The action quartet

The action quartet.

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>no Nier
you did it OP good job

Bayo and god hand are mediocre
DMC4 has much better mechanics than 3

Is there any way to emulate God Hand properly? PCSX2 gave me sub-30 FPS last time I tried and that sucked.

Is Ninja Gaiden really that good? I played the PS3 version when it first came out (I wasn't aware of the difficulty or the reputation) and I thought it was just okay. Good but not amazingly memorable. Why does Sup Forums love it?

>I played the PS3 version
There's your problem

get rid of god hand and bayonetta. put in ninja gaiden 2 and wonderful 101. would honestly scrap dmc to, that games controls and cameras have always been complete garbage

wherez mgr

>Posting Bayonetta over Shinobi
DMC3 does everything Bayonetta does except better.

Bayonetta's enemies actually fight back.


Not him but what's the difference? I was about to pick up Sigma 1 and 2. Never played NG before

Go back to cgg (if it's still even alive)

Just play Sigmas
Neither version is ideal, especially when it comes to 2
Sigma has no blood and less enemies (which are tankier), but it also doesn't have the obnoxious slowdowns the original had and no explosion shuriken spam

sigma has instant takedowns which annoyed some people

thread is about to die, activate bait

So which is tenor, alto, soprano and base?

>mgr not in casual
>ninja gained lower than dmc3

Buy the Sigma games, don't listen to autistic faggots who were raised on platform wars shitposting. Here's another tip, don't come to "list" or "who's better" threads if you want to talk about these games, here's there be nothing but autism.


Retard NÂș 4667353525 making some shit up in his head no one can understand.

God Hand emulation is perfect on PCSX2. Either your PC is really fucking shit (maybe you're even playing on a fucking laptop, holy shit, some people really fucking do for fucking real) or you're using an extremely outdated or wildly misconfigured emulator. Unless you're playing on mobile hardware, download the newest version of PCSX2 and run the game out of the box. It'll probably run just fine.

God Hand and NG are the only games here with literary merit


Bayonetta has a low alto voice at best.

>Need gaming PC to play PS2 game with Dreamcast graphics.

Emulation is such a meme.

She has the highest voice of the four though, none of them can reach soprano but she's the closest.

You don't need a "gaming PC", just an average PC made in the last 5-6 years. An exception is mobile hardware, which is simply not suited for intensive tasks like 6th gen console emulation. Anyway, I hope you're kidding, because otherwise I'd have to assume you're absolutely clueless about what emulation is an how it works.

Bayo's voice is not at all higher than Gene's or even Dante's.

another action thread, another sony virgin mad that xbox still has the best games of the genre.

if you can only play the garbage ass ps3 ports, dont even bother. get a 360 already

>xbox still has the best games of the genre.
I really fucking want Microsoft to have the Xbox One support backwards compatibility for NGB. I still have my OG Xbox plugged in just for NGB and JSRF.

2 is better than 1 though.

You bought a fucking Xbox One? How did that even happen?

it will happen, because microsoft listens, has the money, and is based. ninja gaiden, jet set radio future, brute force, mechassault, super monkey ball deluxe...whatever the fuck you are waiting for and still playing, it will happen bro

>Is there any way to emulate God Hand properly?

It's on the PS3 PS Store.

Two of those games are actually hard.

Because both the XBox and 360 had good libraries, however Microsoft really fucked up with the One. First console I ever regret purchasing.

There are differences but you shouldn't worry about it if you don't have an xbox to play ninja gaiden black and ninja gaiden 2. Just get Sigma 1 and 2

>Let me prove this faggot right LMAO XD

Xbox had some worthwhile exclusives, because even the fucking N-Gage did, the three-shitty was easily on par with PS3, but the One is the failure of this gen and was obviously going to be one. You fucked up a bit, matey.

Black is the definitive NG game any who only played the PS3 one don't know shiet

>God hand


The common practice is:

>you only have an Xbox 360?
get NG Black and NG2

>you only have a PS3?
get Sigma 1 and 2

>you have both the 360 and PS3?

get NG Black and NG2

Hello newfriend, lurk more.

God hand is a clunky cheap turd that you fags pretend to like because muh shinji mikami and muh difficult

>you have both the 360 and PS3?
>get NG Black and NG2




t. shitter that plays on easy

Fixed your video. No need for thanks.

One day you'll pause Bayo, put off the controller and realize what a dumb nigger you are.

