Hey white boi

hey white boi

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that fucking face

Looking forward to play this.
So how comes people have been complaining about this one? I keep seeing people moan about things to do with Nazis being in the game or something?

Post this self taugh marxist

Seems like a regular black woman face to me.




>Super Spesh

The Resistance (except Max Hass and Tekla) was easily the worst part of the Wolf reboot. I just want to shoot nazis and robot nazis and moon nazis.
Why do they keep adding NPCs and story? Did they learn nothing from D44M?

holy shit I spit my drink out in laughter

Actual retards and ironic retards that haven't realized their shtick is getting stale.

the fuck u say whitey


People don't support ARE TROOPS and disrespect the memory of the US INFANTRY who fought Hitler by complaining that games let you kick kraut ass

>Highly educated, self-motivated black wunderkind
I'm sure they exist, but the media really fucking pushes this angle despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

A historically accurate representation of an African American woman in the 60's really triggers Sup Forums.


What? I don't understand what you mean.

>be progressive
>instead of making likeable good-looking black characters make fugly niggers
I thought they were supposed to like blacks, why do they do this?

Silly little bitch, the US troops are Nazi's by todays standards.

It's trendy for teenagers to be neo-nazis now so they feel like the game is insensitive.

I got jungle fever. Where are your high school pics?

mmmhhhmm das rite

>She has style
>She is Grace
>user wants to fuck her face

finna be acknowledgizin yo privilegie now, wypipo

No, they are just realistic.
Very few people are legitimately good looking.

How could you possibly, possibly, in any way, make a game about america being occupied by nazis
without some sort of black resistance to nazis and the ways they target them specifically

>went on to study latin
did she do anything else with it? we wuz humanities

Mundane stuff isn't exciting to include in the story. That's why every other protagonist (probably more than that) is the chosen one, and not some random peasant. A realistic approach often doesn't make a game more fun.

But then you'd be crying she isn't realistic.


I'm sure if the nazis were competent they would have killed them all.

Why do all these stupid people read like self-inserts and Mary Sues?

At least in the first game they were somewhat realistic soldiers who just got in over their heads (apart from the jewish space wizards).

>Grew up in the ghetto
>Went to a prestigious college
Get this Mary Sue out of here.

These fuckers are having their world empire taken down by a single Pole fuck

Bethesda started marketing the game with big "I'm AGAINST her" posters featuring Fraulein Hillary, so the Dems are all up in arms.

Tekla is best girl

>study Latin

Because if any story like this was realistic, they would be killed in no time by some stray bullet.

The blatant irony that "good" people think it's "ok" to kill other people based on their political inclination and even promote it.

It scares the paranoid and enforces poor behavior among the rest. Ideally they'll shove in a few Chezch in there for you to kill like in Saving private Ryan and be like "oh my god!!! I killed a human!"

realistic soldiers are mostly white and male, there is no place for them in perfect america

Currently the alt right kids are angry that the devs made a tweet with the hashtag #makeamericanazifreeagain
Sup Forumstards took this as a personal attack on Trump voters and feel like the devs are literally telling people to go kill Trump voters/

>studying latin
What for?

Casuals cant relate to a characther without a story.

What's wrong with killing foreign invaders and occupiers?

Because white people wrote it and they're scared that if they write a realistic and grounded character they're being racist.

Looks like she's on crack

Oh, alright then. People are stupid.

want to bet it's going to take part in the story somehow?

She became a professional nazi puncher, duh.

Except this game is speculative political fiction, which means it's inherently going to be grounded in reality in order to make a point about the state of affairs as they are now, this isn't Skyrim or The Witcher.

I'm not saying that the character is unrealistic or even unworthy of inclusion, it's just that the archetype has become so prevalent that it's indicative of some sort of social engineering. Trying to project an ideal fantasy onto reality. I'll play the game to see where they take this character and if she ends up being well developed and interesting I'll be surprised but as it stands it just seems like political wish fulfillment by a group of perturbed socialists.

