why does everyone here try to act superior
Why does everyone here try to act superior
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because everyone here is an insecure reject and they're just compensating
because i am
Superior? You dont deserve my answer until you post more.
Its the only way to avoid the crippling realization that I'm 32, i wasted my life, and my friends dont actually care about me
Pantyhose are a gift from heaven.
That's what anonymity does to people
You make it sound like this was some kind of unique phenomena only seen at \v\ or Sup Forums.
Can you think of any other popular place on the internet where this is not true? Reddit, twitter, YouTube, FaceBook?
It's the internet, mate. You'll find this kind of behaviour everywhere in it.
Can confirm
Because we are superior to you.
delete this
looks like you're just a bunch of hot air to me.
>try to have friendly but not dicksucking conversation whenever possible except concerning a few select games/series
>Sup Forums makes this impossible
The Internet is a wretched place.
Same here, Sup Forums is so unsatifying.
Maybe one day we'll find a place for superior people like us.
i only post because i liked the picture
This. Have a free bump.
Taking the banter in stride is part and parcel of posting here. There's also a fair number of threads where you can actually have that friendly discussion, though it's varies based on how much attention the series gets.
>posting shit res
>posting plebeian panty version
You are pathetic.
You speak the truth.
Funny how you gave him shit for posting a low res image while posting a thumbnail yourself.
It's more attractive to see the panties underneath when they're still wearing pantyhose desu.
many of us has passed the degenerate threshold and this is the only way we feel pleasure anymore.
>back of the knees
>a thumbnail
Don't lump me in with these subhumans.
Fucking pixiv
Time to off yourself fag.
>ten feel the warm sweet burn from nylon at your waifu tenderly strokes your peen with her feet
Why even exist
That "master_1200" only appears in the filename when you save a thumbnail.
Too late, nigger :^)
Pretty sure they're talking about the filename
>op is so inferior he thinks we act superior for stating an opinion
try reddit
newfags took the "Sup Forums hates everything" meme seriously
>lmao look at this loser he ACTUALLY enjoys videogames
Jesus, why would they use such a high res for a thumbnail.
because my taste in videogames is objectively superior to yours.
Why did you reply to me? I was calling the other guy a fag.
It was all me actually.
>pft bro i can do a level 1 run in ds in 2 minutes lol this game isnt hard at all to me
Sometimes the way someone posts makes me wonder if they're actually getting that angry over video games. I usually just assume it's hyperbole or bantz but with the occasional post I wonder, does that guy actually want to murder the other person because he likes different toys than he does?
If you have to guess, the answer is yes.
Because we are.
Have you seen what the Internet outside of Sup Forums is like?
Are pantyhose the most patrician fetish?
Because maybe one day I will get a wife that will let me tear a hole in them and have me fuck her while she wears the pantyhose. I'd cosplay anything for her if she would cosplay Kurisu in return as well.
it's just a panda
Cute boy
That's not how it works
>friendly but not dicksucking conversation
My gf did that once
It was a 11/10 experience
i would really like to know what this happens to be fun
Memes have gone too far.
>Kurisu cosplay sex
God, why is 2D so infinitely superiour to 3D? I'm in love with this pic
>i would really like to know what this happens to be fun
Panties are god-tier my man.
there is nothing hotter than a girl wearing black pantyhose.
>tfw the girls I embrace my fetish, roll with it and do what I want and I aint even Chad at all
GLORIOUS. also, post moar
>See person eating shit
>Tell them eating shit is bad
>They say that I shouldn't act superior because it is their choice to eat shit, and that one man's shit may be anothers treasure
>It is still shit
Literally my life
Yes, especially their feet.
I follow this artist on twitter and he re tweets and likes pantyhose related pics all the time. On a side note Twitter really needs to remove the fact that you can see people's likes, that's the whole point of the re tweet
potato legs
Honestly wish footfags would just off themselves
what's the handle name on twitter
I wish faggots would just off themselves.
People need to complain?
Why not both?
>removing all stimulation right as he cums
I wish someone could bully me ruining my orgasms more and more until i wear a chastity device, and only be allowed to cum while taking a fat cock in my ass unable to stimulate my own penis until I get addicted to cocks. Id be the very best sissy boy they would have ever seen.
thats pretty fucking gay and hot as fuck
>see this girl rushing to school
what do
Got imvu account? ;3
because i hate normies and women. and i hate them because i will never be a normie or a woman. also cute anime girl, i think i'll fap to it
>unironically using normie
no way Im not a faggot
jfc this thread is shit
>Childhood memory is an upskirt of pantyhose with panties
>burned into my mind forming that fetish
It's the legs you twit.
That transparency on the calves man.
I know that I'm inferior, and I've become an anxious pushover as a result
Don't be too hard on him, it's hard to think of and type the right words while one of your hands is busy.
Afraid of a caged cock user?
what's new term then
Post god tier relevant pandas
>removing all stimulation as he comes
Clearly that's never been done to you, it's almost as bad as being completely blue balled it feels awful you stupid virgin. It also burns like a mother fucker when you don't actually cum completely.
Mostly becuase of insecurities, though I act superior simply because I fucking am, friend.
Fucking NO
Legs >>>>> A pile of shit > Feet
Wtf is this panda shit
Why is being stepped on such a huge fetish in Nipponland? I don't get it at all
>Clearly that's never been done to you
I used to do thus to my self and talked my gf into doing it. I can spend hours spurting semen without actually having an orgasm. Also, it makes me scream my lungs out if done properly.