sup Forums, can’t get a good run on the dice bosses. Always have low health when I fight Dice and his one attack whoops my ass every time.

Anybody have a good set of bosses they like to use?

the ones with hearts

Just land on the bosses that have hearts. You have to fight a few of these guys no matter what, so at least land on the hearts. Also, what loadout are you using? You better not be starting with 4 health instead of having the vanishing dash.

5 health, energy beam super, charge shot, spread shot. Invisible dash doesn’t help me anywhere

I used

Charge/lock on
Super I
Auto parry

Auto party helped me get the dice I wanted it also helps with the first card you need to parry

When you are fighting dice ALWAYS run to the edge of the screen because one you have have 50/50 chance of being behind the hand and two it gives you more time to prepare to parry. Then run to the other side shooting his head on the way. When I did super 1. He glitched out on me and stopped attacking completely.

I just beat the game btw it feels good.

smoke bomb charge&spread

Op here, had a good glitch earlier too.

Flower boss stopped attacking after it shot its first round of seeds. Just did it’s dance while it’s health depleated

The three bosses I’ve been fighting are the cigar guy, rabbit and monkey. Invis would only be helpful for the rabbit and none of the others including dice

There is also a glitch for the last boss, when he goes down the hole, stand on the edge of the hole where the flame can't reach you and shoot one of the sides and if you see the body blinking you are damaging him

Holy shit I just watched that video. That’s gonna make that fight so easy. Now if I can just beat this motherfucker dice

The three drinks are the hardest to me

In terms of difficulty

Three drinks > horse > roulette > rabbit > cigar > monkey > chips

I never got the 8 ball

You'll get it, there is a video on dice too but it's really a battle of endurance. If you are tired and have been playing for hours, stop and get some rest (the signing guys even tell you this) then come back tommorow or in a couple of hours. You need complete focus to beat every boss (I have never beaten three drinks, horse, or 8 ball) but I got lucky and got 3 easy bosses on the run I did.

>just got to this fight
>roll the dices, fight bosses, get to the end
>still have to fight him

man and I thought I was done with the bullshit bosses

>fighting the devil
>he does the snake head thing
>I run all the way to the left, kill the purple demon
>he backs away
>I fucking take damage

This is fucking bullshit, it took me a goddamn hour to beat him because I kept reaching his second phase with 1 health.

It's bullshit but you'll feel good when you beat him. The thing that sucks is there is no way to practice parrying his cards without getting to the end. Just remember to run to the opposite edge every time to get behind his hand

Not OP, but I could swear I tried to get behind the hand but was still taking damage while being as far to the side of the screen as possible. Am I just bad and does it actually work? I managed to beat him the normal way so it's a moot point but I'm just curious.

You're supposed to get under him in one of the safe spots that appear as he zigzags across the screen. Duck when he pulls back.

Made same mistake, you must not hide in corner but duck under him and take no damage.

Well shit, now I just feel silly.

don't listen to the people saying the vanishing dash is useless here. I think it's pretty Op actually. You can use it to get behind so much shit especially when you actually fight King Dice. You can get behind his hands that way and never take a hit. Also useful on the rabbit and russian roulette bitch.

>Voiced by Keith David

Now that we beat greed what deadly sin will we beat in the sequel? Lust?

The frogs at the beginning of the game are pretty hard. I wish I had a controller to play this with.

These anons are full of shit. You CAN stay in the corner, but duck when he pulls back. Makes it really easy.

One thing that fucked me up on the final part of the Dice boss was I was thinking about only parrying each of the heart cards once. Parry a couple of them twice. Seems kind of obvious but I have seen streamers make the same mistake.

If you haven't noticed already, you can control what the die lands on pretty easily. I think the domino guy is the hardest, and the monkey is the longest and most tedious, so I avoided those.

Just you wait for that fucking faggot clown and the goddamn robot.


Oh I'm sure it will only get worse. This game is really hard, so I only play it in like 10 minute increments but it's still pretty fun

I finally defeated King Dice on expert. Took me fucking forever. The three bosses I use are chips, rabbit and roulette, since the smoke dash makes them the easiest bosses in the game, you pretty much just ignore their mechanics. You can retry at the start till you get hearts on them and you should be able to get to King Dice with 5-6 hearts pretty consistently. For King Dice, I like to start with a dash jump if there are 2 cards before the 1st pink one. Also, since the cards are moving towards you, you don't need to dash as much as you think. Parry the same card multiple times if you get too far ahead.

If you get sick of fighting the minibosses you can try the weapon switch exploit on them, you can kill chips and rabbit in seconds using it.

Can you explain the exploit good sir?

You have to duck or jump when he pulls back


Who is your favorite boss and why isn't it this glorious motherfucker?

they'll make sloth for the game journos

The game isn't made for a keyboard. Get yourself a controller.

Ayy I just finally beat them and this time without taking damage

Not bad, you seriously need to get yourself a controller. Not like they're hard to find.

>Not like they're hard to find.
Be nice. He might be Australian.

I'm a broke college student and my job's first paycheck isn't until the 20th, but it should be 700 bucks or so so I'll get one then

Fair's fair, then. At least you're still enjoying the game, but it's rocket up to at least an 8/10 once you get that thing.

Use roundabout, charge or lobber, then spam switch weapon while shooting. You can shoot both weapons at the same time due to their low rate of fire, doubling your damage. You can do the same in the plane as well with bullets and bombs.

It's a cheesy as hell exploit though, so don't use it unless you just don't give a shit anymore.

I'm sure it will, I've been meaning to pick one up.

The Slime guy is dicking me in his second form now, I can't tell when he's gonna do the short hop or high hop

>video games

This felt like bullshit, its easy to stay up but getting the first parry when its 4 cards back without taking damage is fucking impossible

I'm Australian and I have one, just went to EB Games and bought it.

Moonshine, to be exact.

Oh hey, someone liked my edit. I'm happy

For the run n gun stages, does parrying pink enemies count as "violence"?

The only thing you're not allowed to do on a pacifist run is shoot. Everything is fair game. Charms, parries, dodging, super II, you name it.

That's nice to know, because the octopus part is fucking impossible on a pacifist run.

I used:
Roundabout: concentrate on dodging
Autoaim: the same but some bosses are too high
Super 1: most versatile one
Autoparry: It saves you from some hits when there's too much shit on screen

I'd use Smoke Bomb, it makes a few of the fights like the Rabbit or the roulette lady extremely easy. Remember that your super attack suspends you in the air for a bit so I like to use it above Kings cards so that I by the time I land, the cards are gone. Really, as long as you have enough practice at the sub bosses and arrive at King with 5-6hp you should be able to brute force him.

all of them like a non-faggot