Why the dev team of Lawbreakers didn't announce free to play yet?
Why the dev team of Lawbreakers didn't announce free to play yet?
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something about bathrooms or some shit
Gotta make back that billion dollars first.
>that player count
that free weekend didn't help much now did it
wtf lawbreakers isnt f2p?
>Post yfw you didn't fall for the LawBreakers meme
JUST - the game
I don't get it. Who is this dentist and why does he have the "just fuck my shit up" hair photoshopped on him?
That is his hair. That's the origin of the JUST meme.
>Shitting the bed faster than fucking Battleborn
How does Bazinga do it?
I guess the game takes place in the future where MOBA shooters are dead.
>boasting about having gender-neutral bathrooms
Oh boy.
>constantly having to keep my friend group from buying overpriced multiplayer meme games that die in months
dealing with artificial pre-launch hype is going to be the death of me
Because it won't help.
How do you think motorcycles hang onto the bike at high speeds?
Someone post the real version
no it isnt. go back to le leddit, newfriend
i had no idea there was even a free weekend. the game isn't bad but these guys are really bad at marketing
What breed doggo is that, extremely qt
kys newfag
Kudos on the bait cuntflaps
No, but ranked league is coming soon!
See if you can get to be amongst our top 500 players.
Funny, I played the open beta and already knew it was going to die fast.
gotafriendy pls
So uhh why isn't he in an almighty amount of trouble right now?
Wasn't it on the same weekend as the cod beta?
>launch the game once
>you're now in the top 500 players
Because Cliff Bazinga thinks he's still worth a damn.
free to play had not saved a single game yet so far.
Evolve died.
Battleborn died.
Mirage : Arcane Warfare died.
If your game is so bad it can't even sell, then don't expect it to live just because it's free to play.
why wouldnt cliffy just buy 20k computers, each with a license of the game and just have them in a server location online playing the game 24/7 with a bot program?
it would be a small intial investment if it meant it would save the game. people would look at the player count and be like "hey maybe I should check it out"
it has saved games like tf2 and HoN, sort of
it's more accurate to say that free to play generally doesn't save bad games, but it can save old games that are good but losing players
I wouldn’t go into business if I were you