Whats the Rick & Morty fanbase of video games?

Whats the Rick & Morty fanbase of video games?

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People who make garbage off topic shitpost threads like this one




I wouldn't post this bro. Depending on the mod/jani you might get kicked out.

You could argue Portal back when it was relevant.

>inb4 404

Sony fans


Who are you quoting?



I'd say Undertale but the fanbases are pretty far apart, there is a autistic obsession but the age range is pretty distant, most kids and very young men like Underlel while R&M is mostly liked by adults


o be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

I'm so glad I wasn't the only person who thought of this.

Fighting Games



Unironically Souls games

Rick & morty. Especially on steam.

Undertale for fans during Season 1 and 2
Sony for Season 3 fans


>Rick & Morty fanbase



Whenever's theres another good game that comes out, fanart will just have to have touhous in it

Touhous even make threads on Sup Forums when they belong on /jp/

U n d e r t a l e

People who think playing a certain game makes them smart.
We all know the answer to this, user.

undertale is pretty fucked, but I don't recall them doing anything as fucked as what happened with the scheevdvcan sauce
like, people got stabbed

>Whenever's theres another good game that comes out, fanart will just have to have touhous in it
That sounds more like what bronies do.

Any of the console war posters


There is no other competitor. Those queers still to this day think MGS2 was a deep and original narrative constructed by epic mastermind Kojima when he actually just ripped it from century-old stories that warned of the exact same thing. But any time you criticize a facet of MGS, MGS2 in particular, they default to "you just didn't get it, must be 2deep4u"

This is a bot. It posted the exact same thread at the exact same time yesterday.

Sage, report and move on.

If we're talking about Sup Forumstards... it's Rick and Morty. No one plays video games here.

I will remember to filter to top of catalog then.

undertale by far.

A very high IQ

We just had a thread on this earlier, it's Automatafags.

Unironically Sup Forums
>3edgy5me fedora-tippers who think being a sarcastic prick is a good substitute for wit or intelligence
>endlessly repeating canned phrases
>literally cannot be happy with anything

Someone explain the appeal of this show. Why were manbabbies going ape shit at McDonald's a few days ago?

Is it just me, or does it feel like that guy is just pretending to be retarded? Not that ironically being retarded is any different than actually being retarded.

Unironically this poster


It's literally impossible to be happy all the time
If you increase dopamine levels, your tolerance will increase and you'll go back to being unhappy at least half the time again

>begging your dad for money to spend on a nugget with meme sauce


Fucking genius. I can't believe people are actually this retarded.





I like metal gear but this. I've never seen so many pretentious faggots for what's ultimately a hammy anime/scifi/hollywood chimera by a westaboo. they're fun and tackle some interesting subject matter and themes but they're not as deep as the fans make them out to be.

This shit again!!!!

Butthurt undertale fan detected

People who play dating sims and animu VNs

Am i supposed to know what's happening here?


Whats the Doc & Mharti fanbase of video games?

I had a friend once who unironically followed every installment of MGS like it was the video-game equivalent of Thomas Pynchon novels. I had fun talking about the games with them because they're obviously brilliant for many reasons, but in retrospect I don't really have any fucking idea what we were talking about that was so pseudo-philosophical.

>>endlessly repeating canned phrases

This has been getting out of hand lately. It's like almost all threads are now template threads like "Say something nice about her", "What did he mean by this?", or ">Enemies can open doors"


I would say undertale but it's not quite popular enough to really capture the same level of obnoxious hateful autism. So I'll say Overwatch.

You got it, user. That's exactly it.

I don't know, can you read? If so then you are supposed to know what's going on here. If you can't then you're retarded and probably can't even read what I'm writing anyway.

I bet you think this is a good thread, Hypocrite.

Look at the godlike chin on that dude that gave $10 for a Szechuan dipped nugget.

Touhous did it first.

What I'm saying is that it doesn't sound like Touhous are comparable to the Rick and Morty, more to the MLP fanbase.

But Pynchon is just edgy pomo?

Undertale has tumblr-like fanbase that is too attached to characters.
Closest to R&M is probably.. Dark Souls. Cheap sense of elitism everywhere.

>first season is good, no autistic fan base
>second season is hit or miss, autistic fan base starts to form
>third season havent watched it yet, autistic fanbase hits autism critical mass, attacks a local McDonalds for 20 packets of sauce

What the hell happened?

I missed this story, is it just that mcdonals served szechwan sauce, szechwan sauce is some joke from this cartoon, the cartoon people did weird shit

good for them, they have something to converse over

Nothing goy, go back to sleep.

>Endlessly reguritate any meme from it so it's unenjoyable to everyone

Yep. Hit the nail right on the head.
I know you fags hate undertale and simply must bring it up at any opportunity, but goddamn, at least try to draw a parallel.

Undetale of course.

>Reddit and Memey make a one off joke about a sauce packet that was only available at McDonald's during 1998
>all the children that watch the show clamor for it because nostalgia even though they most likely weren't alive in 98
>McDonald's brings it back for one day except each restaurant only gets 20 packets of the sauce
>people camp outside of McDonald's restaurants for days and attack each other just for a mediocre sauce that isn't even actual Szechuan sauce

A friend of mine got really butthurt when I pointed out how MGS4's story line, while fun (imo) is full fo holes and contrived scenes.This is a guy who'll defend ME3's ending 'cause of the indoctrination theory though so eh.

Third season premier made reference to szechwan sauce that Mc Donalds served as a promotion for the Disney Mulan movie back when that came out and how Rick will make it his "10 season arc" or whatever to get szechwan sauce again.

Caused everyone online to want the sauce and begged mc donalds to re-release it.

In the worst decision possible Mc Donalds proceeded to make it available for one day at select mc donalds, some of which only had literally 10 to 20 packets period which caused a shit storm from rabid fanboys and people who really wanted to try the sauce.

Jesus Christ do you know how ironic that is in this context for you to say? Begone.

McDonalds had a promo with a special sauce for Disney's Mulan decades ago. Said sauce came up in a joke in the show. McD decided to cash in on the popularity of said show by bringing the sauce back for 1 day only but ended up vastly underestimating the demand, so now buttmad R&M fans that traveled across the entire country to get a taste of the special meme sauce got pissed and wrecked havoc in stores everywhere. There's videos of hundreds of people surrounding a McD's and chanting where is our sauce and shit, it's crazy

Every MGS is full of plot holes

Shadows of the Damned.

Why did this particular joke take off so fucking much?

This actually works better then Undertale

ok so it's brony mcrib, thx

Most def but this guy was a massive MGS fanboy who was trying to make it out to be some godsend to vidcon stories.

Unironically this.

The retarded sauce or the retarded pickle

FF14 fans.

>10 or 20 sauce packets

Terrible decision. I usually get 2 bbq packs for a 10piece of nuggets, who thought this was enough? Unless it was a well executed marketing plan to get millennial seating mcdonalds again, if so it's smart.

My friend was also a huge ME fan and rabidly defended ME3's ending even after getting initially pissed off by it, like he forewent his natural fucking reaction to that shitshow.


Never gets old

this pretty much. Dark Souls is the Rick and Morty of vidya.

There's that word again.

mcnuggets dipped in meme sauce, sold at $10 a pop

>Unless it was a well executed marketing plan

That's exactly what it was. This was all a publicity stunt to rile up curiosity even more. And what do you know, they just announced that it is coming back full force this winter so everyone can get it.