With such a broad definition, you'd have to kill everyone.

And then live with a bunch of murderers.

>A black person in a video game
>A 300+ reply thread about it every time
What happened to this board? Why is it so shit now?

Is this the legit biography and not some fan edit? lmao it reads like a bunch of black stereotypes smashed together

>Looks like a foxy black women aka every black women in bideo games
>Grew up... ON THE STREETS
>Falsely accused of murder aka John Coffey
>Lawyer is a jive guy called "super spesh"

Im more offended they said again when it wasnt full of nazis in the first place.

Just kill the people that are coming at you with guns and intentions to take whats yours.

>MC is ugly cuck
>Nigger Girl is ugly ape instead of cutie pie brown girl
>Modern Identity politics all over the place
>literally no reason to bring down the white utopia

gee i wonder why people are upset

In my third world country, we're forced to study 5 years of latin during highschool, that is for a STEM oriented schools as well. My professor said it would be useful for learning coding.
Needless to say, those 5 years were wasted

I'm so influenced by Russian Sup Forums posters that I accuse any game with a black character of being SJW bait

>series with robo Hitlers and robots powered by brains ripped out of dead soldiers, and where a giant 400 foot tall robot patrols London
>series where the main character fights back Nazis via the power of jew tech
>grounded in reality
The fuck

You mean so that the wacky 30 year old white man writing the dialog can have her say common latin phrases and then explain them in english so the dumb plebs know she's a badass AND intelligent woman.

Wondered the same thing despite so many modern languages borrowing from it what the fuck would you do with what's essentially a dead language.

>good looking
>"lol this is not realistic"
>"wow, western developers do it again"

you should see the communist one.

We're still not over this.

>What happened to this board? Why is it so shit now?

Reddit goons turn up in Sup Forums, get memed on, migrate to Sup Forums where there's no IDs to show their blatant samefagging.

My only problem is it's yet another Afro. Because black women only have that hairstyle, clearly.

But...it literally has been invaded by them in the game. Thus you need to make America free of them again.

>actually looks like it
Not bad.

If nazis conquered america how do they let blacks even live or get scott free from a murder case? or are nazis not as prejudiced as they made me believe?

Any girls you miss in your life, Sup Forums?


>"Super Spesh"

I can remember 5 years ago you cheered shitposting on this board. You cried when the mods took some control once. You made your bed now lie in it.

Settle down. Perhaps it's more accurate to say science fiction with speculative elements. It's trying to be the videogame version of The Man in High Castle or Handmaid's Tale with those more traditional videogame elements.

Your setting can be as whacky as you want, but if your characters are unrealistic then it's still gonna suck.

15-year-olds think any appearance of black people in videogames means its SJW propaganda because Sup Forums told them so

This. they could fool us by saying that she was going to get killed before trial for some sympathy points, but nope, somehow managed to win in nazi controlled america.

Except he specifically said they were not unrealistic.

To be fair us third worlders study a lot of shit we will never ever use.
Latin was literally a waste of time for me. All I know about it are the things I knew before "studying" it. Thanks teach for being a worthless drain on the budget.

>we'll never get a game based on P-Funk

Game industry nothing but a bunch of jive turkeys, man.

but da gommies are comin and this is just propaganda by carol murks!

ey you honkey-ass lookin cracka sum you mmmm saying whitey

mmmm das rite piggy fuck outta here mmhmmm

More like
>oh shit how do we get into this jewish technovault with anti-goyim defenses
>shiiiiiiet dis passphrase be in latin, knowmsayin?
>everyone stares at her in shock
>wuuuut, you lil' whytebois didn't know I was edumacated?
>que laugh track

mmmhmm das rite i saw watchu posted on Sup Forums you honkey ass cracka

I really liked the new DOOM, should I get this as well? Is the new order also worth playing?

>Jewvault has Latin inscriptions instead of Hebrew


Just use your brain bro.

someone with faceapp? pls

it was built during the height of the roman empire
there were jews in rome you know. latin was like the second or third language the torah was wideley translated into