This is literally the only good thing to come out of your meme game

If only it had been made with an actual budget by more than two guys in a shed. Could've been amazing.

this has nothing to do with console wars you untouched crusty virgin. the original versions directed by the man himself are the best versions. these best versions happen to be only on xbox, xbox 360, and soon xbox one. sony cronies cry at this fact because it goes against their ps3/pc narrative that they love to push. how they were bullied in childhood, obese, and have an inferiority complex might have something to do with it too lol

the fuck is wrong with you, i'm just saying if you dont have the means to get NGB and NG2 for the true HD era ninja gaiden experience then get the alternatives, ya fuckin sperg.


Not even the best track from the game.

Anyways God Hand is a 10/10, it's the only 3D beat 'em up that has actually captured the spirit of the 2D ones and the replayability and skill ceiling of the game is immense. All the creative ways you can crowd control your enemies with is great.
Azel 2 is also the best boss fight ever.

>the fuck is wrong with you

I don't like retarded fucking parrots

>the true HD era ninja gaiden experience

What the fuck does the fucking BB have to do with this? It's more fitting in a fucking Zelda thread. It belongs in a whole different genre, you fucking dipshit. Jesus.

You're beyond delusional and that track is just generic.

No, he's right and you're stupid.


Nioh is infinitely more involving than BB will ever be and even then I wouldn't say it's in the same subgenre of games like Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta.

Nioh is pretty cuhrayzee.

any game with upgrading levels or even worse -- loot automatically makes combat in it worthless


are you serious?

ok, why don't u check out pic related, my current NG collection which ive played through multiple times on the multiple difficulties.

Fuck outta here with that parrot shit, ya shitter.

Go back to Sup Forums faggot

Just beat NGSigma (I know, no Xbox though).
I see everyone talk about how it's easier and so much worse than Black. Why? All I've ever heard on the matter of it being easier is more shops and save spots.

Also, is it me or is NG way more rigid than DMC? It seems to be way more about "do this specific thing on this enemy's opening", particularly so on bosses. Granted this could also be because I still am not good at the game.
Have to say, Lunar is an amazing weapon, really fun to use.

it should be Bayonetta 2 and Ninja Gaiden 2 to be honest.
they are much more entertaining and better videogames.

Then stop presenting your own wrong opinion as some fact you dumb cunt. Is that so fucking hard for you?

>ng black(box)
>ng black(digital)
>ngsigma2 x2
>ng3 razor edge

get on my level of autism

>Also, is it me or is NG way more rigid than DMC? It seems to be way more about "do this specific thing on this enemy's opening",
That's the point. Enemies and even bosses don't mess around in NG. They're always going after your ass won't let up at all for the most part.

Why don't u do the same, you little autistic shit. It's a known fact that NGB and NG2 are better than NGS and NGS2, fuck off. Don't even talk when you got outed as a shitter that knows nothing about this shit. You are the fuckin parrot here.

And muh fun crowd control and muh incredibly well done higher difficulties and muh relentless enemies and muh unique gameplay and muh humor and muh cool music and muh loveable characters and muh game design that makes speedrunners mad

Bayonetta 2 being balanced around Witch Time and Umbran Climax, among many other things but those are the two things are the biggest offenders, severely limits combat potential and makes the game incredibly tedious and monotonous.

Never played NGII but I doubt it's better than Black, Black is pretty much perfect.

It kills the PS3, though.

Remove God Hand and put either Shinobi or DMC4.

God Hand is simply not fucking polished.

I have a british accent and want to seem "goooooooowwd at gaaaaymmes"

>Not getting OG Ninja Gaiden if possible
Disappointed. That game had a balance Black didn't really replicate.

>REEE's like crazy as if he's trying to win the prize for the most autistic
>gets proven wrong
>"w-well s-stop posting your """wrong"""" opinion huu huu"

God you sigmafags are insufferable

honestly no
they're similar in this sense
in NG the enemy have different weak point, it depens on the weapon you use in that moment
for example the great sword is slow so the enemy can dodge simply but he can't block
if you use the lunar is more hard for the enemy to hit you,but the same is for you to hit the enemy, the dragon sword is balanced

Black is a really balanced game as long as it's not some projectile use required gimmick section, or you're not cheating and using Dibaliahro

How so? Plays better than most games out there.

who cares game's amazing despite its rough edges

>makes the game incredibly tedious and monotonous
ya know what's rediculously tedious and monotonous?
Bayonetta 1s level design and enemy design.
Bayonetta 2 is a much more fun rollercoaster to go on, Bayonetta 1 might play a little better if you dive deep into systems, but Bayonetta 2 is a much much better game overall.
Bayonetta 2 is nice and colorful, got many different looking enemies.
it has tons of unlockables just like the first and comes with Coop.
oh and some of the bosses are just incredible from a visual standpoint.

