Any questions?
Other urls found in this thread:
shadow complex is unironically the best metriodvania ever made.
fucking prove me wrong
why does your image say 11 years when 2006-2016 is 10 years?
Yeah, Bayonetta 2 is fucking garbage. Why do you have it on there instead of Tropical Freeze?
Is this the year of great sequels? Shadow of War is fucking Nintend-tier in its polish and quality. The PC version is nearly flawless, they improved on everything from the first game and the lore is somewhat intact even with wewuz gondor soldier being believable explained.
Sup Forums is just overrun with contrarians.
11 years are shown in the image.
How do you get through life being so mentally deficient?
2006 - 1
2007 - 2
2008 - 3
2009 - 4
2010 - 5
2011 - 6
2012 - 7
2013 - 8
2014 - 9
2015 - 10
2016 -11
Am I missing something here?
are you an actual retard?
That's not how you count years you literal fucking retard
2006 + 10 = 2016
great job ruining the thread you fucking retards
>this thread
jesus fuck some people are fucking retard
it was a shitty bait thread, I'm glad I derailed it with even better bait
really made me think
fucking genius
Why are you on an 18+ website?
op is right tho
>t. OP
sorry user but you got out-baited
what are you trying to tell us?
Everyone in this thread is a retard. Including me for posting in it.
>are fucking retard
you might be fucking retard yourself user
2006 + 10 = 2016
16 - 10 = 6
>GOTY 2017 to 2017
>2017 - 2017 = 0
>0 GOTY for 2017
Sup Forums - Mathematics
this is true though, there is no GOTY for 2017 yet since the year isn't over
yes but 4*4 = 16
just one. to your father.
ask him why he didn't have you aborted
>OP makes obvious bait thread
>Retard somehow manages to derail that by not being able to count.
I'm almost impressed
hey everything I said is technically correct
Why is Bloodborne there when it sold less than Splatoon?
>TF2 was 10 years ago
hollow knight is better.
you mean 11?
This is mine. I couldn't pick one for 2015, I just couldn't.
∫2016-2006dx = 10x+c
x is = 1
c = 1
someone's really close to the redpill