The camera, the random loot system, the awkward controls, the shit graphics.

It just is not on the same level as DMC3 or NGB. It's charmingly shitty in the way that maybe Dynamite Deka 2 is, really off the wall and retarded and fun to play, but full of that Dreamcast-era weirdness.

couldn't find ninja gaiden 04 or else i'd own it by now.

Is something wrong with your eyes or something?

Ninja gaiden 2 had better combat shame about the rest

Bayonetta 2's enemy design is monotonous because you can't do anything with them without Witch Time or Umbran Climax, not to mention they can break out of a launch state and will constantly block or some will be on fire which means you can't touch them. Infinite Climax on Bayonetta 2 is incredibly tedious because you basically do chip damage to everything because of how nerfed Wicked Weaves are.

Bayonetta 2 did remove a lot of annoying stuff from the first game that are quite distinctly Kamiya but as far as an action game it doesn't hold a candle to the first one.

Which is?

doing gods work.

Certain weapons are generally more efficient/useful then others at times yes.

Blondie was cuter. Those black thigh highs were amazing

i'll bite, what balance are you talking about?

being dead serious when I say this, as someone who has 600 hours in Bayonetta 1 and 90 in Bayonetta 2, and bought a Wii U entirely because of Bayonetta 2

Bayonetta 2 when compared to the first is like DmC Devil May Cry compared to DMC3. It's that fucking dumbed down and godawful.


>I know

Stop being such a fucking bitch boy and grow a spine. Fucking respecting random retards on Sup Forums opinions on VIDEO GAMES? How new are you?

>I see everyone talk about how it's easier and so much worse than Black. Why?

Literal meme faggotry. Because it's the game where the series stopped being exclusive. The game is literally harder, some of the AI was even fixed to be less exploitable.

>Also, is it me or is NG way more rigid than DMC? It seems to be way more about "do this specific thing on this enemy's opening", particularly so on bosses

That's generally true on bosses but not true at all for enemies, it is only your own limitations that are setting you back. The better you are at the game the more you can do. But yes, bosses are there to be beaten not to do the cuhrayzee cawmbos on, good players can still style on some of them though. DMC is the way it is because you're not so much fighting enemies as you are hitting potato sacks with inflated health to be comboed on.

Lunar staff is also one of my favourites, especially since i can't even think of any other game that does a quarterstaff and it's not some janky shit. it gets even better in the sequels, all weapons do, the movesets are at their most basic in NG1.

I agree, Bayonetta 2 and Dark Souls 2 were two of the biggest disappointments for me and they came out the same year.

Wonderful 101 was pretty good though and would've been better without all the mini games breaking up the combat sections. Did you like that?

lol nice, you got me. So for real, if i played black i guess there is no need for og ng then


>0 arguments

I suggest you don't listen to this shitter = >meme faggotry

^ that is already an indicator that he's full of shit, don't bite. He already tried to ignore the guy who proved him wrong posts up.

It's also funny how I can tell it's the same guy because of the way he writes his shitposts.

That's true, but from what I've seen (Just beat the game on normal, 1st time through, so not much) it pretty much applies to bosses and that's it. Outside of the bigger fiends that take more to stun like the Gallas (was that the red dinos' name?), where you're heavily encouraged to use the Dabilahro, you can pretty much do what you want with the enemies. There are a lot of cool mechanics like the counters, jumping off their backs and all that aren't really used in bosses, and I feel it's a shame. I legitimately ended up having more fun playing around in fiend challenges than in bosses.

It's probably a matter of habit though, I still liked NG a lot.

I don't necessarily agree with it being worthless, but it definitely applies to Nioh since you can just crit LW everything in the late game with little consequence. The game still has a strong action core despite the lootshit, even if it doesn't have flashy juggles and infinite footstools like DMC.

NG fags are a funny bunch, wish I could play the games and join the endless poo flinging

Why do people hate this game again?

they can't git guddd